Chapter 9 — Portents of Things to Come _January 2, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ {psc} When Penny and I returned from the development meeting in the leased space, I saw that Nadia was online. I still wasn't completely sure about her bondage request, but it was something I could do if I chose to. {block}{tt} NIKASteve: Hi! {br} DarkDreams82: Hi! {br} NIKASteve: Can you be at my house in Kenwood tomorrow at 7:00pm? {br} DarkDreams82: Yes. Which fantasy? {br} NIKASteve: My preference is the babysitter one. That idea really turns me on! {br} DarkDreams82: I think that's like every dad's fantasy. Is the other one off the table?" {br} NIKASteve: No, I was just expressing my strong preference. {br} DarkDreams82: Do you want to know my plan? To make you more comfortable? {br} NIKASteve: It's OK to wait to share them face-to-face. {br} DarkDreams82: And for the babysitter role-play, we can just leave from your house. {br} NIKASteve: Sounds good {br} DarkDreams82: What's your address? {br} NIKASteve: 4937 South Woodlawn Avenue. {br} DarkDreams82: See you at 7:00pm tomorrow! I'm so excited! {br} NIKASteve: See you then! {/tt}{/block} I minimized _adium_, created a test environment, and began working on the schema changes. When Kimmy brought my lunch, Penny left to have lunch with some of the development team, and I pulled up my web browser and created a free account on I tried a few searches and confirmed a few things Steve Samet had revealed. A bit of exploration showed that the actual records currently loaded were limited, though more were being added each day. After spending about thirty minutes, I closed the site, understanding why Steve Samet had hired a private investigator — there simply wasn't enough information loaded in to conduct a truly thoroughgoing analysis. While I waited for Penny to return, I checked the news online, and considered my options for finding further information about my dad without him knowing I was doing the research. I wondered if I could get help from Katya, as she would absolutely never reveal anything to anyone, and she might have access to people and documents which were not online, and might never be online. She might even be able to find a record of Lewis Hano having visited the Soviet Union during World War II, which would confirm something important. Penny arrived back from her lunch and we returned to work on the database schema and the backend modules that directly accessed it. ————— 🎤 Jesse "I missed you the past two weeks!" Zahra said when she and I met for lunch at a kosher deli on Hyde Park Avenue. "I missed seeing you, too," I replied. "But Christmas break is always crazy at my house because all the grandparents visit and then we have our New Year's Eve party. This year we also had our Russian friends visit, plus some others from out of town who I don't see very often." "Did hockey practice start this morning?" "Yes. Do you plan to come to our playoff games?" "I do, but unfortunately, my dad wants to come see you play! That kind of messes up Saturday afternoons because he'll want to have lunch with us and then offer to take me home." "You don't think he suspects, do you?" "No way! If he did, he'd never let me come to your games or see you outside of school if he thought we were anything more than friends!" "I'm actually surprised he allows you to be out with a guy without a chaperone or whatever." "That's my mom's doing; she's not as conservative as my dad. So long as I wear my scarf, dress properly, and am respectful, she trusts me not to behave in ways she would consider improper." "Are we just having lunch today?" I asked. "Unfortunately," Zahra said with a frown. "Can I ask about your friend from Minnesota?" I considered whether I should answer, and if so, if I should provide any details. I decided it was better to actually say what had happened, as that would make a point to Zahra. She'd made the point that neither of us was going to convert, but I still had the feeling that she would very much like to find a way to be exclusive and public, if not find a way to be together longer term. "I'm pretty sure that's over," I replied. "Oh? What happened?" "We had a disagreement about using the sauna, though I think it was really a proxy for wanting to be exclusive." "I won't go in there naked with anyone else," Zahra replied, "and you don't object. What was her problem?" The waitress came to take our orders, interrupting the conversation. As soon