The main floor was mostly picked over at this point, the energy level having died down alongside with the level of masculinity in the area. Titus smirked, and kept going. He was on the second floor in a couple steps, the massive wolf looming up over the others in the room. His fans recognized him, waving excitedly and muttering to themselves, and Titus waved back, but he had already found his next meal. It was a ram, sitting on the floor at the wolf's feet. Hooves splayed wide, shiny horns bobbing along as he jammed out to the music on his headphones. He was staring at his phone, and Titus was staring at the guy's beefy package. The ram was a beefy sort - maybe a former wrestler, sturdy muscles softened with some chub. It gave him a kind of meaty vibe. He was also almost entirely nude, save for the bright, shiny blue briefs he had on. The sheer fabric gripped tightly around his muscular thighs, the waistband proudly announcing the SNACKERZ brand name. Snack was right.The fabric looked heavy, durable, and stretched to it's limits. The majority of the bulge was stuffed full of the ram's fat nuts; they bulged it out tot he left and the right far enough to press against his thighs, even with his legs spread. And the chubby cock in the middle was nearly as thick. Titus swallowed drool as he stepped closer to the ram, his cock coiling loosely around the back of the ram's back, and sliding up along his neck. He used his dick to hook under the headphones, lifting it up and getting the ram's attention. The ram looked up, horns clattering against the wall behind him as he noticed Titus crouching in front of him, his mouth opening to protest something. Titus smiled as the ram realized how big the wolf was. "Hey." He said, giving a little wave with his hand. His cock coiled down over the ram's shoulder, and then down his chest, as Titus pointed to the massive blue parcel between his legs. "That's a nice pair of undies you got." "I.. oh?" The ram looked down at his bulge, then back up to the wolf, then back down. He remembered how to talk, at that point. "Oh!" He grinned, proudly, pushing back against the wall to stand up. "Yeah, they're great, aren't they? I love them, they REALLY help show off the shape of my junk. So many undies just kind of hold everything back, and that's, you know, a PROBLEM for a guy like... like me..." He trailed off, as he looked at Titus' groin, and noticed the titanic testicles that dangled there. "Oh, yeah, you're huge," Titus agreed. His cock curled around the ram's back, playfully squeezing around his torso like a snake would, and then circled back around the front. "It's why I noticed ya. Very eye catching briefs. I'm gonna... empty them out now. That cool?" "Empty them...?" The ram repeated, watching as the wolf's huge cock head slid along the edge of his waistband. The snug briefs remained gripping around his waistband though, and he blushed as the cock rubbed down along the side of his bulge. Titus was just playing, 'searching' for a way into the high class underwear, and the ram was responding to it. That bulge between the oblong testes began to thickened, swelling out as he reached down to pat-pat carefully along the cock's veined girth. "You don't know who I am, yet, do you? That's always fun. What a thrill, huh? You have no idea what's going on right now, do you?" Titus teased, as his cockhead nuzzled affectionately down one side, then up the other side. He could feel the weight and heat of that ram package, a pleasing density to it that added to the 'appeal' of those briefs keeping everything so nicely coddled together. "I heard of you... you uh... oh, shit, you eat junk with your dick, right?!" The ram said, loudly, and then clapped a hand over his mouth. "Sorry, I mean-" "I sure do. I'm gonna "eat" yours now." Titus said, and his cock struck. Like a snake, it lifted a good six inches up above that bulging, overloaded underwear, then gaped and pushed down. The urethra stretching wide, the slick precum smoothing it's lurch down and over the entire bulk of the ram's package. The roughly football sized underwear was entombed in seconds, the tip pinching closed around the root of both shaft and nuts. The entire bulge was now inside Titus' cockhead, creating a rounded bulge. The ram gasped at this, reaching down to touch the cock that had leeched around his prized endowments. "I can feel it.. it's slippery..." The ram said, not seeming to mind, his tone fascinated. "Shit, I can feel it kind of kneading and squeezin' my junk.. damn, it feels GOOD... but how can I feel that if you're eating it?" "Well, I'm not eating you yet." Titus confided in him. "It's just tasting you. LIke when you put a candy bar in your mouth and just let the chocolate melt before biting." The ram whimpered, in excitement perhaps, as the cock squeezed around the root of his cock, and his back arched as he felt the cock pull along his entire package. "Oh, shit." Titus could feel the bulk of that meat beginning to be fully bared now, as the strong fabric that had cloaked it began to dissolve. It didn't take much, honestly. The