Entry 19611118 - Backstory 4 - Dinner and a Movie, Part III _November 19, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ As Ben pulled into the driveway of his house, Fran's nerves kicked into high gear, but even there, they were unable to overcome the burning desire which was overwhelming any contrary thought. Ben, so close to gaining what he'd lusted after for over a year, willed himself to remain calm and not do anything that would spook Fran or cause her to change her mind. The one remaining hurdle was his fifteen-year-old brother, but they'd already agreed on the deal, and Isaac would leave as soon as they were inside. Ben stopped the car, turned off the ignition, then got out, taking the keys with him. He walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, and helped Fran from the car. He shut the door, then took Fran's hand and led her up the walk to the front door. He unlocked the door, opened it, and they went inside. He took Fran's coat and hat and hung them in the closet, then removed his own hat and coat and hung them next to hers. They both took off their shoes, then Ben asked Fran to wait in the sitting room while he went upstairs to Isaac's room. "Time for you to make like a tree and leave!" Ben declared. "Five bucks," Isaac demanded. "We agreed on two and I paid you!" Ben protested. "Five bucks. Ten if you want your rubbers." "You little prick!" Ben growled. "Your prick isn't going anywhere unless you pay me," Isaac declared smugly. "And I'm sure Dad would be very interested to know you brought Fran here. So you'll be busted without busting a cherry!" "We had a deal!" "I changed the deal. It's up to you, Ben. Ten bucks if you want your pussy." "And what do YOU know about pussy?" Isaac laughed, "You may be two years older than me, but you don't know a THING about getting chicks to put out!" "And you do?" "Since I was thirteen. Now, ten bucks. Or, do you want to let ME take care of Fran Sorkin for you?" Ben knew he was trapped, and if he wanted to get Fran into his bed, he'd have to pay. The problem was, his brother could blackmail him in the future, and there was no way Ben could prevent it. He pulled out his wallet, extracted two fives, and handed them to Isaac. "Nice doing business with you!" Isaac declared gleefully. "The rubbers!" Ben demanded. Isaac opened the desk drawer, pulled out the box, and held it out. Ben took them and put them in his pocket. "Here's some free advice," Isaac smirked. "Chicks really dig it when you put your tongue in their pussy!" "You're so full of shit your eyes are turning brown!" Ben retorted. "My eyes _are_ brown!" "Blow!" "Put your tongue in her, and she might actually do that for you!" Isaac smirked, getting up from his desk. Ben followed Isaac downstairs and watched him put on his hat and coat and go out the front door, then went to the sitting room where Fran was waiting. He'd wondered if his brother was telling the truth about being able to get girls to put out at thirteen, but it seemed far-fetched. It seemed even MORE far-fetched that Isaac had actually eaten a girl, something that neither Ben or any of his friends had done, or wanted to do, because it seemed gross. Of course, the girls felt the same way about using their mouths, so it was mutual. The idea that his little brother had talked a girl into giving a blowjob was just beyond anything Ben could fathom. They had at most an hour before Isaac came back, and Ben fully expected Isaac to cause trouble, which meant it would be better to eat lunch after, but he wasn't sure how Fran would respond. There was, he decided, only one way to find out. He held out his hand to Fran who took it and stood up. She was still nervous, but she WANTED Ben. "He's gone for an hour," Ben said quietly. Fran nodded and when Ben lowered his head for a kiss, she raised her head so their lips met in what immediately became a frantic kiss, their tongues swirling, twirling, and dancing around each other. Ben put his arms around Fran and pulled her to him and Fran responded by immediately wrapping hers around him, bringing their fully-clothed bodies into delicious contact. Fran moaned softly and pressed her body tightly against Ben, unsurprised to find a hardness pressing against her lower stomach, a hardness she desperately desired. When Ben broke the kiss and led her towards the stairs, she didn't resist; in fact, it was all she could do to restrain herself from dragging HIM up the stairs. Ben and Fran quickly climbed the stairs and he directed them to his room, closing the door behind him before they began furiously kissing. Ben, with no concern about Fran objecting, slid his hand up to cup her full breast, causing Fran to moan and press her body against his, his erection trying to burst from his slacks, and pressing against her hip. Fran, her body on fire, tugged at Ben's shirttail, pulling it