Entry 19611129 — Backstory 14 — Discovery _November 29, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ Elizabeth dawdled outside the lunch room hoping for a chance to say something to Jim Henderson. She saw him and moved towards the lunch line, timing it perfectly so she was next to him. She knew she had to act fast, so she touched his arm and when he looked at her, she spoke quickly. "If you give me a ride on your motorcycle," she said just loud enough for him to hear, "I'll suck you! And swallow!" Jim couldn't help but laugh, "You're a Freshman! What do you know about that?" "Enough!" she said. "Pick me up at midnight tonight at the corner of Brandon and Riverside!" Jim wondered if the pretty, dark-haired girl with a nice chest for her age was serious, or was trying to get him into trouble, but her ruby lips would be awesome wrapped around his manhood, which began to throb, and would create an embarrassing problem if he couldn't prevent the reaction. In the end, lust won out over any concern he had about her age. "Midnight," he said. "But if you're one second late, I'm gone." There was no way Elizabeth was going to be late! She knew how to sneak out of the house, and just thinking about made her tingle. She also knew she couldn't say anything to anyone, especially Elaine. She made sure she went straight to where she and Elaine usually sat and she thanked her lucky stars Elaine hadn't noticed her next to Jim Henderson. Meanwhile, Fran, having eaten lunch with her friends, sought out Sam and they huddled close to the building to stay out of the wind. "I'm sorry about last Friday," Fran said. "My sister was caught messing around with her boyfriend and my parents wigged out." "Well, knowing how my dad would react if he caught Deborah with a boy, if the boy's still alive, he's fortunate." "Dad had him arrested," Fran said. "Very restrained," Sam commented. "You don't think it's up to girls to decide?" "I think we're talking about how dads react, not eighteen-year-old guys!" "Are you trying to tell me something, Sam Mercer?" "Are YOU trying to tell ME something, Fran Sorkin?" Fran couldn't help but laugh, "I think teenagers have thought about that ever since there have been teenagers! It's why our parents are so concerned about it." "Because _they_ were teenagers!" Sam said. "Especially ones going off to war or watching someone leave for war." "My mom was sweet on a boy who ended up being killed in the Pacific. My dad was badly wounded, and that's how my mom met him." "I was born while my dad was in North Africa," Sam said. "I'm worried we're going to get into a war in Indochina," Fran said. "Me, too. And I'm eighteen, so eligible for the draft. You at least don't have to worry about that." "I think you should ask our moms about that," Fran said. "I don't think they were all too happy with their boyfriends being drafted or going to fight in a war." "Probably not," Sam agreed. "Do you think you could help me find a second-hand car?" "I could, but do you have the cabbage for that?" "I'm going to apply for a job at Fazio's or one of the shops along main that have 'help wanted' signs." "One of our clerks at the store is quitting at the end of December because she's getting married. I'm sure if you asked my dad, he'd hire you." "That would be swell! I'll make sure it's OK with Daddy and then ask your dad." "Outta sight! Are you ready for the French test on Friday?" "We're not going out!" Fran said, surprising herself. "Fran Mercer! No wonder your dad made you cancel our date!" "Oh, right, because you don't want to kiss me!" Fran countered. "And your dad's opinion on that topic?" "You sure know how to ruin flirting!" Fran groused. "Sorry, Fran, but given what you said about why you had to cancel our date, I need to be able to look your dad in the eye and say I have proper intentions." "Square!" Fran groused. "Now that's just unfair! You know what your dad will say to me on Sunday." "Sorry," she replied. "I'm just frustrated that I can't go on dates, and that I can't do things with Bev Thompson. She's the only girl who's a friend who has a car." "And if I wanted to 'do things' with Bev Thompson?" Sam asked with a silly grin. "Then you should ask HER out instead of me. But I don't take her leftovers!" The warning bell rang, so that had to go back inside the school, and both headed to the lockers to get their books for their afternoon classes. At the end of the day, Fran was surprised to see Allison waiting for her. "Did something happen with Bobby?" Fran asked. "My monthly happened," Allison said quietly. "A blessing and a curse! I saw you with Sam outside at lunch today. Has your dad backed off?" "No," Fran replied. "I just wanted to make sure Sam knew what had happened, so he's prepared for Sunday. My dad promised not to give Sam the third degree, but I'm afraid he might." "My mom is asking way more questions about Bobby," Allison said. "I'm SO glad I graduate in May!" "But you still have to live at home, right?" "No. I'm going to get a job and get an efficiency with my cousin Ann who graduates in May. She's at Mariemont. We'll have a bachelorette pad!" "But if you share an efficiency, you