The God Serum Heist Written by MagnusMagneto 800 billion dollars of research; and those idiots left me alone with it. My fist smashed through the glass, shards piercing my skin. I grabbed my prize - a small vial of serum. Ignoring the pain, I tore the cap off and downed its contents. My insides burned with pleasurable fire. The flame spread throughout my body; nuclear powered nanomachines binding themselves to my cells. The cuts in my hand sealed before my very eyes, pushing out the glass shards. Within seconds I was fully healed, feeling better than ever. While I didn’t understand all the details, I knew I now contained the power of a dozen nuclear reactors; all I had to do was draw it out. Sirens blared as the lab entered lockdown. I walked to the exit, but as expected, the door was locked. This would be the first real test of what was codenamed the God serum. I reached up and dug my fingers into the door’s center, as if I were trying to tear open a hole. At first nothing happened. But as I felt my hands and forearms tingle, I knew to keep trying. If the serum was working correctly, the nanomachines would rapidly increase my strength to meet any challenge. I struggled against the metal, feeling the fire in my forearms burn hotter while the tendons thickened. 'It's really happening...' I thought, watching them continue to instantly grow before my eyes. After struggling for a few more seconds, my heart raced as my fingers slowly warped the steel. Not only did the god serum work - but it was inside me. With a better grip on the door, I started to pull it open. As I slowly created an opening, my arms and back surged with power. The sound of bulging flesh filled the air as pound after pound of dense muscle materialized onto my frame, stretching against my skin. I pushed down with my legs, enjoying another burst of growth as my thighs rapidly swelled until they bulged against my pants. My strength skyrocketed as my body continuously evolved. Bones, tendons, and organs gained superhuman performance, matching my new muscles. My perspective shifted as I grew a few inches taller. Slowly, the opening widened. And within seconds, what had seemed impossible was becoming easy. Less than a few minutes after I drank the serum, I was already strong enough to tear open a solid steel door with my bare hands. My mind ran wild with fantasies of how powerful I might become. There was no scientific consensus on how effective the nanomachines would be - this was the serum's first and only test. I continued to tear against the hole in the door, making it wider and taller. The growth slowed as the task became easier. By the time I finished ripping a large enough hole to exit through, the steel was mere cardboard in my fingers. I’d need a greater challenge to continue evolving. I took a moment to admire my body. Glancing down, I saw a pair of hulking arms filling out a lab coat that was loose a few minutes ago. Above them sat shoulders the size of small pumpkins. Indulgently, I flexed my arms, watching the hard outline of power stretch the sleeve until it split apart at the center. The sound of boots stomping down the hallway interrupted me. 'Time to see if I'm indestructible yet...' I thought, casually stepping outside the lab. Three armored security guards flanked me, each holding a high-power stun gun. “Fellas... this isn’t a good idea for you,” I said, a little surprised at how commanding my voice had become. My attempt at diplomacy was fruitless. Four taser chargers landed on my chest and torso, stinging slightly. The nanomachines inside me simply absorbed the electric charge. My abs and pecs quivered a little before thickening and hardening. Instead of debilitating me, the attack only made me stronger. I gave a final warning, "Last chance to walk away..." I said, cracking my knuckles. Instead of heeding my advice, the guards reached for their pistols. I leapt forward, far faster than I expected. The next thing I knew, I held a crumpled handgun in my left hand; crushing it without even trying. I wound my right hand back and punched the closest guard in the chest hard as I could. The blow sent him flying backward, soaring in the air for dozens of feet before crashing against the wall behind him. My right fist and arm burned for a second before I felt the muscles tighten and grow a little. I knew the nanomachines would help my body react to any situation it was exposed to, but I never imagined how quickly and easily it would happen. I heard the other guards fire their weapons, followed by the stinging of metal slugs slamming against me. A dozen shots were fired, all of them hitting me. Bullets adorned my chest, arms, and torso. They all sat lodged inside of me, like I was already made of Kevlar. I grunted loudly and flexed my entire body; all at once my muscles surged with growth, pushing out the lodged bullets. There was a familiar tingling as my skin repaired itself, the wounds instantly sealing up. "That felt pretty good," I said with a chuckle. "You guys got any more ammo?" With trembling hands, the guards fumbled a little as they reloaded their pistols. I considered ending the fight sooner, but wanted to see if I was bulletproof yet. With fresh clips, they fired again. The bullets no longer penetrated my skin. Instead they crumpled against me, bouncing off harmlessly. I