Remiel’s religious upbringing on a puritanical space colony has left him wholly unprepared for Captain Ramda Uweko’s stunning herm wolf hybrid beauty. On his journey to earth, Remiel struggles with his extreme attraction to her and all the things he thought he knew about himself. Enticed by Remiel’s shy lust, Ramda gives chase. And things only get hotter and heavier from there. Remiel's Fall From Grace - Chapter 13 by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and Sheera Castellar) Ramda and I stayed together all through lunch and then she had Cuber accompany me for the rest of the afternoon before our disembarkation. My thighs, buttocks, and prick ached from the three times I'd fucked Ramda and my jaw was sore from the four times I'd taken her prick into my mouth. She'd had two big glasses of water during lunch and I suspected she'd modded herself heavily in the jizz-making department because she'd had something to drink down all four times. Another reason I absolutely had to do stuff with her again in the future. Sexual satisfaction at this level was more like a pervasive, unshakeable joy and I doubted I'd get excited again for at least a day. Which was good because my leg muscles were spent and I needed to focus on my packing. Cuber wasn't being much help because she kept taking random objects and examining them closely. She currently had one of my socks and was quite pleased with how stretchy it was. When I heard it start to tear, I said, "Hey!" and reached down for it. She pulled it away. "Please don't put a hole in them, I only brought seven pairs," I said. She reluctantly gave it back and I checked it for holes. Finding none, I put it in the resealable bag I'd put my dirty clothes in and then closed my suitcase. Now that everything was ready, I just laid back on my bed and sighed. Cuber hopped on my bed, avoiding stepping on my legs. I hugged her against me, saying, "I'm gonna miss you." She made a sad trill and hugged me back. "You don't like people, right?" I asked. She nodded. "But you like me and Ramda?" She nodded. "Huh, I just don't see why I'm all that special," I said. Hugging me tighter, she let out a flurry of encouraging beeps. I smiled and sat with her for a bit before I took out the complementary deck of cards I'd gotten from room service. They had a nice image of the Gluttonous Pixie on the back and the value of each card was related to the rarity of the species pictured on the front. Cuber and I played "Go Fish" because I didn't want to teach her a whole new game just before we had to leave. We got through four games and were tied for wins. At the end of the fifth game, Cuber's third arm moved at the corner of my vision. My pile of matched fours was now on her side. I said, "You can't win by grabbing one of my piles." Continuing to play the game like nothing had happened, she put the pile back. At the end of the game, I found my pile of fours on her side again and said, "Cuber, you didn't need my fours to win and that's not a legal play." She put the pile of fours back, trilling excitedly. At this point I was sure she was just playing with me because she'd taken my pile of aces while I was watching her place the pile of fours back on my side. "Cuber, you're utterly devious," I said. Bouncing and beeping excitedly, she put all my piles on her side in a flurry of movements that my eyes couldn't keep track of. Then she cheered, announcing herself as the champion cheating at "Go Fish." I stared at her for a moment, my eyes widening. With sleight of hand that quick, she could move cards around all she wanted... Is that why she always seemed to have more cards than she should have? Had she learned to let me win sometimes so I didn't become suspicious? Did she even know how to play a fair game of cards? Instead of being angry at her, I just hugged her. She dropped the cards she was holding and hugged me back really tight. Perhaps Cuber and I weren't as alike as I thought. I'd never cheated at a game of cards in my life. She was definitely her own person and that made her even more fascinating. My eyes got wet. "You're hilarious and I wish I had time to get to know you better." She cooed and patted my back. I patted her back, completely in awe of her humanity. After the hug, Cuber insisted on loading and pulling my luggage cart and I was glad because my legs felt like overcooked noodles. The Columbia Hangar on Earth's equatorial orbital ring was at least four hundred meters tall and wide and long enough that I didn't know where the end was. Numerous gigantic cranes moved along tracks, handling ships and cargo. There were starships of all shapes and sizes and I only recognized a third of them. I wished I could go on a walk and see them all, but I knew Josiah would object if I strayed too far from the group. Currently, he was talking to Daniel just outside the ship while everyone else was further away, near the far wall that had a holographic map of the station and some other stuff. Josiah said, "Ramda's gonna take you to Epsilon Eridani and then you're gonna board a small transport back to Trinity Stronghold. If you do well with your anger management courses, you'll be back to Earth next year." "Okay," Daniel said, sounding meek for what may have been the first time in his life. Josiah patted Daniel on the shoulder. "Don't fret, God's just got some unfinished business with you and needs you to come back home. If you open yourself to his wisdom, you'll do just fine." My stomach lurched and I picked up my pace so I didn't have to listen to any more of Josiah's religious rationalizations. Ramda was talking to Hosannah and Luke next to a giant robotic cart full of luggage that had "Columbia Hangar" spelled out in big navy blue letters across its base. Behind them, all the MiraManna employees were looking at the holographic map, "Welcome to Earth" kiosks, and a wide variety of vending machines along the wall. If Josiah had been paying attention, he would've been lecturing them, because the vending machine everyone was congregating around was the one that sold a wide variety of sex toys. Walking toward Ramda, I said, "Hey," while trying to forget the fact that this was the last time I'd see her for a long time, possibly ever. "Remiel," Luke said, "Ramda's dick has a knot, like a dog's!" I blushed and thought about fleeing. Hosannah blushed deep red. "Don't announce it to the