Charlemagne's Stolen Secret - Part 4 ~A Persephone and Tritonia story~ by Zmeydros (Edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic) Alphonse transferred the news feed to the large projector screen as Mark Brin rattled off thank-yous to various politicians, organizations, and grassroots supporters that were making his presidential bid possible. While he detailed a bit more of his political platform, I grabbed the edge of the giant control room desk that supported Alphonse’s numerous screens and squeezed until my knuckles turned white. My team started to lose interest when Mark Brin started answering questions sent to him via twitter. We knew it all already. Mark Brin was married to an attractive male Bollywood star who often snagged roles in American action movies. His Mane coon cat, Cujo, was a rescue and ridiculously smart. His parents had come to America from Lithuania in the late seventies and he’d been born on US soil soon after, so he was eligible for the presidency. And he was addicted to Earl Grey tea. The moment the live video feed from atop Mark’s sub was cut and the CNN newscasters started talking, I grabbed the remote from Alphonse and shut off the projector. Septimus said, “Is everyone just supposed to forget his hostile stock take over of Beacham instruments? The factory he had in Burma where workers were getting carted away with nerve damage? Or what his case against Engram Software did to patent law?” He put one of his paw-padded hands to his forehead and sighed. “If normal people destroy lives they go to jail, but when billionaires do it, all they have to worry about is a dip in public opinion.” Alphonse said, “He really seems like he’s trying to make up for what he’s done.” Gillon said, “Philanthropy is often a ploy to manage public opinion. I think it’s premature to take his change of heart at face value.” “Plus, before his PR stunt, he stole from us.” I made a fist as my breasts started feeling tender. “And we’ve got no clue what he needs that NPO for.” Tritonia said, “We could ask him. Given this situation, he must expect us to be aware of what he stole.” “But he has no reason to tell us the truth.” Persephone looked at me with worry. She wasn’t the only one who could sense how angry I was. “He rarely outright lies, he just chooses his words so carefully that anything could be the truth.” I scoffed. “If anyone else does it, people call them evasive. Why does he have to be so goddamned likable?” Tsubumi said, “Because he’s a CEO?” She was standing on the opposite side of the conference table leaning against the wall. “That’s not what I meant!” I slammed the remote down on the desk so hard that Alphonse flinched and the batteries popped out. Tsubumi moved in a blur and caught the batteries as they rolled off the desk and then put them back in the remote. Everyone in the room was staring at her in awe, except Septimus. He was taking notes. It was hard to tell when Gillon was in awe. His eyes were ever so slightly wider. “At least one hundred kilometers per hour,” Septimus said. “No, no way.” Tsubumi giggled. “That’s my fastest yet!” “What was your perception of time like duri—” “We’re getting off topic. What are we going to do about Mark Brin?” My mind raced as I tried to think of a way to get my NPO back. I was not going to let my libido take over my life. I deserved better. My subordinates deserved better. “Opening a line of communication is probably our best move at this point. I’m not sure we have any other options. Being drawn out into the public eye won’t end well for us,” Abrams shook his head. “Stealing it back could easily take weeks of planning.” Persephone leaned against Pepper. “I don’t have weeks!” I said louder than I intended. More changes were coming, my nipples were swelling against my bra and there was a tugging deep in my abdomen. “What?” Pepper squinted at me, her red hair starting to fall out of the braid she’d put it in. We’d all been at this too long. “Nevermind...” I wrung my hands. “Do we have any subs that can quickly get in torpedo range of Mark Brin?” Gillon stood straight up. “Charlie, I don’t think—“ Holding up a hand to shut Gill up, I said, “Alphonse, I need an answer.” “We can have a sub in torpedo range in—“ Alphonse brought up the global submarine deployment map and plotted some courses. “—fourteen minutes.” “Get that sub moving,” I said as a brutally effective plan formed in my head. After Alphonse relayed the order, he said, “Captain Steier wants to talk to you.” “Tell Steier this is a breach of containment situation and to keep on course.” It felt like something was soaking into my bra. Persephone said, “We could just steal it back, you know. Just a couple days to collect the info we