Note: This story contains bizarre, unrealistic and occasionally ridiculous content. It is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age. I started this story as another one-off standalone, but found a lot more story as I wrote. We’ll see if it ends up being another 10 chapter epic. Spas-12 is loosely based on the character from Girls Frontline. ---------- Chapter II *bzzt* *bzzt* Tom’s phone vibrated with his morning alarm. Fortunately it had been plugged in when the power went out and had enough charge to last the night. Tom rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes. “What a weird dream…” Tom had had a dream where a beautiful girl from his new favorite video game had come to life in his apartment during a storm. Tom suddenly noticed he was not in his bed but on the couch. “Wait… did I…?” He did not remember drinking last night, so passing out on the couch seemed very unlikely. Tom threw the blanket off himself and stood, stretched, and staggered over to the “bedroom” area. To his surprise, Tom’s bed was not empty. His blankets half covered a very cute girl, with silver hair and nearly white skin. She was wearing one of Tom’s large sleep shirts that could not hide the impressive curvature of her breasts, though the rest of her body was hidden under the covers. Well, except for one perfect foot sticking out toward him. Spas was not a very deep sleeper, apparently, because her eyelids fluttered open at the soft sound of Tom approaching the bed. She did not seem to have over-tuned combat awareness, however, as she merely blinked several times as the young man watched dumbfounded. “MmmmmMMM” the young woman made a light moaning sound, increasing in volume as she rolled onto her back and stretched, like a lazy house cat. Tom tried not to notice the way her large bosom, pressed enticingly against his band tee she was wearing, seemed to swell with prominence as she arched her back. “Haaa!” She exhaled energetically, the offered him a smile that would warm the coldest heart. “Good morning, Tom! Did you sleep okay? I still feel kinda bad, taking your bed…” With that the curvaceous T-doll pulled the covers up under her chin, squirming in his soft and comfy bed and meeting his eyes with a guilty look. Tom thought he might be in love. “I told you it was alright, Spas.” He said, unable to resist smiling at her cuteness. “I slept just fine.” Tom turned and grabbed a fresh shirt and things for the new day. “Do you like coffee? I can probably make some on the stove. I’d offer you breakfast but all I have are some frozen sandwiches I can’t heat up without power for the microwave.” The mere mention of breakfast made Spas’ stomach rumble, and the silver-haired girl put a hand on her middle in embarrassment, trying to silence the beast. Tom had heard, but he politely pretended he hadn’t. “I don’t normally drink coffee, but if you have some milk… and maybe… sugar?” The grumbling of the young woman’s stomach increased now, as if offended at the idea of such a meager breakfast. Tom walked back to the bed, somehow he had gotten dressed without Spas noticing. “Would you rather go out for breakfast, Spas?” Spas blushed for the briefest of moments, half hiding her face in the covers again, then her head popped back up with a huge grin. “Yes, please!” “Alright, hungry girl.” Tom tousled the top of her silvery head. “Get dressed then, and we’ll go. There’s a place near here I think you’ll like.” Spas sprung to her feet, grapefruit sized breasts wobbling. Pressed against the material of his XL shirt, Tom could see the outlines of Spas’ bra as her flesh formed a slight ‘quad boob.’ His mouth went dry and he quickly turned away from his houseguest, grabbing his shoes and things so they could go. He may have been a hopeless loner, but Tom knew better than to be caught ogling a girl he’d just met. Regardless of where she’d slept last night or whose shirt she was wearing this morning. Tom scrolled through social media on his phone while he waited for Spas to get changed in the bathroom. He heard a few grunts and tongue clicks of frustration as he waited, but at last the latch clicked and she emerged. Giving her uniform a appraising once-over, Tom found himself marveling at his unexpected house guest. Tom had never been too picky when it came to women in real life, he would take what he could get, which was usually no one. He recalled his earlier thought that he was in a dream. If he was, he hoped to never wake. Spas was not an unearthly beauty like some of the characters in GFL, but had a little healthy thickness to her. Seeing her flesh in the… flesh… made that realism all the more apparent. She had re-braided her hair and tied the