whole freaking spaceport!" Luke said, "But Remiel was farther away, I had to speak louder for him to hear me." "Josiah's also farther away, do you want him to hear you too?" Hosanna sighed. "It's bad enough you even asked her." "Bad for who?" Ramda asked. "Tell me honestly, Hosanna, was it something you were wondering about yourself?" Biting her lip, Hosanna remained quiet. I asked a question I already knew the answer to in an attempt to distract Luke. "Ramda, do you like getting pet?" Ramda's tail wagged. "Yeah, as long as it's not some random stranger." Hosanna looked at Ramda's tail. "Can I?" "All of you can pet me, you don't even need to ask," Ramda said. Hosanna stepped closer, then she felt along Ramda's tail, stroking the fur. Luke reached up and gently felt Ramda's ear, which flicked when he tried to touch it higher up. He laughed and started petting the base of it. Ramda's eyes closed and she groaned happily. I started scratching under Ramda's muzzle and Hosanna soon joined me, which made Ramda sway on her feet while cooing in delight. When she let out a yip and wagged her tail furiously at all of us getting even more into petting her, I went for her chin, making her gasp. Hosanna giggled. "You're just like my dog back home." Ramda pulled her head away from all of us, "I'm not a dog, I'm a wolf, and don't you forget it." She growled. "Sure you are." I scratched her chin and she sighed, closing her eyes. She pulled her chin away, "That's cheating." Cuber beeped in protest at everyone ignoring her. It was good to see that she liked Hosanna and Luke enough that she wasn't hiding behind my legs. Looking down at her, I asked, "Are you sure you want me to talk about you? It might be better to keep what I learned about you this morning a secret." Crossing her arms, she made the wrong answer sound. She had pride about the strangest things. "Well, I tried." Turning to Ramda, I said, "Cuber cheats at cards. And instead of having remorse about it, she's proud of how many times she duped me." Cuber trilled happily. Ramda shook her head at Cuber. "What am I going to do with you?" Cuber shrugged. "I was looking at incident reports last night and I found you were the problem robot in over fifty percent of them," Ramda said. Throwing up her arms, Cuber cheered. "That and you cheating at cards makes it hard for me to believe you're ever going to learn how to be a good robot," Ramda said. "And the only human you've ever taken a real liking to is Remiel, here." Cuber hugged my leg. Looking at her, I felt a wave of sorrow that I'd be leaving her behind. "After I had to report your antics with the artificial gravity, MiraManna demanded that I take you off my ship," Ramda said. "So I have to figure out something to do with you." Luke, Hosanna, and I all looked at Ramda with wide eyes. Hugging my leg tighter, Cuber made a sad trill. Hosanna said, "Are there charities that take in difficult robots?" "There's charities that repurpose robots," Ramda said. "But wiping their memory is usually part of it because most robots don't have as much personality as Cuber. She's rather unique and that poses a big problem." "Oh no," I said. "What's going to happen to her?" "Well, I have one idea." Ramda knelt down in front of Cuber. "How would you like to take care of Remiel instead of my ship?" I started crying instantly. Tears just started streaming down my face. "W-what?" Cuber bounced happily, ruffling up my pant leg. "If you'll have her, Cuber is yours from now on," Ramda said. "Yes, oh yes, oh wow," I said, crying in front of people other than Ramda or my family for the first time in my life. Ramda pulled me into her arms, letting my tears wet her uniform. "This way, you'll have part of the Gluttonous Pixie with you wherever you go." "Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said. She hugged me tighter and kissed the top of my head. "I should be thanking you. I had no idea what I'd do with Cuber if you refused." Luke hugged us from the side, "I read about gender dysphoria last night and I've wanted to hug you ever since, Ramda." Ramda hooked her arm around Luke. Hosanna hugged us from the other side. "I think you two are cute together." "Y-you know?" I asked, a chill running up my spine. Hosanna said, "You've been happier than I've ever seen you and I don't know what to think about it, but it's God's responsibility to decide what's right for you, not mine." Luke said, "I'd love to get a beer with you and talk about Ramda once we're settled in on Earth." "Same goes for me," Hosanna said. "And I'll be messaging you regularly. I come to Earth often and you are at the top of my list of people to visit," Ramda said. "Plus, I'm gonna have to check in on Cuber so I can track her progress toward becoming a criminal mastermind." Cuber trilled excitedly. "Thanks guys," I said, sniffling. Josiah walked up to us, saying, "What's all this?" "A farewell group hug, Josiah," Ramda said. "You're welcome to join if you like." "Yeah, come join the hug, Josiah," Luke said. "If you're nice, Ramda will let you pet her." "I, uh, we're leaving in five minutes. Be ready," he said before walking away. After the hug, Ramda set a large water-tight case down in front of me. "Cuber's charger, spare parts, and adapters for different interfaces are all in here. I suggest you find something for her to do during the day or she'll upgrade your living space out of boredom and let me be clear: Cuber doesn't fully understand human needs or aesthetics." Pointing at Ramda, Cuber scolded her with harsh beeps. Ramda narrowed her eyes at Cuber. "You know I'm right, don't get all melodramatic about it." Cuber crossed her arms. Luke, Hosanna, and I laughed. It was like watching a married couple argue. I knelt down next to Cuber and patted the top of her cubic body. "It's okay, I'll make sure to show you how to be a good housemate and give you clear boundaries for what you can and can't do." She gave me a thumbs up. Ramda asked, "Did you teach her that?" "Yep," I said. With her tail wagging, Ramda said, "I think you two will be just fine." "Me too," I said, hoping I could hang on to my current mindset. At the very least, I'd be living on a world where no one would think to call Ramda an abomination or paint everything a godawful sky blue. THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, UBA, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!