as she left, I answered Zahra's question about Scarlett. "She felt I should stop, especially if we were to marry, and she objected to the idea of family saunas." "I do find it very, very strange that you would be in there naked with your moms and your sisters." Not to mention the entire softball team, but Zahra didn't need to know about that. "It's been like that since I was a baby. I think the first time was when I was about two months old, and it's normal for my family, the way it is for many Scandinavians. She objected to that, and to the idea that we'd even be in there with friends. I tried to talk to her about it, but she wasn't interested, and decided to go home." "Wow! She broke up with you over something way in the future?" "Yes and no," I replied. "While it was expressly about the future, it's also about my philosophy, which is current. Scarlett — that's her name — and I have a fundamental conflict in philosophy that in her mind is a wider gap than you being Muslim and me being Christian." "That's hard to believe." Once again, we were interrupted, this time by the waitress bringing our food. "I think," I said, once we'd started eating, "that based on everything you've said to me, and the fact that you're Birgit's friend, that if the religion issue wasn't in the way, you'd want to be my steady girlfriend and would be willing to at least consider adopting my philosophy. After all, you did remove your scarf for me!" Zahra laughed, "And everything else! But that was in private! You'd want to be my boyfriend?" "I honestly don't think it's a good idea to be in an exclusive, committed relationship in High School. Going steady implies that you're thinking that it might be permanent, because if you don't think that, then why go steady?" "Isn't that normal, though?" "I'm the _last_ person who would be called normal!" I declared. "No kidding!" Zahra said with a smile. "So if Saturday doesn't work, could I come over after school on Wednesdays? Thats the day my mom visits my grandmother, so she's not home before 5:00pm." "I think that will work," I replied, remembering that Missy and Chung Cha also wanted to get together after school. "Great!" Zahra said happily. "I'm really looking forward to next Wednesday! And if my dad allows me to hang out with you on Saturday, it'll be a bonus!" ————— 🎤 Birgit Albert had asked if it was OK for Kjell to hang out with him and Peter and some other guys to watch soccer, and I agreed, which left my entire afternoon free. I had an idea, and invited Tomás to the house, then called Libby. "Hi, Libby! It's Birgit!" I said when she answered her phone. "Caller ID warned me!" Libby exclaimed. "And I still picked up!" "Ha, ha!" I said, rolling my eyes, though she couldn't see it. "What are you doing right now?" "Nothing. Just hanging out at home. Why?" "Are you and Lilibeth exclusive?" "No," Libby replied. "I'm sure you know Jesse and I have been together recently, though that's over." "Over? Why?" "I can't say." I laughed because there was only one reason she would stop fooling around with Jesse, which she couldn't reveal, and that was if she had been with my dad. "But she wouldn't be upset if you were with someone else?" "No. Why?" "Would you be interested in getting together with Tomás and me? I playfully suggested a threesome and that excited him!" "Duh!" Libby exclaimed. "What straight guy is going to turn down the chance to fuck two girls at the same time?!" "That's anatomically impossible!" I retorted. "OK, Miss Pedantic! _Have sex_ with two girls at the same time! Would it be 'full participation' or just double-teaming Tomás?" "If Lilibeth wouldn't object, then full participation." "So you're still playing for both teams?" Libby teased. "I play for the straight team, but on occasion, I'll play an exhibition game with the other team!" "You asked what I was doing now. Are you implying you want me to come over?" "If you want to. Tomás will be here in about an hour. He doesn't know I'm inviting you." Libby laughed, "Why, Birgit Adams, you little vixen!" "You say that like it's a bad thing!" I giggled. "I assume you have an up-to-date STI test." "Yes! I'll be there in twenty minutes!" "Cool!" ————— 🎤 Steve Lucas called just after 2:00pm. "Steve, I have two FBI agents here who would like to see you," he said. "Wonderful. Put them in the Tretiak Room and I'll be down with Liz momentarily. "OK." I hung up and got up from my desk. "What's up?" Penny asked. "FBI, again." "Do they _ever_ stop?" "Apparently not." I left the office, changed into my street shoes, then walked down the hall to Liz's office. "I need you downstairs," I said. "A pair of FBI agents are here." "About?" Liz asked with an arched eyebrow. "No idea," I replied. "You know the drill. Be very careful what you say." "Yes, Mom!" I grinned. "That's one fantasy I know you've _never_ had!" "Truth!" I declared. She and I went down to the lobby and into the Tretiak room, where two FBI agents were waiting. "Hi," I said. "I'm Steve Adams and this is my corporate and personal legal counsel, Liz Carullo." "Agent Michael Maseth and Agent Tom Bourgeois," one of them said. "I'm Bourgeois." We shook hands and all four of us sat down at the round table. "What can I do for you two gentlemen?" I asked. "Is Mr. Adams being investigated?" Liz asked, interrupting. "I can't comment on that," Agent Maseth said. "We're following up on previous interviews. Mr. Adams, Several years ago, you had an interview with a pair of retired agents, Stone and O'Toole." "Liz?" I inquired. "Agent Maseth, if my client agrees to answer, we need a written statement that minor errors or omissions from conversations from a decade or more ago won't be charged under 18 USC Part 1, Section 1621." "We were warned Mr. Adams was only willing to coöperate under certain conditions," Agent Maseth said. "I have a 'Queen for a Day' letter expressly exempting any statements made today from any charges relating to perjury, omission, or misrepresentation." He handed Liz a letter from the US Attorney. I knew that limited immunity document meant I could omit things that would potentially get me into trouble. And that meant I needed to marshal my complete set of files, both on the Outfit and on the bent FBI guys. At some point, I might actually need them. I was absolutely certain Melanie could parlay what I had into an full immunity deal, if it came to that. "I think it's safe to answer about your previous interviews," Liz said once she'd read it. "Which interviews are you referring to?" I asked. "I had quite a few of them, mostly pertaining to my Russian friends or, later, to Lisa Glass, and to Noel Spurgeon and his accomplices. "We're interested in Theo Lipari," Agent Bourgeois asked. "You mentioned you knew him." "Sure. He's a union guy from Hyde Park. We have computer support and maintenance contracts with several IBEW locals, and he's the coördinator." "You acknowledged in your previous interview that you knew he was a loan shark." "Actually, that's not accurate, Agent Bourgeois," I replied. "Agent Stone asked me if I knew Mr. Lipari was one of the biggest loan sharks on the South Side, and I said that I had my suspicions. That said, I did state that I was fairly certain he ran a sports book because of something someone at IIT said to me when I was in college or shortly after I graduated, which was in 1985." "You remember that from an interview in 1995?" "Let's just say it's in my best interest to remember details of my interactions with the FBI," I replied. "Is there something specific you're investigating?" "Similar to the question earlier from your attorney, we can't say," Agent Maseth said. "In the interview, you were also asked about Frank Calabrese, his brother, Nick, and two sons, Frank and Kurt." "I recall saying something along the lines that I'd read their names in the papers, but that's it." Which was true. That was what I had said to Agents Stone and O'Toole. "What about James 'Little Jimmy' Marcello?" Agent Bourgeois asked. "I don't believe he was mentioned in those interviews," I replied. "I do remember reading about the indictments against him in the newspaper. I actually met him back in the late 80s when I was working on union contracts." "That isn't in your file." "Nobody asked me about him," I replied. "I was at the Old Neighborhood Italian American Club on West 26th Street to meet a union boss about the contracts I mentioned before." "What do you do for the unions?" I looked to Liz. "That's information they could easily obtain from the testimonial on our website," Liz said with a smile. "The same things I've been doing for about twenty years," I replied. "I created computer software to track their membership rolls, dues, and other data. We actually sold a modified version of the same software to church organizations in Chicagoland. We also maintain their computer networks." "In another interview, you admitted working with Alderman Larry Bloom." I