won't have privacy." "We'll work it out! I just need to get out of the old lady's sight!" "I hope I can live in the dormitory at UC," Fran said. "But I'm not sure Daddy will be willing to pay for that." "I'd say you could marry Sam, but he's going to college, too." "I'm not ready to marry anyone!" Fran declared. "Maybe in five or six years, after I graduate." They reached the spot where they parted, and Fran headed home to do her homework. _November 30, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ At two minutes after midnight, Elizabeth was on the back of Jim's motorcycle with her arms wrapped around him, her body pressed against his back, and her hair flowing as they moved along Riverside drive. She'd successfully snuck out of the house by pretending to be asleep when her parents had checked on her. Just before midnight, she'd carefully opened her window and checked to make sure nobody was on the street.' Having seen the coast was clear, she'd had climbed out and quickly walked to the rendezvous point, then stood in the shadows to avoid being seen. When Jim arrived, she'd hopped onto the bike and they were off. She had no idea where they were going, but she knew exactly what she was going to do when they got there. She was no baby, and she was going to prove it. They drove around for about ten minutes, then pulled up to a house on McClelland Road. Jim stopped the engine at the end of the driveway and they got off. Jim wheeled the bike up to the garage and put down the kickstand, then walked up a flight of steps next to the garage that led to a room with a workbench lots of tools, and a couch. "Where are we?" Elizabeth asked. "My dad's wood shop," Jim said as he turned on a single light. Elizabeth took off her coat and wool hat and shook her tresses. "Do you want what I offered?" she asked coquettishly. Jim couldn't believe his luck and his answer was to take off his leather jacket, kick off his shoes, and unzip his jeans. Elizabeth went over to him and turned her face up for a kiss. When their lips touched, she unhesitatingly put her hand inside his jeans and gasped at how big Jim was compared to Kenny. That didn't deter her, though, and she quickly moved her hand inside Jim's boxers. She grabbed his throbbing manhood and stroked once, causing Jim to groan. He staggered back a bit, then sat on the couch. Elizabeth got down on her knees and tugged at the waist of Jim's jeans. He lifted up, and she struggled a bit to get them off, so he stood up and pushed them down, along with his boxers, allowing his manhood to spring free before sitting back down. Elizabeth stared wide-eyed at the monster before her, though she didn't realize Kenny was smaller than average, at five inches, and Jim was only slightly bigger than normal at six-and-a-half. In her mind, the difference was both exciting and frightening, and she wondered if it would fit inside her, given she was on the small side, though her chest had filled out nicely. She shook herself out of the awed daze, and grasped the thick shaft before her, and began stroking. Jim groaned and watched expectantly as the Freshman girl lowered her head, parted her ruby lips, and took the head of his dick into her mouth. Jim didn't shoot right away as Kenny had both times, so Elizabeth had to put the knowledge that her friend Peggy had shared to use, and began bobbing her head, sliding her tongue around, and stroking with her hand. As she bobbed, she wondered what it would feel like to have him inside her, but she had to make him shoot first. Elizabeth remembered what Peggy had said and began sucking as she took more of Jim into her mouth. She bobbed for about two minutes before she felt Jim twitch, then he groaned loudly. His manhood began pulsing as he shot into her mouth and Elizabeth swirled her tongue faster, sucked, and swallowed each shot. When he finished, she bobbed twice, released him, ran her tongue once around the end of his manhood, then kissed the tip. "Did you like it?" she asked hopefully. "Yeah," Jim replied, panting. "If you have a rubber we can do it, if you want." "I need a few minutes, but yeah." She got up and sat in his lap and went to kiss him. "Don't!" he said, turning his head. "You gotta wash your mouth!" "Oh! Sorry, I uhm didn't think. Where's the sink?" "There isn't one. There's beer in the fridge, but that's it." Elizabeth had never had beer, but she wanted to kiss Jim before they did it, and hoped she could talk him into kissing her the way Kenny was going to before his old lady had interfered and her dad had ruined everything. She walked over to the fridge and opened it, and took out a can of Hudepohl. She had seen her dad drink beer, so she knew how to open the can. The opener was hanging on a string attached to the door handle, and she used it to poke a large hole in the can and a smaller one on the opposite side. She nonchalantly took a drink and almost choked on it because it tasted bad. But she took a second drink, then put the can down and went back and sat in Jim's lap. This time, when Elizabeth presented her lips for a kiss, Jim didn't turn away. Elizabeth parted her lips and Jim's tongue met