casually put my hands behind my back, "Feels like a massage," I chuckled as the guards emptied their handguns again. The men stared, awestruck and terrified at what was happening. Ready to get on with my day, I grabbed their heads and slammed them together, knocking both out instantly. I took a moment to breathe. Looking down, I noticed how tight my lab coat was against my now tremendously muscular body. The swiss-cheese like bullet holes revealed glimpses of a thick, rippling eight-pack covered in flawless, smooth skin. While I was tempted to tear my clothes off and ogle my body, but decided I should escape the facility first. I ran towards the exit - amazed at how fast I was. Within seconds I dashed through the hallway that usually took me minutes to walk down. Turning a corner, I predictably found another shut security door. 'Let's see how tough I am now,' I thought before lowering my head and sprinting full speed at the door, slamming it with my shoulder like a football tackle. The impact shook the door and left a massive dent in it. My entire body strengthened in response. 'I can do better than that.' I backed up to the end of the hallway, and sprinted towards the door again - even faster this time. As my shoulder connected, I burst through the steel like it was a sheet of paper. The rush from that victory faded as I saw my next obstacle. It was another guard - but this one was far more dangerous. He was piloting a mechanical suit of nuclear powered armor. While the tech wasn't as advanced as the serum I drank, the suit still granted its wielder enough strength to crush a tank with their bare hands. We squared up in the center of the room. My opponent wasted no time - he wound back his right arm and struck with all his might. The punch was a mere blur - too fast for me to react to. As the metal fist slammed against my face I lost consciousness while my body was hurled across the room. I later learned the blow had obliterated my skull, effectively killing me. But death wasn't enough to stop me anymore. The nanomachines quickly regenerated my head, reforging the broken bones into something far harder than titanium. After regaining consciousness, I felt woozy for a few seconds, but my vision soon cleared up. Initially, I was terrified by the sight of my own blood and brains strewn around the room. But after realizing what had just happened, I rose to my feet, psyched up and ready for round two. Through his helmet, I could see the fear on my opponent's face. He reasonably thought that obliterating my head would kill me. Yet I was dashing towards him faster than ever. I closed the distance within seconds, slamming my fist against the armor's chest. I half-expected my opponent to go flying across the room, but instead I screamed with pain as the bones in my hand shattered. Fueled by adrenaline I slammed my other fist into my opponent, breaking the bones there too. The armored guard grabbed onto me, held me high into the air, and slammed me into the ground with all his nuclear-powered might. As my body hit the ground, the rest of my bones shattered. I lost consciousness again, and just like last time, I was, effectively, dead. But death was now little more to me than a means to become stronger. A few seconds later I awoke to the sight of the armored guard looming over me. Noticing that I was alive, he raised his right foot and stomped it down on my chest. I screamed with pain as the metal boot connected. The attack should have obliterated my ribcage, but instead it remained intact thanks to the nanomachines' reinforcement. The pain passed, my bones and skin becoming denser still. My opponent raised his foot again. The second stomp barely hurt - only managing to destroy the tattered remains of my shirt. He went in for a third. This time I reached up and grabbed onto the foot with both of my hands, managing to stop it in place. He pushed down, applying the power of thousands of horses against me. My arms, pecs, and back swelled with continuous growth. I was effectively bench pressing multiple tons of weight, and the nanomachines were building the muscles to do so. My bra snapped apart as I watched thick, powerful chest muscles rise into my field of view. Deep, striated valleys formed within them, creating a vast web of definition connecting the twin slabs of power. Atop them sat my breasts, which were now somehow just as bulletproof as the muscles beneath them. Just when I started to relax, I felt the pressure increase dramatically - my opponent shifted all of his weight onto the right leg alone. I grinned as the growth came quickly - I watched a rising mountain of chest muscle take up my field of view. After a few seconds, I was strong enough to comfortably hold the entire suit of armor. And with my recent power ups, I was ready to go on the offense. I grabbed onto the mechanical foot, summoned all of my strength, and slammed my opponent into the ground with a satisfying crash. I jumped to my feet and leapt on top of him, raising my fist and slamming it into his chest. This time, I was strong enough to completely blow the armor’s chassis wide open. Staring at the exposed inner workings of the power armor, I remembered the twin fusion cells powering it. I reached in, tore through the next layer of machinery, grabbed onto the cells’ casings, and crushed them. The