“What the fuck!” You hear from Stephen’s bedroom, “Where’s my remote?? What are these- oh no…”  

Before the light footsteps can reach his door, you open it. Standing menacingly even in your curvy body, a new confidence that comes with reality bending abilities.

“I think we both know exactly what this is…” You trail off, salty as you press a button on the remote in your hand.

“My shirt!” Stephen exclaims, pajama top gone with the press of a button.

You press it a second time, freezing Stephen in his new body as he covers his chest.

“Your shirt?” You chuckle, “I think you have more important things to be concerned about right now…

Though, I think lightening up might do you some good, so maybe I’ll just…”

Another simple click of the remote turns Stephen’s frown upside down, and instantly maneuvers his hands so they’re not trying to hide his plush breasts. He tries to ignore their jiggle as those same hands bounce Stephen’s ample bosom against his will, which is made clear by his giggly attempts to ask you to stop.

Change me back!!” Stephen’s throat strains against an invisible force as you rapidly hit the remote, sweetening his voice and tone as you fill him with enough happiness hormones to dance.

“Why am I doing this?

I sucked on your cock, milked it as it shriveled up. I love the taste of cum, so it was the least I could do. I’m not straight, but you really fucked me up.

I love pussy too, so I even kept your shrinking manhood in my mouth. I sucked on your developing puffy folds till that sweet feminine cum came out of you, but you slept through all of it!

You left me the remote like the careless buffoon you are, and now I get to have my revenge!

Let’s go to the couch.” You command, leading the hyper joyous Stephen as she acts like a teen on ecstasy.  

“Why are you still a woman?” The cute girl asks as you let her calm down, the pertness of her petite curves sinking lightly into the couch as her soft thighs press together.

“I can’t change myself with the remote, I guess I need another person to trust or something…” You trail off as Stephen realizes the leverage she could have over your head, trying to hide her smile as her cute face gives it all away.

“Forget about that for now though, cuz I’m perfectly fine staying in this body long as I get my revenge!” You declare triumphantly, activating the remote again to give Stephen his original mindset back.

“Yo! I’m just sitting here naked??

This is insane, dude! I played a simple prank, you know I was gonna change you back right after!!” Stephen pleads, giving you the cutest face imaginable as you laugh in his face.

“You don’t wanna be naked? Fine!”

A few presses of the remote encases Stephen’s hefty bust in a flattering bra, cakes his face in makeup, and cups his throbbing pussy in matching panties.

“I figured you wouldn't like the wardrobe, so I changed your tastes. You’re still you, you just like being feminine now. Well, let me elaborate; anything feminine you do, your body will reward you with immense orgasmic arousal. Also, you’re gonna feel a heavy wave of lust soon, which will really make you wanna seek out that arousal!” You smile, counting down in your head before a vacant look takes over Stephen’s almond shaped eyes.

“Oh shit- So… acting girly, like pursing my lips? Or like- Oooommmm…

Like, omg, I can feel the like, pleasure building in my throat just from talking all dumb and stuff!” Stephen whimpers, squeaking and moaning sexily between words as his delicate hands absentmindedly rub the silky fabric of his black panties.

“Now tell me how much you enjoy getting rammed by guys with giant cocks.” You chuckle, waiting as Stephen refuses to answer.

You quickly see the yearning for more in his eyes though, and watch his dignity crumble as the craving for feminine pleasure overwhelms Stephen’s stubbornness. You press the remote again as he slowly opens his lips, snickering as he hesitantly tries talking like a horny straight woman.

“Like, I guess cock is nice- Oooo…

Yeah… It’s like, really nice, and I’m always looking for a thick juicy one- I can’t get enough!

I love cock, it’s all I think about sometimes!! My mind gets all mushy and dumb whenever I see a guy, and talking about it just makes me so horny!

Whenever I like, see a hunky stud, I like, ummm, you know…

Shit, It’s so hard to think about anything but sucking on a cock, like a delicious lollypop- my favorite!!” Stephen giggles, thumb deep in his panties as he excites himself well past the acting.

The last press of your remote had been perfectly timed, just a simple alteration to make anything Stephen says about himself true. You hadn’t expected him to work himself up to such an extent, but it’s more than enough to make you smile.

This is gonna be some good revenge!!

“What about your pussy?

How does it feel when you think about my old body and cock?” You ask expectantly, snickering when Stephen reacts without thinking.

“If your hunky body were here, I would do anything it tells m-

Wait, wha- no! I’m not gonna talk about your… cock…

O fuck- My pussy!” Stephen squeaks, mind scrambled like an egg as his fingers massage the front of his panties.

His heaving breasts jiggle as he rhythmically presses down on the front of his panties, shame clearly preventing him from just taking them off.  

Waves of hot euphoria bubble and spill over, making him convulse in orgasm as you watch and laugh. You don’t even have your cock right now, and you can’t imagine what Stephen would be doing if it was out and erect…

Suddenly a knock on the door shakes you from your thoughts, and you hear Stephen’s girlfriend outside!  

You freeze Stephen in your room and run down to the door, “Hi Melany! Stephen’s not here right now, but you could come in for a drink if you’d like…”

Melany accepts your offer, and you quickly bring her a bottle of water before excusing yourself to your room.

“You’re gonna act like a girl that Melany would be best friends with, so she’s gonna wanna see more of you. Anything to make that dumb bitch happy, right?

This’ll be a fun game honestly; you’re gonna hang out with her today as potential besties, but you can’t let her have any hint that you’re anyone but my ditzy girlfriend, Stephanie. Any time she even gets close to questioning it, I will literally make you piss yourself. Understood?” You ask Stephen, hitting the remote to mentally revert him back to his male self.

“You bastard!! How-”

You hit the remote again, instantly shutting Stephen up as his panties dampen. His thighs quiver in relief and shame, making him blush as a little urine trickles down his sexy leg.

“Why did that feel so good?” He asks meekly, a look of spent terror on his cute face.

“Don't worry about that. Alright, sugar?

And everything you said about cock and guys was true before, so try to focus on something other than my dick.” You smile, patting Stephen on his bubble butt as you lead him downstairs.

“Yes, sir…” He responds with a trailing hint of surprise; either defeated to the point of unwilling submission, or turned into your servant by the earlier discussion.

“Are we swimming?? Nice bikini!

Who’s your new friend?” Melany asks cheerfully, taking in Stephen’s buxom body as you bring him to the living room.

“We’ve been dating for a little bit, but Stephanie’s actually been really excited to meet you! Stephen told her all about you, and she thinks you’ll be besties!” You laugh, pushing Stephen’s butt and making him jiggle forward reluctantly.

“I would love to go use the outdoor shower, if you don’t mind... I have my bikini in Stephen’s room, I’ll go get it!” Melany says cheerfully, prancing to her boyfriend’s room as Stephen’s forced smile fades.

“How’d you change back??

You’re so hot- No, fuck! I mean, I thought you said you were stuck without someone else helping you…” Stephen trails off sadly, eyes locked on your crotch the entire time he’d been talking.

“Nope, that was just to make you feel bad now. Did it work?” You laugh, giving his plush boobs a honk as his frown deepens.

“You ready??” Melany asks, walking into the room in a skimpy bikini as Stephen gives you a pleading look.

“I…” He trails off with a sigh before seeing you motion toward the remote threateningly, “I am so ready.”

He says it with a certain feminine confidence; either acting good enough to fool even you, or fooling himself into believing he can conquer this battle.

Part 3 is in the works, everyone! 😇