nodded, "Our offices used to be in his Ward, and he helped us with business development, and referred several people to us to consider hiring. That all ended when the 'Conscience of the Council' was indicted. And just to complete the picture, I also met John Christopher through Theo Lipari, but had no more interaction with him than I did with James Marcello. And recently, I've met with Alderman Walter Burnett about our new building. "As for the Outfit, unfortunately, doing business in Chicago means rubbing up against Wise Guys at some point, especially in transportation and construction. And I'm sure you read all the files about Brandon Littleton, Lisa Glass, and Noel Spurgeon. Maybe if you give me an idea of what you're investigating, I can help, but I wouldn't count on it." "We can't reveal that at the moment," Agent Maseth said. "Two more names — Richard D. Ortiz and Arthur Morawski." "Those are the guys who were shotgunned to death in broad daylight in Cicero in '83," I replied. "I remember because I actually met Richie Ortiz, again, through Theo Lipari. Richie was a contact for installing software and reporting bugs before he was gunned down." "And that didn't give you pause?" Agent Bourgeois asked. "Me? No. I was shocked, but then again, it was in Cicero in the early 80s. As for being concerned, I've had some fairly upset customers in the past, but nobody was ever upset enough to come after me with a shotgun! Littleton was murdered and Noel Spurgeon broke out of prison. I took those things in stride, too. Those were FAR more risky than meeting the Wise Guys. I was much more worried about the pimp who pulled a knife on me when I rescued a girl he was trying to lure at Union Station." "We don't have that one in our file." "As thick as my file most certainly is, I'm surprised. Talk to the Chicago PD. It was August 1996." "Two more names — Anthony Spilotro and Michael Spilotro." "Other than knowing what was in the papers, no." "OK," Agent Bourgeois said. "That's all we have for now. Thank you for your time, Mr. Adams." We shook hands, and they left. "My office," Liz said curtly. I followed her upstairs, down the hall, and into her office. She motioned for me to close the door, and I did. "What?" I asked. "As your business and personal counsel, I advise you to call Melanie Spencer immediately." "Based on that conversation?" "It's what they didn't say. I'm not going to ask, because I'm not a criminal defense attorney, but they don't show up with 'Queen for a Day' letters for anyone who _isn't_ a potential suspect. They're for coöperating witnesses." "Then why did you allow me to answer their questions?" "The questions were all about interviews you've given in the past. They didn't ask you about anything you did or any of those men did, so with the letter, you could safely answer those. Call Melanie. Right now." "I honestly think you're overreacting," I replied. "But I'll call Melanie and let her know what happened." "Good. Take the letter with you." I accepted the letter from Liz, then left her office and went to the empty Lemieux Room and dialed Melanie's mobile phone. "Hi, Steve!" she said, clearly having seen the Caller ID. "Hi, Melanie. I just had a visit from the FBI and Liz suggested I call you because of what happened." "Come to my office," she said. "Do not speak over the phone. I'm free right now." "I'll be there in about fifteen minutes," I said. We said 'goodbye' and I closed my phone, then went back to the office to let Kimmy know I was going to be out for the rest of the afternoon. ————— 🎤 Birgit "I thought we were going to mess around," Tomás said, keeping his voice low, when he saw Libby in the great room. I giggled, "We are, if you're man enough to handle it!" "WHOA!" he gasped. "SERIOUSLY?! You're not messing with me?" "Come upstairs with us and we'll mess with you and blow your mind! Interested?" "Do I look like an idiot?!" he asked, incredulous. I took his hand and led him up the stairs, with Libby following us. We went to my bedroom, and when all three of us were inside, I closed and locked the door. "There's only one rule," I said. "You cannot brag about this to your friends. Agreed?" "I agree!" Tomás declared emphatically. "Then," I smirked, "let's get naked and we'll fulfill your every fantasy!" Tomás quickly undressed and Libby and I did the same, while Tomás stood wide-eyed, like a deer caught in headlights, his dick rock-hard and twitching in anticipation. "Any limits?" I