need and then a few more to plan and we could steal it right out from under his nose. Same as he did to us.” “Too slow. We have to act now.” My snatch was wetting my panties as whatever was happening inside me got worse. Persephone tried to talk again, but held up my hand to quiet her. “If you follow through with this, the POSC will fall apart,” Tritonia said. Refusing to admit Tritonia was right, I didn't answer and let silence fill the next several minutes. The tension in the room kept everyone quiet until Alphonse said, “Sub is in position.” “Tell Captain Steier to open torpedo tubes two and—” Septimus started laughing. “Never thought I’d be around to witness the start of World War III.” “Do you hate humanity that much?” I asked. “I hated being human enough to experiment on myself, so...” Septimus shrugged, but that shrug was him acting. He wasn’t nearly as relaxed as he was attempting to portray. His right hand had pushed his military jacket out of the way of the holster strapped to his side and the pointy mouse claw on his middle finger was tracing the circumference of the snap that released his Glock 19. There was no way Septimus had the balls to actually draw his gun and relieve me of duty. My hand reached toward my gun. Pepper’s eyes widened and Tsubumi was just starting to realize something was up. As Abrams got a bead of sweat on his forehead, my stomach churned and I put my hand back at my side. Alphonse looked up at me, looking quite pale. His twisted expression was that of a man who was trapped with insane people. “Captain Steier is awaiting further orders.” “Tritonia, you are now in command,” I said and made for the door. “What? You’re putting a brain simulation in command?” Septimus called after me. I kept walking. “Alphonse, tell captain Steier to close all torpedo tubes and return to her patrol,” Tritonia said. Their voices echoed down the silver and beige-marbled-hallway of the repository as I walked toward my quarters. Gillon said, “Tritonia, I think we should also inform her that this was a military exercise and she performed admirably.” “I concur,” Tritonia said. Footsteps behind me got me to turn around. “Persephone?” She looked gorgeous in the bright light of the hallway, her uniform fitting her perfectly. There was something elegant about her long ears and thick tail and a wonderful danger to her shark snout. “Are you okay?” “No.” I resumed walking toward my quarters. “I’m worried about you,” she said, following me. “Me too,” I said, annoyed that the wet spot in my bra was still growing. As I opened the bulkhead to the habitat, Persephone said, “Were you actually going to sink Mark Brin’s sub?” “That was the plan,” I said as I closed the bulkhead behind us and secured it. “Huh? That wouldn’t get the NPO back,” she said. “I was going to have you and Kirkii salvage it off the seafloor.” I took a deep breath to stifle a moan as my pussy winked. Then, I used my card, typed the code on the keypad, and then opened the bulkhead to my quarters. Persephone followed me in, sniffing the air. “Now I know why you put Tritonia in charge. You’re losing it, girl.” “Let’s just start fucking already, my head is spinning,” I said as I pulled off my military jacket. She blushed and closed my bulkhead. “You want more already?” I pulled off my shirt and then my bra. “As much as you can give me, and then three times more.” Her blush was deep enough to make her yellow-brown cheeks orange. She started to reply, but her mouth got stuck half open when her eyes landed on my breasts. Looking down, I saw a bead of milk on my right nipple. “Shit!” Persephone’s face was at my breast within seconds. “Don’t complain, that’s hot!” She put her lips around my nipple and sucked. “Ngh!” I bit my lip and fidgeted as my cunt soaked my panties, winking wildly. Milk beaded at my other nipple as she sucked my right one. I could feel the warm thick liquid flowing out of me. Not only did it feel fantastic, it was relieving the pressure in my breast as well. When she tried to switch breasts, I pushed her back and hurriedly undid my pants. With my lower half bared, I made fast work of undressing her. Then I grabbed her round the waist and hefted her over my shoulder. She giggled and slapped at my bare ass as I brought her over to the bed and tossed her on it. I lifted her plump balls out of the way and put my knee against her snatch before leaning over her and putting my left breast in her face. Wrapping her lips around my nipple, she drank down more of my milk while her pussy twitched madly against my knee. I groaned, my pussy giving a sympathetic twitch every time hers did. One of her hands reached for my muff and dug in with three fingers. I humped against the palm of her