“If you’re not gonna answer my question, I’ll just ask it again sir!” You say defiantly.

“Could you leave me alone please?? I’m just trying to get to my car! The senate session’s over, you could go back to your newsroom or whatever.” The senator grumbles.

“Oh I’m not a reporter sir, just a concerned citizen.” You say, proud to be so involved in community politics.

“Are you fucking serious?!?” The senator screams, anger burning in his eyes. “I’ve been nice and polite thinking you were broadcasting!

Who’s gonna see this film??” The senator asks angrily, pointing to the professional grade camera you hold in your hand.

“Probably nobody…” You stammer, feeling much less confident than before.

“You’re acting like such a reporter, I’ll show you what they really do…” The senator says, trailing off with an evil tone. “Come with me.” He says, holding the passenger door of his car open for you.

You make no decisions, but suddenly find yourself in his car. The drive to his house is uneventful, but your body begins feeling weaker each time he pushes down on the accelerator.

When you finally reach his mansion, you have too many questions but can’t manage to get even one out. Your legs and arms are spindly, not to mention the dress that your shirt and pants have turned into!

You only get a few seconds to examine your feminizing body as you walk with him to the entrance of his house, cuz suddenly your posture and body language change to look more stuck up and dignified.

Your neck strains as you hold your chin up, feeling your hips fill and sway as you walk down the corridor. You feel the visage between your thighs whither with each step, giving your hips even more freedom to sway and show off their shape.

“Welcome to my bedroom” The senator says, bowing gracefully as the door swings open.

You follow him in against your will, gently crossing your legs as you sit in a chair. You could feel a draft on your thin panties, and shiver from the odd feeling on your developing folds. You suddenly notice the senator watching with a creepy grin, and feel a rush of emotion run through as you try to deny the sudden attraction you have toward him.

“This feels highly inappropriate, I- You quickly clasp your lips shut, astounded to hear the tone and verbiage coming from you.

You could only fan your new wallet to cool your face, a warm blush enveloping your body as the senator undresses you with his eyes. You’re definitely not ready to deal with this, and can’t help but panic from the rush of arousal you feel.

“Weren’t you just saying how inappropriate this was? You look mighty excited…” the senator says, leaning in as your arousal picks up even more.

“No sir! I’m an independent woman!

I’m not gonna sleep with you for a story!!” You find your body saying in protest.

“You’ll do whatever I want!

Now get undressed and go take a shower, like a good little girl.”

You open your mouth to protest, but stop when you feel your legs lift you out of your chair. The surprising thing is how wide your hips are now, something you only notice when you remove your dress like a little slut in front of the senator.

“Put on a little show for me while I get ready to join you, I love the way your ass jiggles when you walk.”

Your butt starts bouncing behind you as you head for the bathroom, and your body exaggerates each step to make your ass look even bigger.

You feel ashamed as your body leaves the door open and gets into the shower naked, but your lips spread across your face in a wide smile when the senator joins you.

“On your knees. A good reporter works for her story, and this one’s gonna be great.” The senator says.

A good…reporter?” You trail off asking.

So many things had been done to your body and mind, it took a few moments to remember what was originally going on. You want to ask why being a reporter made you a girl, but by the time you space in the senator’s large cock is inches from your face.

Your mouth drops open to receive the veiny member, and you realize you had already gotten on your knees during all the time you had spent thinking. You moan erotically as your jaw widens to take in the senator's full girth, and you feel a pulsing build up in your chest as his shaft works its way down your throat for the first time.

You’re not prepared to be filled so quickly, but could barely notice as the average sized boobs on your chest fill with fat and more of the intensifying pulsating feeling. The senator then begins to hump into your mouth, making your giant boobs swing back and forth as you savor the taste of his precum. The feeling of your chest swinging embarrasses you, and you hold your bust down as the senator face fucks you.

He then forces his way down your throat one last time, and you feel your nipples tingle and spread across your new boobs as loads of cum shoot directly into your belly.

You shiver in pure ecstasy, slowly letting the Senator's cock free and making sure to not let a drip of cum leave your mouth. The cum changes your outlook completely, and you now love the liberating feeling of your massive boobs bouncing and swinging freely from your chest.

“Those’ll help your onscreen appearances deary.” The senator says about your new bust, “Should I help you get better opportunities as well?” He asks with a menacing smile.