from his slacks. Ben took the hint, broke the kiss, and quickly moved his hands to the top button of Fran's blouse. He fumbled a bit, but soon enough pushed it off her shoulders. Fran lowered her arms so her blouse could fall to the floor, then quickly, without any fumbling, unbuttoned Ben's dress shirt. The cuffs were buttoned, so she had to unbutton those before she could help Ben remove his shirt. With no hesitation, Fran pulled up on Ben's sleeveless t-shirt and soon he was bare-chested. Ben put his arms around Fran and moved his hands to the clasp of her bra. He'd struggled when he'd tried to remove Ellie Green's bra, but by the third time with her, he'd figured it out, and now deftly undid the clasp on Fran's bra. She stepped back slightly, crossed her arms in front of her and pushed the straps from her shoulders. Burning with desire, she had no second thoughts about simply lowering her arms to allow the bra to fall away, exposing her lovely breasts to a boy for the first time. Ben tentatively reached out, placing his hands gently on Fran's breasts, enjoying their soft but firm feel, before he and Fran crashed together again, her nipples trying to more holes in his chest while they locked lips and their tongues danced. The tingle between Fran's legs was growing stronger by the second, and she did her best to try to rub her most sensitive part against Ben's hardness. Ben's hands searched for and found the zipper on Fran's skirt and when he drew it down, the skirt floated down around her ankles. Reluctantly Fran broke the clench and the kiss, and carefully removed Ben's belt, then found the button of his slacks, unbuttoned it, then drew down the zipper. She pushed the slacks over Ben's hips, and they slid to the floor. Fran stepped out of her skirt and Ben out of his slacks and they kissed again, clad only in their socks, his briefs, and her panties, which had a growing wet spot. A minute later, those joined the other clothes on the floor and Fran gasped at the size of Ben's manhood, momentarily worried, but then remembering babies were going to come out where he was going to put it, and they were much bigger. Ben pulled her tightly to him, crushing her breasts and his manhood between them. Fran's hands roamed over Ben's back and butt, and Ben cupped Fran's butt, pulling her hard against him. Fran's body was on fire as it never had been before, and the feeling in the pit of her stomach was demanding she couple with Ben. When he moved them towards his bed, she put up no resistance, for she wanted it at least as badly as Ben, and maybe even more. He let go of her, pulled down the bedspread and top sheet, and they scrambled into bed, Ben moving immediately on top of Fran. Fran knew what she wanted and spread her legs wide so Ben could get between them. The weight of Ben's body on hers, pushing her into the mattress caused Fran to shudder, and when Ben kissed her, she hungrily accepted his tongue into her mouth, wrapped her arms and legs around him and pushed her hips upward, seeking the pleasure she knew from the times she'd rubbed herself. This pleasure, though, was so much more intense, and made her almost delirious. Ben, driven by his desire grasped his shaft, and ran it along the entrance to Fran's womanhood, coating it with her juices. Encouraged aby Fran pushing her hips up, he positioned himself and pushed slowly forward. Fran gasped at the contact, and sucked in her breath as she felt Ben's hardness slowly spread her apart. Raging and demanding hormones drove her to push her hips up hard, resulting in a brief twinge of pain as her maidenhood gave way. Ben pushed his hips forward, sinking deeper and deeper into Fran as she began frantically raising and lowering her hips, the desire to have him fill her erasing any rational thought. It wasn't long before he filled her completely, in a way she never could have imagined when she'd rubbed herself, and creating exquisite pressure on the little nub of flesh that gave her extreme pleasure. Unable to control herself, driven by desire Fran began humping against Ben, who took the hint and pulled back before pushing deeply into her once again. Fran moaned in pleasure as they kiss end built a rhythm, her body seeking his, desiring release. She could no longer maintain the kisses, as her breath was growing ragged. She gasped for air, and called out his name. "Oh, Ben!" she moaned. Fran felt her release was close, and tightened her arms and legs around Ben as they moved together, each seeking that ultimate pleasure. Fran's arrived first, an explosion of pleasure in her body which made her see stars, and which was far beyond anything she'd ever experienced. The waves of pleasure caused her muscles to spasm around Ben's manhood, which was enough for him to begin firing what felt like molten lava into Fran's womanhood. Fran suddenly snapped out of her