Corrupts Absolutely 10 Eventually, Ashley found a diner and pulled into it. Before she spoke to Grant, she needed some food and especially coffee. She and Amanda climbed out of the car, and walked together into the diner and got a table. Before anything else, she ordered some coffee and took the menu to look over it. It wasn’t long before the waitress approached with her coffee. “Thank you,” she said, not looking up from the menu as she casually reached up and squeezed the waitress’s breast to squirt a little milk into her coffee. “I think I still need a minute to look over the menu” “Of course, Ma’am. Take your time.” the waitress replied “If there is anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask.” “Actually” Amanda said, looking up from her menu “I could use some extra sugar.” The waitress smiled, sliding next to Amanda before leaning down and giving her a kiss on the lips “Of course, one kiss or two?” “Two” Amanda replied before pulling the waitress back into a deeper kiss. Ashley shifted in her seat slightly, a bit uncomfortable watching her girlfriend kissing another woman… Was she actually getting jealous of breakfast? She really needed to get her emotions under control. How was she supposed to be an objective judge of whether Grant was using his power responsibly if she can’t even be rational about something as simple as this? Finally, the red haired waitress stood up from their kiss, straightening up the tiny apron that sat just on top of her breasts and giving them both a warm smile. “I’ll give you two a minute to look over the menu. My name is Sandy, just call my name if there is anything at all I can do for you.” Ashley picked up her coffee and gave it a sip as the waitress walked off to visit another table. It was still a little light on milk but she didn’t want to call the waitress back over again so soon… Or maybe she didn’t want to give Amanda another excuse to ask for more sugar… She could feel her mind trying to analyze the situation again already, and let out a long slow sigh. Now was not the time for this. She’s been too stressed, things have been too crazy, and she just needed to take some time to enjoy things being normal while it lasted. “You look tense” Amanda said leaning forward as she looked up from her menu. “Thinking hard again?” Ashley let out a slow sigh, “I’m trying not to.” “Maybe you should just accept things how they are.” Amanda replied, a grin spreading across her face “I mean, we’re living the dream life right? Grant can give us whatever we want.” “He can also make us do whatever he wants.” She said before letting out a slow sigh “And we wouldn’t even realize it.” “What’s wrong with that?” Ashley tried to keep herself from putting her face in her hands. Amanda had a fetish for this kind of thing. Of course she would think that way… The idea they were subject to his every whim, that he could break them up or have them both worshiping at his feet in any instant he willed it was terrifying to her, but to Amanda, it’s a dream come true... And yet… Here they both were. Together, and not worshiping him as their Lord and Master. Grant was good to them both, and the only reason she was even capable of distrusting him was him being so open and honest with her in the first place. She looked around the diner, she knew that things were different now than they once were, but she was exhausted. She was so tired of trying to figure out what had changed and if she liked it or not. Tired of questioning if any random thing that upsets her is just how the world always worked, or if it was something Grant had done. She had nearly drifted back into her own headspace when the waitress returned. She was awakened from her daze by the feeling of Sandy’s heavy breasts landing on her shoulders, and her voice whispering into her ear. “How are you enjoying yourself?” She said, in a casual tone “is there anything I can do to help you feel more comfortable?” She could feel Sandy’s breasts pressing against both sides of her face, as well as her own heart pounding excitedly. Across from her, she could see Amanda stifling a grin with very little success. She opened her mouth to speak a couple times but couldn’t find the words before Sandy spoke again. “Your friend ordered you a little extra service” she said, before nibbling gently at Ashley’s ear “She noticed how stressed you seemed to be. She’s a very good friend, don’t you think?” Ashley’s face grew redder as she could almost hear her heart pounding. She had always been curious about getting the extra service option, though, she could never excuse the cost to herself before Grant had made them win the lottery. Or maybe this place didn’t even exist before then… She tried to push the thought out of her head, but it stubbornly lingered. Well… Fine. Maybe this was one of his changes. What should she do about it? She already agreed not to take his powers away until they had their talk. Her mind caught on that last bit… She could take his powers away… But if she did, wouldn’t things stay exactly as they are now? If she ever thought he went to far, the most she could do was lock reality into whatever he had made it become. She couldn’t solve this by just deciding when to take his powers away… She needed him to be able to fix things. She needed to talk to him, and she would… So for now… Maybe... Maybe... It wouldn’t hurt to indulge herself a