flood of power came immediately - every nanomachine bound to every cell in my being engorged itself on the power. My body pulsed as my muscles, skin, and bones became denser and stronger. All at once I started to grow. What remained of my clothing tore to shreds as my limbs lengthened and thickened. My energy skyrocketed to levels I couldn't have imagined wielding before, and continued to rise higher by the moment. For the next minute, I steadily drained the fusion cells. Instead of instantly melting my hands, the immense heat was merely uncomfortable to withstand - and I barely felt it next to the pleasure of constant growth. As I sensed the cells’ energy dwindling, I felt a little disappointed knowing the growth spurt would come to an end. Dozens of pounds of muscle had materialized on my frame by the time the cells were empty. With a single hand, I held the entire suit of power armor overhead. I tossed the armor aside like a rag doll, leaving the man I fought inside. Without any way of powering the armor, he’d be trapped in there until the clean up crew came. I stood tall and stark naked, looking down at my godlike body. I must have been over six and a half feet tall, carrying what looked like nearly 300 pounds of muscle bulging on my frame. Of course, each pound of muscle was magnitudes stronger and more durable than before. The power at my fingertips was intoxicating. All I had to do was finish breaking out of this facility and I’d enjoy freedom in a way no other human could experience. I took a moment to determine which direction had the shortest distance to an exit. After setting my course, I inhaled deeply, and sprinted forward at full speed. My legs were now so powerful that each step left a footprint in the steel grating. Within seconds, I reached the next wall, exploding through it - alerting over a dozen guards and scientists. I ignored them, continuing to barrel forward. I heard a few gunshots, but it didn’t matter - they couldn’t hurt me even if they landed. I crashed through the next wall, entering another room with its own inhabitants. They were irrelevant - none of them could stop me. Seconds later I went through a fourth wall, and it barely registered on my senses at all, like walking through a bubble. At last I exited the facility. I was a little surprised to find that new opponents were already awaiting me outside. I counted five tanks, six fliers, and two cannon walkers. They were all unmanned machines, controlled by a unified AI system. ‘I guess the boast about them being ready to intercept in seconds was true...’ I thought, a little annoyed at having to deal with another obstacle, but still excited at the opportunities the battle presented. All of the machines aimed at me dead-on. My enhanced senses heard the whir of chain guns starting as the drones unleashed a hail-fire of bullets. I simply stood there, letting the slugs harmlessly bounce off my skin. If my knowledge of the AI system was correct, it would escalate the lethality of its attacks. I heard the cannons on the tank rev up before firing in unison. The sudden barrage of high-explosive shells made me lose consciousness for a brief moment. But when I awoke, I was vastly more durable - their next volley did little more than kick up dirt. The tanks continued to fire futilely - it was surreal to have artillery shells literally explode in my face and barely faze me at all. I simply dusted myself off and stretched out, enjoying the feeling of possessing such a strong body. Next I heard the walkers’ weapons--a pair of nuclear powered energy cannons--whir to life. I thought, 'They aren't stupid enough to...' They were. A pair of thick, pure-white energy rays flew towards me. I simply stood still, letting them hit me. For a moment, the searing heat bothered me, but the discomfort soon passed as I absorbed the energy. The cannons sustained their fire for nearly a minute, directly feeding every cell in my body with more power. Steadily, I grew again, like when I grabbed the fusion cells. My perspective shifted a couple inches higher, while every muscle on my body thickened. I felt a little disappointed when they ceased fire. "Aww, come on, gimme some more!" I taunted. I half expected the cannons to fire at me again, but instead, the machines simply idled. The AI must have determined that all of its weapons couldn’t hurt me - or it even realized that energy attacks strengthened me. Either way, it was stalling for time while important people met to determine how to stop me. But it didn’t matter - I knew there was nothing they could do. In the thought experiments we ran, no known technology could disable the nanomachines once successfully bound, and it would take years to synthesize the materials to create another dose of the serum. I also had a feeling that after the stunt I pulled, they wouldn’t dare create something so difficult to control again. While I could have left, I wanted to have a little fun and see how powerful I had become. I crouched down before jumping with all my might, rocketing dozens of feet into the air. As I accelerated towards the ground, I aimed for one of the flying drones. With reflexes I hadn’t acclimated to, I managed to grab the drone during my descent, and effortlessly crushed it. I landed directly on one of the tanks, smashing its hull with the impact. Holding