“Granted, while I’l admit that load was rather delightful, you have to let me go this instant!” You demand, still sounding extremely lady-like for some reason.

“I think a more fun attitude and ass will make you a hit with everyone on the main networks!” The senator says, laughing as he imagines you being spit roasted at news briefings.

He then grabs both your ass cheeks, and squeezes hard. You suddenly feel them explode in his hands, and your hips now practically surround your entire waist they’re so big.

“Like, I gotta go!” You say ditzily, running for the exit.

The senator only smiles, watching your body leave in a sexy hurry. One snap and a shirt suddenly tightens around your massive breasts while a mini thong slings its way through your legs, picking your ass up and making it jiggle severely. You pause to feel the giant mass behind you, but quickly realize you should be escaping.

As you start to walk again, you feel your boobs rub against the coarse fabric of the shirt. Your ass consumes the thong you have on, and you could feel your ass swing more than ever as you head for the door.

“I said stop!!” The senator yells, his magic powers turning you around forcefully and stopping you in your sexy tracks.

The realization hits you, this guy’s got me completely under his control. You then feel a powerful feeling overcome you, and your body slowly inflates as your mind fills with bubbly thoughts. Your bra is soon too small for the massive boobs in it, and a permanent smile stretches across your plumping lips as a craving for the senator’s cock builds up inside you.

“Huh… You don’t look like much of a reporter now…” the senator trails off, snapping again and making the rolls of fat on your chest grow again.

Your body grows along with them, and your bra changes color and style as it grows to massive new proportions. Your hefty bust jiggles as your boobs settle into the custom JJ cups that still squeeze your chest uncomfortably tight, but that wasn’t something you could focus on with such a hunky man in the room.

“So like, I was gonna totally interview you?” You ask, shaking your chest flirtatiously.

“Maybe I should give you a bit of intelligence… How are you gonna be a reporter sounding like that?” The senator ponders, staring down your cleavage and bulging up.

Your eyes follow his crotch around the room, and you begin to feel drool drip into your deep cleavage.

“I guess I could give you a little less weight to carry around as well, but I’m gonna make you a lot more horny to make up for it.

Is that okay, sweetheart?” The senator asks as he slims down and tones your stomach.

“Like, what??”  You ask, giggling ditzily.

Your laugh quickly dies though, and your eyes open wide as your intelligence returns.

“Holy fuck!! I can’t believe you made me a horny bimb- Ooooo…” Your knees suddenly buckle, and you collapse onto the floor in a moaning puddle of ecstasy.

Your panties quickly disappear, and your legs continue toning up as cum leaks down them. You could feel your lips plump up as you watch the senator approach with a throbbing bulge in his pants, and without thinking you lunge at it and pull his pants down.

Your entire body feels smaller and less fat, but somehow softer with more jiggling. Your legs , hips, and ass have definitely been inflated to ridiculous proportions, but you still grow scared when you see the senator looking at you with critique in his eyes.

“Now that you’re right here…

I’m not really feeling the whole MILF-reporter thing…” The senator says, smirking as a new feeling settles over your body.

You fall back against the wall, feeling years of feminine memories leave you in seconds. Upon hitting the wall, you realize you’re now extremely small and light. This makes it easy for the senator to lift you off the ground, and strip you of your skimpy tank and mini shorts.

Your mind gets overwhelmed by the sudden burst of feelings, and an orgasm quickly explodes in your folds as soon as the senator sticks a finger between your pussy lips. He plants a deep kiss on you while you orgasm into his mouth, then he flips you around and bends you over.

Your first reaction is to giggle as your exposed folds pulsate in anticipation, and you find your hips leaning into the senator’s cock as he penetrates you. He doesn’t hesitate to start thrusting hard, grabbing your hips and giving your right ass cheek a hearty spank.

“I hope you enjoy working my beat, Carmen. I’ll try to be as newsworthy as possible to get you that airtime you crave, but you have to promise to look good for me.” The senator says between grunts, “And don’t think I couldn’t work some magic on myself… I’m not finishing til I want to, so I hope you’re ready to go at this for a while!”

Your smile only gets bigger with each “threat” he issues, but he was right about one thing; you love airtime!!

“O golly, just thinking about all that screen time's got me in a tizzy!” You say, sounding like a southern belle in heat.

“Yup…” The senator says thrusting, “They’re gonna loooooove hearing from you!”