asked Libby. She smirked, "Anything you can do, I can do better!" "We'll just have to see about that!" I declared. We both moved over to where Tomás was and stood so he could wrap one arm around each of us, then kissed each other in turn, me kissing Tomás, Libby kissing Tomás, and then Libby and I exchanging a sexy French kiss. "Wait!" Tomás exclaimed in surprise. "You two are going to do stuff together?" "Yes!" I declared with a silly smile. "Let's give him a joint blowjob," Libby suggested, "then show him what girls can do together!" "I've died and gone to heaven!" Tomás said giddily. And, for the next three hours, we proved that to be true! A joint blowjob, followed by Libby and I French kissing, then she and I sixty-nined. After that, we got Tomás hard, and I rode him while Libby straddled his face. For the next round we switched places, then Libby and I sixty-nined, followed by Libby showing Tomás how to tit-fuck her, with me licking his cum from her. When that finished, Libby and I took turns using out mouths to get Tomás ready, then having him fuck us hard. "Happy?" I asked him as the three of us got into the shower together. "Are you kidding?!" Tomás asked, clearly dazed by the experience. "Keep quiet about this, and it could happen again," Libby said. "Right Birgit?" "Absolutely!" I agreed. ————— 🎤 Steve "Liz is correct," Melanie said. "In my experience, these limited immunity letters are only given to coöperating witnesses. In order for me to protect you, I need to know _exactly_ what it is they think you've done or are doing." "It started when I was fourteen and met Joyce's grandfather," I said. "What started?" "My involvement with the Mafia or «La Cosa Nostra» or the Outfit, or whatever name you want to use." "Please tell me you're joking!" "It's no joke, Mel." "And the initial investment for NIKA? Was that Outfit money?" "The money Don Joseph invested was all from legitimate sources, and provably so. He was working to go 'legit', as they say, and Joyce has _never_ been involved in any of the illegal stuff. That was all her little sister, Connie, and Connie's husband, Anthony." "I think you need to start at the beginning. I have about ninety minutes, so if we need more, you'll need to come back. We should only discuss this in this office, and literally nowhere else. I'm going to take notes, but they'll be locked in my safe, and labeled as privileged." "It all started the day I met Joyce," I began again. About seventy-five minutes later, Melanie put her pencil down diagonally on her legal pad. "Now tell me why you aren't at all concerned." "Because I have sufficient information to put two FBI agents in prison for the rest of their lives," I said. "And it's all documented and verified. I also have evidence I can turn over to the government to prove everything I said before." "You do realize they could charge you with felony murder, right?" "Only one person could testify to that, and he's never been arrested." "Theo Lipari?" "Yes. If he's ever arrested, then it's your job to negotiate a deal. That murder is unsolved, and I can solve it for them, not to mention all the other stuff I have." "Where is that?" "Someplace _nobody_ can get to," I replied. "There's a package in the custody of Colonel Yekatarina Sergeyevna Anisimova, KGB, retired, Hero of the Soviet Union." "Of course it is! Does she know the contents of the package?" "No. If something happens to me, get in touch with her and say «Друг познаётся в беде» (_Drug poznayotsya v bede_). I'll write it out phonetically for you. You have to say it in Russian." "What does that mean?" "It's a Russian proverb — 'A friend is found out in a misfortune'. If she hears that exact phrase, in Russian, from one of four people, she'll send the package to you." "So, who are the other three who know about this?" "Joyce, obviously; Elyse knows Don Joseph was in the Mafia, and that I had some involvement back in High School and college. Beyond that, only Becky van Hoek, as I said, and nobody is going to trace anything to her to even ask questions. And if they did, she'll practice «omertà» better than any Sicilian. But all three of them know the code phrase and when to use it." "I think you should get out in front of whatever is going on," Melanie advised. "I disagree. First, unless Theo turns state's evidence, which I do not see happening, there are no links to me other than having met some of the Wise Guys. Second, the only way Theo turns state's evidence