the drone, I targeted the next closest flyer and tossed it like a baseball - the projectile whizzed through the air, directly connecting with its target, instantly obliterating it. I picked up the tank beneath me, held it high above my head, and cleaved it straight in half. Casually, I threw the halves--each weighing over 20 tons--at the other two flying drones, easily destroying them. I dashed towards the next tank, picked it up, and wielded it like an oversized weapon. I slammed it against the other tanks, obliterating them in a few satisfying swings. All that remained were the walkers... each carrying cannons powered by reactors stronger than the cells juicing the power armor I faced earlier... While I could have gained strength from continuously challenging my muscles, absorbing those reactors would expedite the process considerably... Thirsty for more power, I jumped directly on top of the closest walker. The machine stumbled around, trying to get me off of it, but it didn’t matter. I tore open its hull and quickly found the reactor. As I jammed my right hand into the core, I felt my strength immediately rising again. After getting a firm grip, I yanked the entirety of the reactor out of the walker with my right hand. I jumped higher than ever, landing directly onto the other walker, and with my left hand quickly retrieved its core as well. Triumphantly, I stood tall, holding a reactor in each hand, enjoying the power ceaselessly flooding my body. The growth was fast and steady - with each passing moment the world shrank a little. Looking down I watched my already godlike chest, arms, and shoulders swell up to greater levels of musculature. My stature grew well past seven feet, and was rapidly approaching eight. At least a hundred pounds of muscle had been added to my frame since I grabbed onto the cores. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, savoring the pleasure. My senses sharpened to superhuman levels - by focusing I could hear or see anything within miles. I heard the next wave of machines inside the base preparing to attack me - they’d be mobilized within the next few minutes. Not that it mattered - all fighting me would accomplish was wasting more taxpayer dollars. I had grown bored of fighting, and wanted to go somewhere they wouldn't follow. I drained the remainder of the reactors’ power before tossing them aside. As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the perspective of a small giantess - looking down at my long, powerful legs, I guessed my height to be around 9 feet. Satisfied with all the base had to offer me, I decided it was time to leave. I crouched down before sprinting ahead at full speed. As I rocketed forward, I felt a great burst of wind emanate from all around me. Glancing back, I saw a shockwave shake the grass, trees and debris in its wake. 'I must have just broke the sound barrier...' I thought, continuing to bolt ahead. My surroundings should have been a blur, but my senses rapidly evolved. I was soon able to clearly see everything ahead of me. I was also accelerating - the act of running was making my legs grow stronger. I continued to sprint like this for a while, enjoying the wind brushing through my hair, and the thrill of constant improvement. An old power fantasy of mine came to mind. As a kid I saw a cartoon where a character literally bathed in lava - which I dreamed about from time to time. I decided it was the perfect way to celebrate my new abilities. I came to an abrupt stop in the populated outskirts of a nearby city, catching the attention of some onlookers. I took one of their phones and looked up currently active volcanoes. A nice one in South America caught my attention. After using a compass app to orient myself, I returned the phone and took off in that direction - careful to not create any shockwaves until I left civilization. From there I sprinted in a perfectly straight line - stopping for nothing. I could run through or jump over virtually every obstacle. My legs never stopped growing from the constant stimulation, which meant I was always accelerating. Whenever I had a straight stretch of land, I was able to gain incredible speed - soon reaching mach 2 and going on to 3 and beyond. Whenever I encountered bodies of water, swimming was no problem - my godlike body propelled through it faster than any boat could. I bounded through a significant portion of the United States in under an hour, and thanks to the constant improvement, went on to pass through all of Central America in even less time. By the time I reached South America my legs were magnitudes stronger than at the start of the run. I reached the base of the volcano within 15 minutes, and ascended it in four. Before I knew it, I stood on the edge of the volcano’s mouth, peering into its molten core. While it wasn’t quite as scenic as I envisioned, it was close enough. Without another thought, I dove in feet-first into the lava, delighted to find it was far more comfortable than in my dreams. As I floated in the molten rock, staring into the sky, I realized the endless possibilities ahead of me. I could do virtually anything I wanted to. The world could be shaped in any way I wanted, and I could live any life I dreamed of. But for now, with limitless power coursing through my veins, I wanted nothing more than to relax.