Not even Elara's center of gravity is safe in this tale of extreme circumstances and a short, spunky bunny girl who's about to be hung like a stallion. Suddenly Laquine - Chapter 5 by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and UBA) "Seems you want to just jump right in," I said as I started undressing. "I plan to last a long time, I've been practicing," he said. "Ooh, well, if you last more than twenty minutes, I'll give you twenty percent back." I got on all fours and looked back at him. "Cool! No cheating, though. If I slow down, you slow down," he said. "It's a deal," I said. I was expecting his cock, but he started out by licking at me until I started moaning. I loved how his long tongue just went for it and reached into me and I was going to count his time from the moment he put his face there because it was very appreciated. Five minutes later, he shoved his tapered prick in and got going at a good pace. He was so gentle with his hands, I actually felt rather relaxed. About ten minutes later, I was panting and my crotch was getting really warm as pressure built in front of my cunt. I had to control my breathing and let the magic flow out of me to keep it from getting worse. Twenty minutes in, the pressure was such that I was having to keep my meditative state close at hand. Thankfully, he slowed down as his prick got so hard it felt like limestone. He was moaning near-constantly and I didn't try to change the pace, but I did clench around him. He made high-pitched gasps and almost stopped completely. Then I had mercy on him and let up. This was really good training for controlling my dick coming out. Every minute we kept going, I felt more magic trying to pool in my crotch. Just before he came, I bit my lip. Maybe I wanted it to come out. He didn't care and it had felt so good! But then I'd probably have it when the next client came. Just to be on the safe side, as I orgasmed for the third time since he'd started, I controlled my breathing between moans and kept my cock from making an appearance. He groaned and slammed into me, losing his load in my snatch as I continued cumming. I collapsed onto my front, and he fell atop me, still spurting his load into my depths. We both struggled to catch our breaths afterwards, not moving a muscle for a good few minutes. I said, "I'll write you a note you can bring to the front desk to get your twenty percent back." "I'm not sure I'll make it to the front desk," he said. "Oh?" I looked back at him. "I don't know whether my legs will ever work again," he chuckled. I laughed. Fifteen minutes later, his legs did work and I sent him on his way. Just as I was changing the sheets, I heard a whole group of people coming up the stairs. I put on my house robe and opened the door to find a hefty rhino, a lean gray horse, a built tiger, and a chubby, muscular stag on the other side. The stag said, "Hey, can we chat a sec before Serchii arrives?" "Sure, as long as you don't mind me washing up and doing a bit of housekeeping while we talk." Looking at his friends, he said, "Come pack into the front of the room so the hallway is clear." My room felt a lot smaller once they'd all stepped inside. I was going to have to put the bed in the center and have them around me to do anything involving all of them. Realizing I still had to divulge my big secret, I blushed profusely while saying, "Hey, before we go any further, there's something you need to know. I might grow a zebra cock. I just got the curse that gives it to me and I don't have much control over it." The stag grinned, "Can you grow it on purpose?" My eyes widened. "What?" "Serchii is shy about it, but he loves dick and he'll go crazy over it, guaranteed," he said. "If you wait a bit and then surprise him with it, I'll give you a big tip." "Wait, you're the stag I saw with him, aren't you?" I asked. He nodded. "And you're sure Serchii, and everyone here, is okay with me growing a dick?" I blushed to the point that my nipples tingled. To hide my excitement, I put the dirty sheets in the basket and put new sheets on. "It'll be fine, trust me," he said, confidently. I looked at the other men in the room. They smiled eagerly at me, the tiger even waved. I heard the railing on the stairway creak as someone grabbed it and lunged excitedly up the steps. I went over to the little tub at the end of the room, just under the window and took off my robe. Then I washed myself, saying, "Are all of you part of a group or something?" Serchii poked his fluffy raccoon head in and said, "Avond, you're here already?" "Yeah! Come in, birthday boy," Avond, the stag, said. "What's going on?" Serchii asked. "I was about to tell Elara to make you the star of the show since it's your birthday," he said. Serchii’s ears blushed as he put his hands in front of himself. "You guys honestly didn't have to do anything special for me." "Too bad, Elara and I have a big surprise planned for you," Avond said, turning to wink at me. My pussy clenched as I thought about revealing my gigantic package to them on purpose. I thought about warning Serchii just to make sure, but Avond had seemed so confident. "Shall we get started?" Avond asked, disrupting my thought process. "Sure," I said, drying myself with a plush towel. "Let’s get the protection spell out of the way." "I’ll lead," Avond said. Everyone closed their eyes and took a couple deep