is if he's arrested, and even then, I doubt he'd talk. That said, if and when he's indicted or arrested, THEN it's time to go to the US Attorney with a deal. Before then, why stir up a personal hornet's nest?" "Being arrested is not a good look, even if you walk." "No, it's not, but again, unless and until Theo is arrested, there are no traces, and I haven't done anything illegal in well over a decade. For all intents and purposes, I'm out." "And your ties to Anthony Cicilioni?" "There are no ties between the Chicago Outfit and Little Tony," I said with a smile. "He basically closed up shop in Cincinnati under pressure from black and Hispanic gangs. The Marble Palace Inn and the adjacent restaurant are completely legit. I know Anthony runs an escort service, but it's a separate business, and it's outcall only. The girls are forbidden from being in the hotel or restaurant under any circumstances." "Nobody is going to bother an escort service in Newport, Kentucky!" "Exactly. He has protection for that, too. But let's say they do bust the escort service. Anthony pleads and continues to run his legitimate businesses. He expressly sought capital from me so that he didn't have to use any proceeds from his escort business or from when he was running the small Mafia operation in Cincinnati, to open the hotel." "I honestly think you should cut your deal now." "Cut what deal? We have no idea what the Feds are onto. Wait for the indictments or the arrests, then we'll see what happens. The key is going to be Theo. What happens with him will determine what I do. And, as I said, I have plenty of evidence with which to deal." "You can prove those two agents took money from Noel Spurgeon?" "I can. I have all the transaction records and proof of the money flow." "I don't like it, but the client decides." "Trust me, Melanie, I'll know if they're actually after me personally. Right now, I think they're investigating the Outfit, and my name showed up in a search. The big names in Chicago are either in prison or retired — the Calabreses, James Marcello, and Joey 'The Clown' Lombardo. "Angelo 'The Hook' LaPietra, Anthony 'Joe Batters' Accardo, Joseph 'Joey Doves' Aiuppa, Samuel 'Sam Wings' Carlisi, and Joseph 'Mr. Clean' Ferriola are all dead. The only one left is John 'No Nose' DiFronzo, who had his conviction overturned on appeal. The Outfit is mostly run to ground, and what's left is the unions, trucking, and construction." "You just reel off those names!" "Let's just say it was in my best interest to know what was going on at any time." "The next time the FBI comes calling, call me before you even say 'hello'," Melanie said. "I'm not kidding. The only words from your mouth should be 'I want to speak to my attorney, Melanie Spencer'. Just keep repeating that, no matter what they ask, including if you want a drink of water or they ask you the time." "I honestly don't expect them back," I said. "Well, OK, the FBI has an unhealthy fixation on me, but that's mostly due to my Russian friends, Brandon Littleton, Chicago Aldermen, and Noel Spurgeon." "Speculate." "They're trying to build a case against the remaining Outfit bosses and potentially solve some murders. If they can decapitate the Outfit, it'll die. Of course, the vacuum that creates will immediately be filled by black or Hispanic gangs, along with the usual graft and corruption." "You weren't worried about being implicated by Larry Bloom or the other Aldermen?" "Not really. I met with them for legitimate business reasons. I made absolutely sure I documented every meeting with a business purpose, and I still have those notes. There is no physical evidence of any kind that would tie me to any of their criminal activity. Once again, it all comes down to Theo Lipari. He's managed to never be arrested in the twenty-two years I've known him. That's saying something." "What about Ed Krajick?" "He didn't give it up when he was arrested for murder or for corruption, and he doesn't know about anything I did. As I said, he was kicked out by Don Joseph and later went back with Anthony, but by that time, I was basically out." "I still don't like it, but I have to follow your instructions." "For the first time in your life!" I chuckled. "Not even close!" Melanie protested. "I had to follow your instructions to have my Prom!" I chuckled, "OK, then for the second time!" "You sent me back to Pete!" I rolled my eyes theatrically, "You know what I meant, Ms. Spencer! You nearly always