hers. As their tongues tangled, Jim put his hand on her breast and squeezed, then ran his thumb over her nipple, which hardened. A fire was burning low in Elizabeth's stomach, and she wanted nothing more than to have Jim inside her, making her a woman and proving once and for all she was no baby. Elizabeth understood the basics, and knew that Jim had to be hard before he could relieve her of the burden she carried, so she moved her hand to his groin and grasped his flaccid shaft. A few short strokes caused it to spring to life and stand straight up, ready to have her in the way a man had a woman. A woman! That was what she was going to be! Elizabeth broke their kiss, stood up, and as she had at Kenny's, quickly removed her sweater, blouse, and bra. Her jeans, which she was normally only allowed to wear in limited circumstances, went next, followed by her bobby sox and panties. Jim's eyes went wide as he looked her up and down, and she saw his manhood twitch in anticipation. Jim stood up, pulled his white t-shirt over his head, kicked off his jeans and boxers, which had been around his ankles, then pulled off his socks. He picked up his jeans, pulled a small paper packet from the pocket, and ripped it open. Elizabeth watched in fascination as he unrolled the rubber over his manhood. He stood up, pulled her to him, kissed her, then maneuvered her onto the roomy couch. Elizabeth spread her legs invitingly, and Jim got between them. He grasped his manhood, and Elizabeth felt him rub it against her womanhood. She wanted it, _needed_ it, and pushed her hips up to encourage him. It worked, as she felt herself part before him as he entered her. She bucked her hips, and Jim thrust forward hard in response. A searing pain caused Elizabeth to grimace as her maidenhead gave way, but the pain quickly dissipated as lust overwhelmed her. She bucked again, and Jim pushed deep inside her, and she felt pressure against her cunny that sent tingles through her body. Jim kissed her, then began thrusting in and out, and she moved her hips wildly in response, locking her legs around him to increase the sensations which were like nothing she'd felt before. Those sensations continued to build, and she lost control, wildly undulating her hips, her hands on his butt encouraging him to _fuck_ her. She was fucking! She was a woman! And it felt _so_ good. Something was building inside her, something she didn't understand, and suddenly, like an explosion, pleasure overwhelmed her and she lost all capacity for rational thought. All she could think about was the intense pleasure, and she wanted more, much, much more! When it happened again, it was even better, and while lost in the intensity of the pleasure, she heard Jim groan, push deep into her, and, she was sure, shoot into the rubber. He stopped moving, and they lay still, breathing hard, and Elizabeth wondered what it would feel like for him to shoot his seed in her. She knew that was way too risky, because being in a family way would be a nightmare, so it would have to wait, but what wouldn't wait was doing it again! Jim reached down and held the rubber as he pulled out of her, causing Elizabeth to whimper at the empty feeling. She lifted her head and looked down, and saw red streaks on the rubber, proof that her maidenhead had torn and she was no longer a child, she was a woman. "You were cherry?" Jim asked, surprised at seeing blood on the rubber and her thighs. "Was!" Elizabeth exclaimed giddily. "I want to do it again!" "I only have one rubber," Jim said, wishing he'd bought two or three from the vending machine in the men's room at the gas station. Elizabeth pouted and thought about throwing caution to the wind, but she knew it was foolish. "Get more for next time!" she exclaimed. She got up and looked around for something to wipe off the blood, and saw some paper shop towels. She used them to clean herself, then reluctantly began dressing. Jim did the same, knowing he absolutely had to see Elizabeth again. She was only fourteen, but she'd been the best lay he'd had except for Bev Thompson, but she'd been really experienced when they'd done it. Jim had a girl who sucked and swallowed, and obviously loved screwing, and wanted to screw him, and he was going to take advantage of the situation for as long as possible. Once they were dressed, they kissed, and then she followed Jim down to his motorcycle. He pushed it to the end of the driveway, got on, started it, and she climbed on behind him. He took a circuitous route to her house, giving her a longer ride, then pulled up at the corner of Riverside and Brandon. Elizabeth got off the bike, kissed Jim, and put her lips to his ear. "Same day, next week. Make sure you have more rubbers!" Jim nodded, then drove off, while Elizabeth turned to walk home. It was just after 2:00am, so nobody was on the street, and no lights were on, except for a few porch lights that some people left burning all night. She made her way to the house, carefully pushed up the window, which she'd left open a crack, and began climbing in. To her horror, when she was only halfway into her room, the door opened, and the light was turned on.