little… “T-Text Grant” Ashley said, her voice airy and shaking “Tell him I want full service instead.” Amanda grinned and began to text on the phone, the waitress meanwhile seemed a bit confused. “The most we offer here is extra service?” she said softly “I believe there are some places nearby that offer full…” Amanda squirmed in her seat in excitement as she spoke “Okay text is written. Sending in three… Two… One…” Ashley watched as Amanda tapped the phone once more, dramatically. Then… Nothing. Amanda blushed and scratched at the back of her head. “Uh… I guess he needs a chance to actually read the text before he can-” Ashley let out a scream of ecstasy as she reached her third orgasm. Her hands gripped the bed sheets tightly as Sandy looked up from between her legs. Her expression was calm and professional, and she was wearing nothing but a bowtie with the diner’s logo on it. “That is your third sugar, Ma’am” she said softly “Your food should be ready shortly, would you like me to bring it to you or would you like me to call another waitress to deliver it?” Ashley panted for a few moments, catching her breath before finally managing to let out a gasping reply “S-Stay… You can… Ah… C-Call another…” The waitress nodded in response and picked up the phone on the nightstand. “Hello. Room 12 is ready, please send the food up. I will be remaining here.” She then sat next to Ashley on the bed, lifting one breast and giving a polite smile “Is there anything else I can help you with?” she asked. “I am a bit thirsty” She replied, looking over the waitress’s breasts. They were massive boulders hanging down from her chest, yet soft and inviting. She wondered how big they were compared to reality before Grant took control. She knew at least that he had changed that before. She resisted the urge to shake her head at the thought. She was taking a day off from this work. She didn’t need to think about what had changed, she just needed to enjoy herself. The waitress lowered her breast towards Ashley’s mouth with a smile, and she accepted it, suckling at it as she felt her worries disappearing again. Finally some peace of mind… She wasn’t sure how long it was before she heard the sound of a gentle knock at the door. “Come in” she called out, and a moment later, Amanda walked in, wearing the same bowtie Sandy wore, and she had with her a tray. Her breasts were lifted by the tray and between her breasts was a plate with pancakes, topped with syrup and whipped cream. Whipped cream was also covering each of Amanda’s nipples. Ashley let out a soft gasp of surprise. “I didn’t know you worked here!” she said without thinking. Amanda smiled “Of course, Ma’am. I’ve always worked here. I am glad to be of service to you.” “We drove here together, right?” She said, trying to wrap her head around what was going on. “Yes, Ma’am. Thank you for the ride to work today.” Amanda replied, her calm professional tone not breaking for a moment. “I am happy to be of service” Ashley wasn’t sure what to think. What was happening… Her mind felt like it was swimming, as though she was just on the edge of understanding… Then a smile spread across her face as something seemed to click in her mind. “Oh, not a problem at all!” she said “My shift starts an hour after yours anyway so it makes sense to carpool” Ashley laid down on her stomach, facing the end of the bed as Amanda knelt infront of it, setting the tray and her breasts down on the edge of the bed. Ashley quickly ate the pancakes, she didn’t want to be late after all. She then lifted each of Amanda’s breasts in one hand and sensually ran her tongue along the edges of each nipple, licking up each bit of sweet whipped cream before giving each breast a kiss. “Anyways, I should hurry up” she said, “You can put this on my card, it should be on file. Let me go get dressed and ready” She hopped her way to the changing room, excited to start her day. She was so lucky to get to work here… Doing her job was nearly as much fun as being on the receiving end of it, and she got to do both. She had already put her normal clothes in the locker before ordering her breakfast, so all she had to do was put on the bowtie, make sure her hair looked tidy and… Perfect. She looked herself up and down in the mirror with a smile. She looked great in uniform. Ashley stepped out of the changing room and walked down the stairs and into the dining area, where she saw her favorite customer, Grant, sitting alone in her section, reading over the menu. She skipped over to him with a smile on her face. “Would you like any help, Sir?” she asked, beaming at him. He used his reality warping powers to land her this job, and she couldn’t be more grateful. Grant lowered the menu “I think I’ll go with a coffee, with Milk” he said, looking her over “Yours, if you please.” She nodded “Of course, Sir. Anything else?” They had been through this routine a few times, and she knew what he was going to say before he said it… “I suppose.” He said slowly “I could probably go for the full service after that.” “I’ll have the room ready for you soon” she replied. “By the way…” She leaned down close, and lowered her voice to a whisper, “I’ve made up my mind. I won’t cut you off. Just… Keep things fun for me too, okay?” He smiled as he looked back up to her, replying just as quietly, “I’m glad to hear that, because I have a lot of fun ideas left to try...”