────────────── 時間停止おじさんvs水着カップル ────────────── やあみんな!時間停止おじさんだよ! 今日のオナホは海水浴場で発見した初々しい水着カップル!顔真っ赤にして可愛いね❤青春オーラ丸出しで見てるとチンコと気分がイライラしてきちゃったよ☆ 時間止めないで見てたら彼氏に睨まれて怖かったなぁ!ちょっとイイケツしてた彼女ガン見してただけなのにケチ臭い彼氏だね。ムカついたから地面に埋めておじさんのザーメン受けにしたよ。 気を取り直して彼女さんのおまんこいただきまぁぁす❤ …うおッ、もう濡れてるぞこの穴❤彼氏といて発情してたのかよサルかこいつ❤あ~ごめんね相手が彼氏じゃなくてッ❤ おほほッ、この角度きもちえぇ~わ~…締まりよし感度よし!時間はたっぷりあるから飯食って寝て起きて何度もおじさんが飽きるまでぶち込ませてもらうから覚悟しといてね~❤ あ、彼氏君はそのままおじさんのザーメンで溺れ◯んでええからな❤ ────────────── Hey guys! It's Uncle Time Stop! Today's masturbator is a couple in swimsuits found at a beach! They're so cute with their red faces and youthful auras, it's making my dick and my mood a little irritated. I was scared when I watched them without stopping for a moment, because their boyfriends were staring at me! I was just staring at her cute little ass, but her boyfriend was so petty. I was so pissed off that I buried her in the ground to catch her uncle's cum. I'm going to get myself together and take her pussy ❤.... Ohhhh, you're already wet, this hole is so wet ❤Did you get horny when you were with your boyfriend, monkey? I'll have plenty of time to eat, sleep, wake up, and fuck you again and again until you get tired of it, so get ready for it. Oh, and your boyfriend can drown in your uncle's cum and be fat. ────────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────