get your way!" "I need to get going," Melanie said. "Keep me posted and I'll keep my ear to the ground." "Say nothing to anyone, Mel. I'm not going to go into Witness Protection, so the only way I do this is if Theo is indicted. I'd prefer very much to let sleeping dogs lie." "You know I'm forbidden from revealing anything you've told me unless you express an intent to commit a crime." "Which doesn't mean you can't snoop. Please don't. I don't want them suspicious in any way, shape, or form. I think the letter was, contra you and Liz, simply because they knew I'd stonewall them otherwise. I do have a history of telling them to pound sand, not to mention all the BS around Noel Spurgeon. I also have a history of coöperation, with regard to Spurgeon and Hart-Lincoln." "It won't surprise you that I knew several of the partners who went to prison." "I'd actually have been surprised if you hadn't known anyone there. Honestly, between that and Spurgeon, I don't think the Feds suspect me of anything, other than perhaps knowing more than I'm letting on. That's possible, but not probable, given they only asked about names I'd mentioned before, plus a couple of Wise Guys who were in the papers. If they come back and ask specific questions, then I'll have an idea of what it is they're investigating." "It's a risky game, but it is yours to play." "Thanks, Melanie." We hugged, and as Pete wasn't around, she simply gave me a quick pack on the cheek, and I left her office. I walked to my car, which I'd parked in a garage adjacent to their offices, and headed home. ————— 🎤 Matthew "So what do you think about me playing _Dungeons & Dragons_ with the gang on Saturdays?" I asked as Chelsea and I relaxed on the couch in Eduardo's townhouse in the city. "I think it's OK," Chelsea replied. "I can do homework or hang out with some of my friends from Loyola. How long do you expect to play?" "Probably from sometime in the morning until dinner. We have to work out the details, and I need to create a world in which we'll play." "How will that work with our trip to Ohio for the long weekend?" "Got it covered!" I replied. "I suggested we start the following week." "Great!" "Are we going to the hockey game on Sunday?" I asked. "Sure! Your brothers will all be there, right?" "Yes, and probably Birgit. Stephie and Ashley aren't interested in hockey. I do want to go to my brother's first playoff game on the 11th. It's at Johnny's Ice House." "Absolutely!" We were interrupted when my mobile phone rang. The Caller ID said 'Maggie Home'. I sighed and answered. "Matt Adams." "Matt? It's Mary Jones, Maggie's mom. Have you heard from Maggie?" "No. I didn't see her at the New Year's party at Arby's, and then Chelsea and I came into the city the next morning. Why?" "She left the house this morning saying she was going for a walk, but that was eight hours ago, and I haven't seen her since. I was hoping she was at your house, but you're in the city." "You could call my mom and ask her," I said. "I know Maggie has talked to my mom in the past, but Chelsea and I have been at Eduardo's townhouse since yesterday, around noon." "OK. I'll call your mom. Do you know anyplace else she might have gone?" "The only kids she hung out with who weren't from your church are in drama, so I suppose you could try Nick, Josh, Matt W, Arby, Nellie, or Tara. Maggie should have a sheet of paper from drama with everyone's name and number." "She does. It's on the corkboard in her room. If she calls you, will you ask her to call me? And then call me and let me know?" "I will." "Thanks." We said 'goodbye' and I hung up. "Is something wrong?" Chelsea asked. "Maggie's mom said that Maggie went out for a walk this morning and hasn't come home. That was eight hours ago." "Oh, no!" Chelsea gasped. "I wouldn't worry too much," I said. "It's only 4:40pm. If she doesn't show up for dinner in about ninety minutes, then I'd be a bit concerned. If she doesn't come home by bedtime, that's when I'd call the cops." "That's how you'd deal with it if it were your kid?" "Kids need time and space. You know what I do to get away." Chelsea laughed, "You sit in your closet with a pillow and blanket and read books by flashlight!" "Hey, it's quiet and nobody bugs me!" I declared. "What are we doing for dinner?" Chelsea asked. "Let's see what's in the fridge and cook together." Chelsea agreed, so we go up and went to the kitchen. ————— 🎤 Birgit "So, now you've had three members of my family," I