食い散らかされる女たち ────────────── 「…おや、よくここがわかったね?ここは使えないよ、いつも偉い人の”貸し切り”だからね。ほらごらん?ちょうどその方がご利用なさってるから中を見てみるといい。 え?あそこにいるのは君の彼女?…そりゃあご愁傷さま。彼女なら最近は毎日”使われてる”よ。最初は君の名前を呼んで助けを求めてたがね、あの方の手にかかればあの通りさ。 今ではあの方が満足するまで潮を噴いてイキまくってるよ。君とのセックスでは満足できなくなってるようだね。まあ、仕方ない。あの方と君では違いすぎる。見てごらん、あの長さを。君と比べてどうだい? まあ、ここならバレないからオナニーでもしてさっさと帰るといい。君が許されるのはそれだけだ。」 ────────────── How did you find this place? You can't use this place, it's always reserved for the big boys. See here? You should take a look inside, because he's just using it. What? Is that your girlfriend over there? I'm sorry to hear that. She's been "used" every day lately. At first she was calling your name and asking for your help, but now she's in his hands. Now she's squirting and cumming until he's satisfied. It seems that sex with you is no longer enough for him. Well, I can't help it. You are too different from him. Look at the length. How does it compare to yours? Well, you can masturbate and get the hell out of here without being noticed. That's all you're allowed to do." ───────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────