breaths, centering themselves on the sparkling pattern of noise that suffused reality. "Everyone ready?" We all said, "Yes." Avond's rich baritone voice resonated through the room. "As I am now. As I will be. I accept your pleasure, But not your entropy." We repeated each line after him and at the end, I saw a flash of deep crimson in the behind my eyelids. It was a beautiful color that I only saw and felt at the end of this spell. It glittered with purple flecks of light and it was warm, like a firm hug from a friend. I opened my eyes and said, "Okay, could y’all pull my bed into the center of the room?" They did so easily and then I used the scissor-like bamboo mechanism under the bed to lift it up to Serchii’s crotch height and locked it in place with bamboo pegs. After that, I walked up to Serchii and undid his pants before pulling them down with his underpants. Grabbing his round ass, I said, "Time for you to get nice and hard. I haven’t been properly stretched yet today." He couldn’t meet my eyes as he said, "I-I’m not that big." "If you were bigger, you wouldn’t even fit. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the perfect size," I said. The gray horse said, "Aww, see Serchii? She really likes you." "S-shut up," Serchii said. Avond and the horse chuckled while the rest of the guys started getting undressed. Tracing my paw pads around Serchii's sheath, I said, "It’s true, your dick is the closest to a perfect fit I’ve ever found." He gasped as the tapered head of his prick emerged. With my other hand, I grabbed the base of his tail. "That’s it, show them that beautiful cock." "Everyone here’s already seen it," the rhino said, playing with the unique cylinder-in-cylinder tip of his prick. "Hey," Serchii complained. Everyone laughed. Despite his complaint, being called out got Serchii moaning and speeding toward full hardness. "Everyone’s gonna be hearing me moan, knowing you’re the one that’s getting them out of me," I said. "Ngh!" Serchii thrust into my hand. Then he looked into my eyes, looking as though he needed permission to use my pussy. I laid back on the bed, letting my legs dangle over the edge. Then I said, "Get in here," as I spread my labia apart. All the other guys stood back, working themselves to full hardness as they watched. It was nice of them to let us have this quiet moment. "Now that’s a nice view," the tiger said, holding his foot-long shaft. Serchii got between my legs and lined himself up, but then he closed his eyes for a moment and quietly mumbled, "Come on, you can do this. Show her a good time." "Time to open your present." I hooked my legs around him and pulled him toward me. As his taper stretched my labia wider and wider, he moaned sharply. It had been a while since I’d had someone this thick in me and the tips of my ears were burning from the sensation. He was trying to be gentle, but I used my legs to force him in deeper. The gasp he made as I got half his shaft buried in me was music to my ears. Making people lose control of their own bodies with how much pleasure I was giving them was a beautiful thing. Grunting as his instincts kicked in, he shoved the thickest part of his shaft in and then just kept going. I let out a deep moan, throwing my head back as my well-stretched pussy rippled along his shaft. And then all but his uninflated knot was inside me. The six and a half inches of his shaft before his knot was all that could fit in me, but he knew that from the couple times he'd gone in me before, so I trusted him when he started thrusting. I was so busy enjoying having him in there that I was surprised when the rhino grabbed my head and tilted it back. "Thick cream for lunch?" I said, "Oh yes please," opening my maw. He put the unique tapered end of his prick in my mouth and I lapped at it until he pred. Then he grabbed my ears and shoved more in. I moaned around his shaft, surprised at how big it was. As he was working more and more into me, my tits fizzed with sensation and my crotch tingled madly right in front of my pussy. I used the tiny bit of my remaining concentration to stop the magic from pooling in me. Holding back was something I needed to practice and this was a worst-case situation that would provide some good training. Plus, I'd never actually gotten the okay from Serchii and I wasn't sure about surprising him. A gigantic tapered shaft slid across both of my breasts as Avond said, "Ooh, I love your little tits." The tiger stood on the other side, shoving his bumpy feline dick against Avond's and I put my arms atop their shafts, pressing down so they got even more stimulation. I let my breasts fill in just a bit to get rid of some of the excess magic and increase their pleasure. Both of them grunted and started going faster. Serchii pred in me as he let out a heated moan. His hips shook while the gray horse groaned, directly behind him. The horse said, "It's not your birthday without you taking a big dick." Serchii whimpered happily as the horse worked his way into Serchii's tailhole. Then Serchii started thrusting back against the horse behind him only to have the horse thrust forward and drive Serchii into me. I'd never had this many dicks around me and I would've been commenting on it if I wasn't busy moaning around the rhino's cock. I grinned to myself as I brought out my dragon tongue: making the rhino cum first would get my mouth free so I