fibers melted like sugar in his pre, the chemicals eating through to the firm, compacted flesh inside. When it started to yield, it yielded all over, all at once. A split down the center and those fat balls and that thickening cock expanded out into his cock's urethra. Well, they tried to. It was like a can of Pillsbury biscuits, trying to puff outwards, but the inside of Titus' cock was as thick and firm as his pectorals. He clenched playfully around that massive package, and the ram wheezed at the ache that rolled through his body as he nearly pulped the strong firm male meats. "Whoops. Sorry. Sometimes I forget my own strength," Titus said, as the ram clung to the shaft of his cock. "But, uh, don't worry. It doesn't hurt. Here, you can feel it happening right now." He loosened the grip, just enough, to start pulling. The whole wad of meat tugging slowly away from the ram's groin. The ram wheezed, as he felt his hands being pushed apart from each other, standing up on shaking feet to be able to look down and watch. He could see the bulge of his meat, inside the cock that was making soft slurping suckling noises at his groin. Precum oozed out of the slit, tickling through the fur along his taint, but there was something... wrong. No, not wrong, but different. That bulge shouldn't be that far away, should it? It was sliding away, as if his cock was getting longer, but the cockhead was getting narrower. He could feel it all, his entire masculinity, stretching away from his groin. It WAS painless, but it tickled, a pleasant itchy sensation through the root of his groin. "Oh shit, there it goes... you're taking all of it..." he mumbled to himself, and Titus nodded. There were people pausing to watch as they walked by - a stag reached out to touch the coil of dick that was looped around the ram, stroking it. Titus and the ram were staring intently at the bulge in the wolf's shaft. Titus could feel the attachment weakening, the taffinated flesh stretching longer and further, the connections thinner and weaker. It didn't snap, as much as released, like a four pound tear drop falling from the tip of a faucet. It came loose inside the wolf's cock, and he let out a pleasured little grunt as it did so. His. The ram stared in stupefied silence as it happened, his hips grinding forward, mashing himself against the cocktip that no longer kissed against his groin. It pulled up, a long strand of thick gooey precum connecting it to the tiny little urethra that was that that remained of the ram's gonads. The area around it was soft, puffy, pink and fur-less, and the ram let go of the cock to reach down and touch it. Just a caress against it had his knees wobbling, ass hitting the wall as pleasure exploded at his fingertips. The ram mumbled something, but Titus was already, well, done with him. He had gotten what he wanted from the shorn ram, and that was sliding down along his length. As it slid, it softened, the bulge going from mostly football shaped to longer, smoother, easier to swallow down. He could feel his shaft tingling in it's wake, as the raw virility of the ram's package dissolved into his flesh, imbuing it with a bit more size and volume as it went. Titus didn't have much need to stay and wait for that whole package to make it to his groin; his cock was two dozen feets long, after all. It was going to take a while. He turned around, leaving the moaning, delirious ram to play with his new 'soft spot'. Titus walked down the hallway, his cock unwinding from the ram and snaking ahead of him, weaving through the air. It looked as if it was just a curious snake, as if it was guiding itself, investigating the males as it passed along them. Titus could feel the pecks it was making, though. A nut-sack here; a plump sheath there, a dangling uncut cock there. Just little snacks and treats. They were barely worth noticing, but Titus could sense them nonetheless, little morsels like M&Ms that were fun to eat and barely any calories. He swung around the corner of the hallway, to a large open area. There was a game of beer pong going on, a fox and a rabbit bouncing and flicking back and forth, slapping balls towards each other's cups. Between them, though, leaning over the center of the table, resting on their elbows with a deliciously thick, caked up rump pointing RIGHT at Titus, was a deer. The slender antlers wiggled back and forth as the femdeer watched the balls flying through the air. They had a pink and blue knit sweater on, and no bottom. Their juicy supple rear made Titus' teeth ache. He wanted to sink his fangs into that luscious ass. Fangs or cock. His dick was already planning just as such, approaching the deer long before the wolf could. He couldn't see what the deer was packing; their ass was pointed just slightly to the right. He didn't need to see it, though. He could feel it. Some nice, plump deer balls. His cock head stroked up, nuzzling in against them, the large rounded eggs dangling loose and slack in a soft furred pouch. The deer lifted up his head, glancing over his shoulder, a smile turning briefly to confusion. The