dogs work i took a long time thinking of ways to punish my mind numbingly naughty dogs, and i realised one of the best would be for them to 'earn' their supper! so i did my research, found a place that dealt with dog advertising stuff, sent a few pics of my gorgeous Rover and instantly i was called back with work for him! so they gave me a destination and before we knew it, we were parading around with all these doggy merchandise and my Rover looking all regal and strong, cameras everywhere..granted, i did have to go that little extra mile to 'reign him in' as he did start to get properly excited about the whole thing, but at the end of the day, his name was in the book, they had much more work for him in the future and a fairly decent pay packet to boot! i deliberately left Max behind with the neighbours as i KNEW if there was any fussing to be done with the pair of them, it'd end in a fight, but i couldn't help but feel Rover had gone above and beyond to pay for his bad behaviour and as a result i figured we both needing treating for the special occasion! i took him shoping with me and i let him pick my dress (basically held clothes in my hands and let him sniff the one HE preferred) and he chose this utterly stunning red strapless party number, with matching heels, some fab jewellery and a brand new telescopic rewind lead and collar, which he just went nuts over! i even booked an evening stay at a very swish hotel in the area, and together we headed off to party! i thought it would be even MORE fun if I wore the collar and let him hold the handle, just to see if anyone noticed...but i could see in his eyes the utter joy of having a leash that retracted back, even if he couldnt push the button to do so, it was automatic...kinda felt like i was permanently at his command out of nowhere, Rover decides he wants to play and urgently drags me around this grand piano in the main hall of the hotel! i'm trying my best to kinda 'blend in' and not have a rowdy dog thrown out with his utterly embarrassed owner alongside with him, but his strength is just so much more than mine and before i know it, i'm stumbling over the piano chair as Rover goes into full ownership mode with his new toy strapped tightly around my neck as i reach out to grab the piano to stop myself falling, Rover 'somehow' drops the handle and lead down the side of this impressive muscial instrument to fall into a little recess wich traps the whole thing and me into a prone position on the stool! my pet dog then scampers around the back of me to start pulling at my dress with his teeth chomping firmly at the hemline, with hindsight i wonder if he chose a strapless frock specificially so he could strip it off my body in an instant, but surely dogs cant think that far ahead..surely? but before i can even utter a command to stop, i'm left naked and trapped on a piano seat for the whole world to see as i feel the entire length of silky fabric slip cleanly off my body in one swift doggy pull! all i can hear behind me are shocked gasps, and cries of OHMYGOD but in my defence, let's face it, you cant wear underwear with a strapless, figurehugging cocktail dress, the two just dont go together, but wow, am i regretting that decision now i try to dismiss my naked chagrin for a moment as i realise that if i just remain calm and lean forward on the stool i can reach around for the trapped leash and release myself, but before i even move, Rover has disgarded my rather expensive frock to one side and passionately leaps upon my body with a hard-on the size of mount Everest! instantly he has his doggy paws on my shoulders and i can feel the heat of his lust probing at my anus yet again (told you he likes it tight!) but as he pulls firmly at my body backwards with his paws, the leash gets tighter around my neck and the pressure begans to mount at my puckered ass as i feel my Rover begin to press home with a vigour i've never felt before, his panting rapid and heavy close to my face i've never felt pain like it before and he won't relinquish. his constant, steady battering at my sphincter just keeps massing the flesh of his already meaty cock into a squashed ball of desperate sex at the doorway of my anus. i can feel the tip getting bigger and bigger like a pancake as Rover simply won't give up on his advance, the dry shaft of his penis and my non lubricated and tightly clenched anal passage proving impossible to penetrate. i try to call for him to stop, but the tearing at my backside muffles any words, the only sounds i can utter are small howls of intense pain whilst all around the room i can hear the chatter of so many witnesses. cries of, ohmygod, whose dog is that?..what is it doing? we call the police? ring all around me, accompanied by the occasional 'click clack' sound of mobile phone cameras ..recording the event for 'prosperity!' and then out of the blue and completely beyond surprise, Rover's cock bursts into my ass with the speed of a loaded gun and i can feel his entire penis, including his massive knot burrowing deep inside my body and pain and pleasure now collide all over me with a dizzying mixture of intensities all i hear around me are gasps of incredulity as everyone watching, as myself can simply not believe what they experiencing and Rover merely plants a huge slobbering kiss of drool against my cheek as now he can truly begin to go to work at my backside his fat and eager cock now buried within me, my pet dog simply went bonkers as he pummelled away at my ass with an intensity i havent experienced before, his knot never leaving my flesh Rover thrust at me as if his life depended on it and all i could do was hold on tight to the piano to preserve mine. maybe it was the photoshoot, or the shopping spree, maybe the hotel had excited him in ways he hadnt known but whatever it was that drove his libido that day, i can still hear the splish splash of gallons of his hot and salty doggy jizz spilling out of my battered anal passage and dripping to the tiled floor of that exclusive hotel reception i'm guessing, no one had a clue how to get a very large and very rampant dog off and OUT of person when theyre in full fuck mode, but let's just say, it went on for quite some time i tried to go with it but i think my pain receptors kicked in with a vengeance and i blacked out, or atleast i can't remember what happened next. i seem to remember with one of my legs pinned on the stool i couldnt fall to the side, but merely slump on the keys in the perfect position for Rover to bang away at me with no mercy, i could feel his drool washing over my neck and shoulders and copious amounts of his hot semen flooding inside my body, and spilling to the floor with every thrust i could hear people approaching, asking what to do? and how to do it? but alot of the murmuring was simply drowned out by the constant rasping of Rover's breath in my ear as he continued to fuck me for all he was worth. eventually, the police arrived with the manager, everyone still utterly baffled as to what to do next, but apparently the way they enticed Rover off me was with some cooked sausages from the kitchen, locking him a broom cupboard. i remember coming to in a small reception room with a blanket around me and a hot cup of tea, my dress 'steam cleaned' and hanging, waiting for me to slip it back on when ready the chat was of 'shooting the dog' at one point as they had no clue if it was mine or not, kinda glad they didnt, well, ish! but eventually the whole episode was taken down in noteform for the police to file and report and i was deemed fit to leave on my own voltion but advised to exit by a backdoor (ye, they did giggle when they came up with that one) in order to avoid as much publicity as possible as a large gathering of press were gathering now to report on the 'poor woman who was buttfucked by a huge dog in a hotel" let's just say, the manageress reminded us both as we left that we were no longer accepted at that address ever again...don't think i can blame her