delirium, and her eyes went wide - she could get pregnant! In their rush to bed, neither of them had given a thought to rubbers. It felt so good that she didn't want Ben to pull out, so there was nothing to do except pray that she didn't catch. When the last molten jet left Ben's shaft, he collapsed on Fran, breathing hard. Fran caught her breath enough to speak a moment later. "You didn't use a rubber," she whispered. "Oh!" Ben gasped, pulled out of her, and rolled off of her. Fran whimpered, feeling completely empty and regretting saying something so soon. "I'm so sorry, Fran," Ben said, realizing how big a mistake he'd just made, despite the intense pleasure of being inside Fran without a rubber. "My monthly is supposed to be in a few days," she said. "So we'll know by the middle of the week." "My parents will kill me," Ben said worriedly. "Yours?! Think about mine!" "We're dead," Ben sighed. "Just wait to see what happens," Fran said. "A few days and it won't be a worry." "I'm such an idiot!" "I had a part in it, too," Fran said. "I could have said something but I wasn't thinking clearly! I don't think you were, either!" "Uhm, no." "Ben?" "What?" "Do we have time to do it again?" "You'd want to? Even though I messed up?" "WE messed up," Fran said. "And I think at this point it doesn't matter, so if you want to do it again without a rubber, now's the time! It probably won't happen again." There was no way Ben was going to pass up the opportunity, and the second time was better than the first, lasting even longer, and with Fran reaching the pinnacle of pleasure twice before Ben had his release. Fran LOVED the feel of his emissions, ruing the fact that she might never feel them again before she married at some point in the future. She wondered what it might take to get those new pills they were talking about that prevented pregnancy. This time, Ben stayed in her and on top of her until he was soft and slipped out. They got out of bed, and Fran noticed a small pink spot on the sheet which was soaked with her juices. "Ben," she said, nodding. "Uhm, I don't know how to do laundry. Mom does it." Fran rolled her eyes and shook her head, "Let's get cleaned up and I'll show you. Does your mom line dry?" "No, we have a machine dryer." "Good, because otherwise it wouldn't be dry before they get home." They went across the hall to the bathroom and Fran used a washcloth to clean up, while Ben did the same. They went back, got dressed, and stripped off the bottom sheet. Fran was happy to see that there was no bloodstain on the mattress, but it was a bit damp and she was sure it smelled like her. They'd have to leave it air out and hope his mom didn't notice and that it didn't stain. They took the sheet to the basement where Fran showed Ben how to work the washing machine, then they went up to the kitchen where he got out a can of tomato soup which Fran prepared while Ben got out potato chips and put bowls on the table. They ate, then did the dishes together. The washer wasn't quite done, so they waited for it, then put the sheet into the dryer. "You can put it back on yourself, right?" she asked. "I think I can manage! Ice cream?" "Yes!" Fran quickly agreed. They put on their shoes, then their hats and coats, and left the house, just as Isaac was returning. Ben was happy Isaac didn't say anything to Fran, and hoped against hope that there would be no further blackmail. Ben helped Fran into the car, and they headed for Graeter's. They had their ice cream, and then Ben took Fran home. He walked her to the door, she gave him a nice kiss, then let herself in with her key. Nobody was home so she went to the kitchen and found a note her mom had left saying that they had gone to A&W for root beer floats, and would be back by 3:30pm, which according to the clock, gave Fran about twenty minutes before they arrived home. She went to her room, shut and locked the door, and took off all her clothes. She moved to stand in front of the full-length mirror to see if she looked different now that she was no longer a virgin. Of more concern, was any sign that she was pregnant, but she knew from older women that they didn't show any signs for months and months. Fran was worried, but it was also the case that there was literally nothing she could do. Hopefully her monthly would start on time, and that would be the end of it. If not, well, as Ben had said they were dead. Satisfied that there was no sign that she was now officially a woman, Fran dressed, fixed her makeup, then went to the living room to wait for her parents and sister to arrive, which they did about ten minutes later. "Did you have a good time with Ben?" Esther Sorkin asked. "Yes, mom. We had a nice lunch and then went to Graeter's. How was A&W?" "We had to sit inside, of course, but otherwise the floats are always awesome! Help me with dinner?" "Love to!"