teased Libby after Tomás had left. "How did you know?" Libby asked. "Because the only reason you'd stop fooling around with Jesse is if you were exclusive, which you said you weren't, or you were with my dad!" "Oops," Libby smirked. "Busted." "Whatever! You know I don't have a problem with that!" "I'm going to start going to your dad's Philosophy Club starting on Sunday." "Does Jesse know?" "Yes. I decided I need to be with the adults, and your dad agreed. Jesse said he's going to schedule Hangouts for the opposite Sundays and have them at your house because nobody else can host. I'm pretty sure he spoke to your dad about it." "Nobody tells me anything!" I groused. "So not true!" Libby countered. "And I only discussed it with Jesse at the New Year's Eve party. He mentioned that Tabitha and John will start coming to Philosophy Club instead of the Hangout, and some of Luna's friends and some of the hockey team will come to the Hangout." "So you and Tabitha are graduating?" I asked. Libby smiled, "I told your dad that now that I'm seventeen, I wanted to have my first fuck with an actual adult, and then participate in the adult discussion group. Tabitha had to adjust to life away from her crazy, fanatical religious family and friends. She's really different now from how she was when she first moved here from Ohio." "Being expertly deflowered by my dad has that effect on girls!" I giggled. "I suspect the same would be true of Jesse, though I wasn't a fanatical Christian when he got my cherry! Kjell got yours, right?" "I was actually with Lilibeth before Kjell, so I suppose it depends on what you mean. And really, society is WAY too hung up on the idea of virginity, and fetishizes it. It really is just a sign of transitioning from child to adult, like getting your driver's license, voting, and being able to legally buy alcohol." "Can I ask how many guys or girls you've been with before today?" "You're the tenth; four girls and six guys. But only two of the girls were one-on-one." "And you aren't interested in that anymore?" "No. What we did today is fine, and I really enjoyed it, but I don't have a desire to be with girls the way I do with boys. You like both equally, right?" "Yes, which is why I want an arrangement like your dad's — me, a guy, and a girl. And after being with you and Tomás today, I'd be happy to have that be a regular thing!" "What about Lilibeth?" "It's temporary, and we both know it. She's moving back to Boston as soon as she graduates, and she'd never even get into the same bed with a guy. You and Tomás are kind of regular, right?" "Not committed, but we see each other a lot. He can sleep with whoever he wants, and so can I. I'm not even close to being ready to commit to a single dick for the rest of my life!" Libby laughed, "Or a tongue and a dick in my case! But I was serious. I really liked what we did today, and it's exactly what I want and need. Think about it, OK? I'm not saying make a commitment, but the three of us can have fun together regularly. I think between Tomás and me we can keep you satisfied." "Don't count on it!" I giggled. ————— 🎤 Steve As I drove home, I contemplated the interview with the FBI, and the conversations with Liz and Melanie, and I concluded I'd chosen the right course of action — wait and see. I didn't want to become involved unless my hand was forced, as being involved would require me to reveal things to my family and friends that I preferred to be kept secret. It wasn't a perfect solution, because I risked arrest, but I felt the risk was small. "Hi, Dad!" Birgit exclaimed when I walked into the house through the back door. "Hi, Mr. Adams!" Libby called out. "Hi, girls," I replied. "I'm going home for dinner, Birgit," Libby said. She and Birgit hugged, and as she walked past me, she winked. I simply smiled in return. "How good was she?" Birgit asked once Libby was out the door. "As if that would be any of your business, Nosy Daughter!" I challenged. Birgit rolled her eyes, "Oh, please! She's been flirting with you for at least six months!" "You've been flirting with me for six years!" I countered. "And nothing happened." "That's on you, not on me!" Birgit declared. "You know why, Pumpkin." "Dinner is ready in ten minutes," Yuriko said, coming into the great room. "I'll go change," I said, acknowledging her, just as Kjell and Albert came into the house. I went upstairs, changed, and then headed back downstairs to join my family in the dining room.