could tease Serchii. The rhino held my head tightly slapping my forehead with his big balls, not able to control his hips. I relaxed my throat, letting him go a bit deeper. Serchii went into a frenzy, drastically picking up his pace. Avond and the tiger took that as a signal to speed up as well. Magic was now flooding into me and getting it back out was proving impossible, especially with me so preoccupied. Somehow this made the sensations from my pussy even more amazing. My snatch was twitching along its length as I adored the way Serchii's girth was rubbing against my muscular walls. Avond said, "Hey, Serchii, wouldn't you like Elara even more if she grew a nice big cock?" Serchii's cock lurched inside me, "Ngh!" I gasped around the rhino's prick as the pressure in front of my pussy increased exponentially. Avond was teasing both of us. My body was desperate to change and tried to appease it by adding weight to my tits. They were certainly going to notice if I added any more. "Big balls sitting atop your shaft as you shove in, something for you to suck on as you fuck her," Avond said. "Haaah!" Serchii cried out as his thrusts became erratic. The rhino came, his whole shaft thumping as it bounced in my throat, gushing cum that tasted like soy sauce and butter. It was delicious and I barely managed to keep up with swallowing it. "Already?" Avond asked. "S-she is way too good at this," the rhino said between moans. Avond reached for my clit and then rubbed at it. "Come on, Elara, let it out. I wanna see just how big you are." Fuck, now I wanted to be seen. I wanted to show them all that my cock was larger than anything they had to offer. I squirmed and squealed around the rhino's cock as the magic waiting to transform me made green sparks in my vision. The moment the rhino pulled his prick out of my mouth, I looked into Serchii's eyes and said, "Get ready to suck on the biggest cock you've ever seen." "S-stop teasing, or I'm gonnaaah!" Serchii'd shaft started lurching inside me, but he bit his lip and took a deep breath, stopping the orgasm. "I'm not teasing!" I yelled as I lost control. A big sheath and a black fleshy sac swelled to life between my legs. Serchii's eyes widened as he reached down to touch it. My balls popped into the sac, stimulating my clit, as my flare pressed out of my sheath. While my pussy came around Serchii's shaft, he squeaked as a gasp and a moan tried to get out of his throat at the same time. "Grab it, stroke it, lick it," I demanded as my balls expanded and my prick gained an inch per each swift beat of my heart. Serchii grabbed his nipples and pulled on them, grinding his dick inside me as he watched me get longer and longer, but then he remembered what I'd asked him and grabbed my length with both hands. As he stroked it, I thrusted upwards, growling. Avond said, "Fucking hot!" and used his hands to hold his dick against the tiger's before thrusting fast and hard. Their pre was soaking into the fur on my breasts and my nipples were getting thoroughly stimulated by their shafts as I channeled magic into my breasts on purpose. The tiger said, "Her rack is growing too!" Avond groaned, "She's incredible." My prick reached up so far that it was close to Serchii's muzzle, and as I was still cumming around his shaft, he hugged my length with his lips as he lapped at the underside. The feeling of someone else's maw was exquisite, even the slight grazing of his teeth felt good. The changes to my cock brought other changes: my clit expanded drastically as my pussy lips got thicker and more pliable. Then Serchii's swelling knot slipped inside me and we both let out bliss-filled yelps. He started popping his knot in and out of me, too under the spell of my dick to notice I'd increased in capacity. While he used his hips, lost in an instinctual need to rut, my balls got bigger than both my fists held together. And the moment they reached full size, my cunt came again, grabbing Serchii's shaft, milking it for all it was worth. Avond and the tiger pulled their pricks off of my still-enlarging breasts and backed up, both stroking themselves while pointing the tips at me. They groaned as their dicks jumped in their hands. Then, nearly simultaneously, they fired their loads all over my large tits, face, and belly. The warmth of their cum and the musky open-sea-like scent was glorious. The horse behind Serchii whinnied as he hilted himself and came, making quick little thrusts with his hips. My flare made Serchii's cheeks bulge as my hands got scales on the backs of them. Then he made one final push into me, stretching my changed pussy to its limit before sinking his knot in. It expanded, stretching my pussy wide and locking us together as his dick bounced in me, flooding me with his seed. My pussy walls were elastic and loved getting stretched and I felt pulses of pleasure all the way out to the tips of my fingers and toes. It was like hitting the ground and rolling to a stop: danger and exhilaration mixed so thoroughly together that I was glowing and full of life. I let my dragon side out, not able to hold anything back, and my prick bulged at the base, a huge knot forming as it twitched from base to tip. Serchii grabbed the knot, tipping me over the edge. With my voice breaking and my whole body writhing in ecstasy, my dick filled me with a thunderclap of pleasure that echoed throughout my