sides in pigtails. Her uniform was done up like last night but without the ammo and other attachments. Her thighs peeked from her skirt just right, and her face was soft while still being gorgeously well-defined. Before he got caught staring, Tom couldn’t help but notice again that the upper portion of her uniform vest was quite snug. Maybe even more snug than it had been last night… *** As the pair walked to breakfast, Spas hummed to herself, skipping and bouncing happily. She gazed around in wonder at the unimpressive urban sprawl around them. “You seem in a good mood.” Tom remarked. “Yep! It’s so pretty here!” “Really? These cookie cutter houses and strip malls?” She scowled at him a moment before smiling again. “Well I don’t know what a ‘strip mall’ is, though you mentioned cookies and now I’m hungry again.” She rubbed her middle with a mournful expression that still came off as cute. “Anyway, it’s all so clean and nice!” “Really? It looks kind of run-down to me.” “Well,” she pointed a finger at him meaningfully, “compared to where I came from, it’s great! Nothing is bombed out, the streets are clear. And most important of all…” Spas spread her arms out and twirled, facing Tom with palms up, making him strain to not look down at her jiggling body. “there’s nobody shooting at us!” She grinned and stuck her perfectly pink tongue out just a bit. “Aww, I’m sorry Spas. I forgot the place you came from is so awful. Kind of makes me feel bad for all the times I sent you into battle…” “Don’t feel bad Comman– er, Tom! It’s a T-Doll’s job to fight! And it isn’t all bad. I have my friends, SAT8, Mosin-Nagant, Springfield…” Spas got a wistful look in her eyes, then was interrupted by her tummy rumbling. “Well anyway, I’m glad for this break, and a chance to see how nice things were before the War. How much longer before we eat?” Tom chuckled at the cute shotgun’s single-mindedness. “Not far now, it’s around that corner up there.” *** “Table for two?” Tom’s heart stuttered at the unfamiliar question. Was this a date?? “That’s right.” The hostess led the pair through a crowded gift shop full of country and faux-country gifts and tchotchkes. Spas was like a kid in a candy shop. Well, not literally, in an actual candy shop Spas would have been shoving candy in her mouth like one of those naughty kids in the Willy Wonka movie. Instead, Spas gazed around in wonder at all the souvenirs and plastic crap in the store. And the people, of course. The store was not crowded, but the few people milling about waiting for their tables were some of the largest Spas had ever seen. More than a few of them did double-takes at her as well. There were no fat people in Spas’ world, and there were no silver-haired battle dolls in Tom’s world. One family of husband, wife, and two daughters were feigning interest in souvenir shirts while frequently looking toward the hostess station, impatiently awaiting their table and the feast to follow. The daughters were maybe high school age, with extra loose cloths draped over full bellies and wide hips. The parents were even larger, and as Spas looked watched the family browse through shirts with multiple Xs on the tags, she licked her lips hungrily. Wherever Tom had brought her, there was obviously plenty of food. A tiny voice in the back of Spas’ mind worried she might get fat if she stayed in Tom’s world too long. A very tiny voice. As there were only two of them they didn’t have to wait long. Since they were much less “broad” than the restaurant’s typical clientele, Tom and Spas were led to a small table against a wall. They were just a few feet from a large fireplace, with folksy checkers sets that used small rugs instead of boards set up on the hearth. Spas gazed around in wonder at the old-timey tin signs on the walls, and asked, “What did you say this place is called again?” “Cracker Barrel” Her smile faltered. “Cracker, like, for soup?” It was Tom’s turn to smile. “Well, yes, sort of, but I think it’s more of an homage to the old days when people would do deals using a barrel for a table, or something.” “Oooh” She was grinning again. “That explains all this ancient decor.” “Ancient? This stuff’s not *that* old. Heck, half of it is reproduction.” “Reprodu… like Dummy Links?” A Dummy was a copy of a Tactical Doll that aided her in combat, but the main Doll had to control it via a Dummy Link. “Well, sort of. Like, see that up there?” He pointed at a metal serving tray depicting a popular carbonated beverage. “There used to be trays made like that back in the 1950s, but that one was probably made in the last 5 years.” Spas gazed at the art on the tray, oblivious to the drop of drool forming on her lower lip. “Do… do