look of confusion only deepened as Titus' cock slid up, past the soft, heavy scrotum, nudging it up against one thigh so that it could stroke itself up between those plump cheeks. Titus' upper lip pulled back as he stroked his cock head against that luscious valley, still walking closer, stepping up even as his cock stroked and kneaded against the deer's backside. It flipped over, flapping against his lower back and then snaked down between that crevasse again. Titus grinned as the deer finally realized what was happening, tracing the long length of sexy, thick brown dick, past the various little bulges of his 'snacks, and the ram's bigger one, all the way back to the wolf. "Sup." Titus said, as his cock ground between his cheeks again, and the femmish deer oofed, blushing bright red along his ears as he felt the cock stoke lewdly against his backside. "Oh, jeez, you know how to say hi to a dude don't you?" the deer chuckled, and Titus winked at him. His dick had found those fat, plump deer nuts, and this time it snatched them up. The deer's eyes widened as the cock mouth slurped one softball, and then another, up inside of it. The two eggs were drawn down, rolling and twisting in their loose pouch. The precum dissolved the soft, vanilla-scented fur away immediately, the deer gasping and hunching at the peculiar pleasure of having his balls gargled by a wolf's massive dickhead. "I-" Titus stroked his cock down, the loose balls drawing taut at the end of their cords. The deer panted, leaning back over the table, as his fat beefy nuggets were tugged and pulled and stretched as low as they'd ever gone. Titus felt the balls gradually slide up, out of the mouth of his cock, to flop steaming into the open air. They were stretched; the smooth, slippery skin of the deer's scrotum remained caught inside the cock tip. The nuts could only stretch so far, but the precum he secreted allowed that scrotal skin to stretch much, much further. The fox and the rabbit were watching, absently tossing the ping pong back and forth, as the deer moaned and grasped his cock, stroking it quickly. "It's like... mouthing me so hard, suckin' on me... awwwghg..." he moaned, as the cock opened wide, and snapped up around those fat balls again. Titus grinned wider, and stretched down again. The scrotum was too soft to put up much of a fight, as the precum soaked through the underside. It dissolved away, like soft chewing gum, splitting apart just as the two eggs flopped back up into the open again. When his cock surged back up, and over those eggs again, they hung over inside a scrotum with no bottom. Precum welled up into that trapped scrotum, flushing up and along the swollen, puffy testes, and drenching the cords that connected them. Titus pulled down again, and this time the balls stretched with his dick. The clamp around them kept them 'locked' inside his cockhead, inside that cavern just behind the slit, and the deer's shoulders hunched as he felt his eggs being stretched further, further away. "Shh, almost done now, sweetie," Titus growled. He stroked a claw down the deer's hair, as he felt those plump balls already softening. "You definitely didn't need these. God, they're already breaking apart. Soft, sweet, supple marshmallows." When they flopped out this last time, they hung underneath the bottom of the scrotum. Smooth, gray, gleaming, and plump and luscious, they dangled a good four inches lower than the scrotum itself dangled, and even as Titus watched, they continued stretching lower, and lower, the cords weakening by the second. Titus didn't want to drop such tasty morsels on the floor, so he scooped them back up, cock stretching wide and lifting up underneath them. They dipped down into the pooling drooling precum inside it, dunking down inside, and Titus wiggled and snaked his cock up inside that limp, loose, stretched scrotum. It stretched broadly around his massive cock head, stretching even further as it snaked up inside and pinched firmly around the root of the cords. The deer twitched at the intimate grip, ass cheeks clapping tightly as the cock pulled the cords, and everything attached to them, loose with the gentlest of tugs. The deer sighed, and Titus could smell the seed as the deer purged his system of the last of his cum, splats of it being splashed onto the wooden floor, wasted. Fortunately, Titus managed to get those plump deer balls before they had released a single drop. There was no way those balls were gonna make it back to his nut-sack, they were already fizzing and dissolving, the scrotum barely separated before the testicles began to mushify in against each other. The ram's, in comparison, was still a fudgy solid block of meat, reduced by half but still a solid brick of flesh. The deer's barely made it past his cockhead before they collapsed into sweet, luscious, juicy splashed of pure male energy. The deer was completely quiet, eyes crossed and swaying at what they had just experienced, and Titus tickled under the neutered deerboi's chin. "Catch me around if you ever need your backside plundered," Titus said.