whole being. Every spurt I made into Serchii's waiting mouth was accompanied by me yipping in pleasure, almost sounding like I was being spanked. I felt every shot with my entire body and could hardly keep track of my limbs as they flailed. Cumming in something warm and pliable was beyond astounding. He had no hope of swallowing it all and it sprayed out his nose and cheeks making an utter mess of our fronts. His howls of pleasure vibrated my cock as he filled my pussy so full my belly bulged a bit. When the waves of pleasure gave way to afterglow, Serchii and I were staring blankly at each other, not a thought in our heads other than the amazing closeness we were sharing. Avond slapped me on the shoulder, saying, "You're one exceptional woman. That is indeed the biggest cock I've ever seen." Looking at him with half-lidded, eyes I said. "Can't believe you're all okay with this thing." The horse that was still inside Serchii, said, "We're part of a social group that likes sex with men, women, herms, anyone." "How had I not heard of this club before?" I asked. "It's only been around for about half a year and we're slowly growing our membership," Avond said, running his hand along my prick. I gasped, I was a bit oversensitive after cumming. The other guys all gently touched it too, entranced. "Y'all trying to make sure it's real?" I said, trying to keep my voice even, So many fingertips, knuckles, backs of hands were touching me at the same time. "Actually, yeah," the tiger said, reaching down to cup my balls. Tears beaded at the corners of my eyes. Crying was the only way I knew how to respond to this much joy. All these men were touching my dick like it was a cherished artifact or one of the wonders of the world. I didn't have words for the way that made me feel. Serchii asked, "You okay?" I nodded, starting to cry hard enough to get everyone's attention. They all took their hands away as Avond asked, "What's wrong?" "Nothing," I sobbed out. Everyone's face, except Serchii's darkened with concern. "Please keep touching me," I said. That got a lot of folded-down ears and tilted heads. I couldn't get myself to say more, the crying, the high of being accepted was too strong. All that fear and worry I'd had earlier was leaving me through my tear ducts. Serchii started rubbing along my cock lovingly, saying, "She's the calmest person I know, but she gets overcome with emotion suddenly sometimes. I'm pretty sure these are tears of joy." I nodded and gave him a thumbs up. To break up the awkward silence, Avond said, "Y'all heard the lady, give her prick some love." I couldn't see people through my tears, but their hands started touching my still-hard prick again, stroking, groping, experimenting. My crying became moans as my prick got fully hard again. Then, everyone stroked, nuzzled, licked, and nipped at my dick, making me convulse on the bed. With so much of my prick being played with at once, so much stimulation, I got tingles throughout my body. I could feel noses against it, teeth, whiskers, paw pads, and tongues. People were cupping my balls and weighing them in their hands. It was sensual curiosity and adoration its finest. Free hands groped my ample bust, teasing my nipples and giving me back-arching pleasure. Bigger breasts could get groped, squeezed, and toyed with in a plethora of ways. And all of that sensation increased the delight I felt from my equine length. Every gyration I made was accentuated by Sherchii's knot and shaft moving inside me. My flare and knot engorged to full size as lips , teeth, and fingertips caressed them, sending arcs of pleasure through me. I yelled, "I'm cumming," as I grabbed my nice round cum-soaked breasts and squeezed. Avond tried to put his muzzle around the end of my prick, but was unable to get the whole flare in his maw. I nearly drowned him as my prick once again became a fountain. Orgasming right along with it, was my snatch, milking Serchii's dick so hard that he groaned. Everything in the room became fuzzy as my eyes unfocused. My jaws ached from how far open I had them as I screeched in ecstasy. The next thing I was aware of was Avond saying, "Can we pay you to come to our club orgy once a month?" Looking at him square in the eye, I said, "Yes, if you let me join your club and do one other thing for me." "Oh, that's not even a question. We should've invited you ages ago," he said. "What's your club called?" I asked. "The Fuck Everybody Club." Serchii buried his head in his hands, adorably embarrassed. I laughed so hard my dick bounced around, smacking the backs of Serchii's hands as he kept his face covered. "What's the other condition for you coming to our orgies?" Avond asked. "Y'all get my dick off one more time," I said, my prick as hard as ever. "You're insatiable," the tiger said. "I get that a lot," I said. "Now get to work, we've only got about ten minutes left." They started teaming up again, being more adventurous this time. In that moment, as I was spasming from the immense pleasure, I decided I was going to follow Brintac's advice and take a vacation while I figured out how to control my dick. And during that vacation, I'd go all in on getting to know Serchii and his friends. The more I spent time around people that accepted me for who I was, the more I'd be able to accept myself. END OF CHAPTER 5 I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!