they still have that drink in your world?” “What, Coke? Yeah, of course.” Spas’ face lit up and her eyes glowed red in an almost unsettling way. “Can we get some??” “Well… maybe not for breakfast.” Her face fell. “But I think I know something you’ll like just as much.” A portly middle-aged woman approached their table with a pair of menus, set them on the table and asked, “can I can get y’all something to drink?” Tom smiled at the server and said, “just coffee for me, please, black. And she’ll have a pumpkin pie latte.” Spas’ eyes glittered at the word “pie” and she began perusing the menu eagerly. “Oh my gosh, it all looks so good. It looks even better than the breakfasts SAT8 makes for special occasions!” She flipped the pages back and forth, eyes darting across illustrations of the various American feasts. Tom noticed the menu was mostly text with drawings of a few dishes, and had a sudden awkward thought. “Uh, Spas… can you um…” The adorably cute face looked up from gawking at the menu to meet his eyes with her glimmering red ones. “Hmm?” “Are you able to um… read the menu?” Spas glanced down as if seeing the text on the large booklet for the first time. “Sure I can! ‘Sunrise Sampler’, ‘Hashbrown Casserole’, ‘Biscuits and Gravy’…” She was starting to drool again. Tom breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, I just wasn’t sure if you could read English, sorry.” She looked back up at him warmly. “Nothing to be sorry about, Tom. T-Dolls are fluent in all major languages. English is pretty uncommon in my world, but it’s still the primary language in some districts.” Soon the waitress returned with their coffees. She’d brought Tom small dishes with creamers and sweeteners anyway, and set a large mug heaping with whipped cream and orange sprinkles in front of Spas. “Y’all ready to order, or you need a minute?” Tom was pretty sure he knew what he wanted, but looked a question at his companion. Unfortunately she was lost in her own little world, gazing down at her hot beverage. He looked back up at the server apologetically. “Just a few minutes, sorry.” “No problem, hon, I’ll check on my other tables and be right back with y’all.” Eager pale fingers reached out and clasped the large mug in both hands. Spas slid the hot drink toward her and took a whiff. The swirling aroma of coffee, cream, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and allspice tickled her nostrils. Her eyes glittered red and she breathed deeply, the comfortable combination of flavors filling her lungs. Her uniform vest, already tested by the mass of her extra-large breasts, creaked audibly to Tom’s ear under the added pressure. The garment was spared any destruction as Spas exhaled, then lifted the mug to her soft pink lips and took a hesitant sip. Licking whipped cream from her mouth she grinned happily and took a longer sip. A sip that became a gulp, then two more gulps, her shirt collar pulsing as she swallowed. At last she set the mug back down on the table, still holding it with both hands, and exhaled contentedly. Tom could see that a third of the sugary drink was already gone. "*Haaaa* This is delicious!” Tom sipped his black coffee with a small smile as he watched Spas enjoy her coffee. Her cheeks had turned pink from the heat of the beverage, and tiny beads of sweat were forming on her temples. Spas took another healthy glug of her latte and grinned over at Tom again. “I might need another one of these.” “Sure thing Spas. You should decide what you want to eat before the server comes back.” “Oh, right! This is so tasty I almost forgot how hungry I am.” Spas’ stomach rumbled loudly as if to say that no, she had most certainly not forgotten. She picked the menu back up and looked over it again, a cute wrinkle forming on her brow as she deliberated. “Is something wrong?” “Oh… It all looks so good, I can’t decide!” “Well go ahead and order whatever you want. We can just take any leftovers back to my place.” Her eyes sparkled with joy. “Really?” “Sure. I’ve got basically no food back there, and who knows how long the power will be out.” Spas was laser focussed on the menu again, licking her lips in anticipation. Soon their server returned. “Y’all know whatcha want?” “Yes, I’d like the French toast with fruit, please. And two eggs on the side, over easy.” It was more than Tom would normally eat for lunch, but he had basically skipped dinner last night, between making the ramen and watching his new houseguest enthusiastically eat it. “Alright hon. And for you sweetheart?” “Could I have the Sunrise Sampler?” It was one of their largest breakfast combos. “Mmhmm” The server wrote on her pad. Spas was still eyeing the menu. “And…”