hand as my clit throbbed powerfully and her twin cocks pressed their way out of her slit. My clit surged larger, pressing against her palm more and more. I was too busy gasping at the waves of pleasure coming from her sucking on my nipples to be horrified by my clit’s growth. Soon, she was stroking it and I was bucking frantically into her grip as I reached down and started stroking her pricks. They twisted around each other and squirmed as I stroked them. We picked up the pace until both of us were barely able to keep up. Releasing my nipple, she cried out and then squealed as she started to tip over the edge. Aiming her pricks at my snatch, I shoved backwards taking her inside me as she came, blasting volleys of jizz into my mare cunt. I came with her, making the bed creak loudly as I whinnied so hard my voice gave out. Collapsing atop her, I said, “Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around me. “You’re welcome.” Then I just laid there, feeling her breasts rise and fall as she tried to breathe with her head sandwiched in my hefty cleavage. I was even taller now and my clit had to be at least four inches long. Several minutes later, I kissed the top of her head affectionately. “Wanna stay the night?” “Sure.” She gave me a squeeze. After we dozed for an hour, we hauled ourselves over to the shower and washed up together. Pepper came by just after I put on a house coat and Persephone had her boxer briefs back on. Persephone opened the bulkhead and ushered Pepper inside. “Okay, so I know you two have been fucking today and I’m not cross with either of you, but I am confused—” She fought her hoarse voice and looked me in the eye as she spoke. —“and I know something is very wrong with you. So, stop being all mysterious and spill the damn beans.” Persephone opened her mouth to say something and then looked at me with one pointy ear raised in question. After looking at the bulkhead to make sure it was secure, I said, “Persephone is assisting me with a personal problem that the stolen NPO was helping to minimize.” Pepper crossed her arms. “A ‘personal problem,’ is that what we’re calling sex now? I must be behind the times.” Blushing, I said, “No, I’m fucking your girlfriend due to a personal problem.” Pepper’s nostrils flared as she stared daggers at me. “Charlemagne, either you be straight with me or I’m gonna ask Persephone to stop helping you.” I made a fist and glared back wanting to deck her. But then I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths. “I came into contact with an NPO that is slowly giving me equine traits and the NPO Mark stole was helping me manage the changes.” “Was the NPO Mark Brin stole a magic dildo?” Pepper asked. Persephone busted out laughing. “No!” I blushed. “It allowed me to return my body to its previous state every twelve hours. Without it, I can’t halt my transformation.” “And it’s affecting her libido, a lot,” Persephone added. “Yeah,” I looked away from Pepper’s eyes. “Gillon says it’ll be better when the changes run their full course.” “But why are they affecting your libi—oh.” Pepper blushed. “Are you going to end up like Percy?” My stomach clenched. “Yep, unless I get my NPO back.” “Really?” Pepper bit her lip, blushing deeper. “Like, a muzzle, ears, a horse pussy and cock?” “I don’t know for sure, but with the way things are going, it’s quite possible,” I said, blushing and feeling devastated. “Damn it! Now I can’t be mad at you,” Pepper said. Persephone’s crotch was bulging with a twin boner. “I’m gonna talk to Pepper in our quarters for a bit, but then I’ll be back to spend the night with you, sound good?” “Sure, go fuck your girlfriend,” I said. “And if she wants you to spend the night with her instead, I’ll understand.” “Nope, the idea of you two going at it is so juicy there’s no way I’d stand in the way of it,” Pepper said as she opened the bulkhead, struggling to speak loud enough to be heard. She’d been talking too much today and her injured voice box was suffering for it. “Thanks for being so chill about this, hon,” Persephone said, grabbing her uniform shirt off the floor. “Yeah, thank you,” I said. “Maybe, someday soon, you’ll thank me by letting me join in.” Pepper slipped out the door before we could respond. While Persephone worked to put on her uniform pants and shirt, I said, “She’s such a firecracker.” “That’s why I’m falling for her.” Persephone buttoned her pants. I watched her webbed hands work, wondering if the webbing hampered her. Would having hooves hamper me? Was I going to get them? I’d always wondered what it felt like to run on them, but replacing my feet with them was a step further than I’d ever wanted to go. I swished my tail on purpose, feeling the strands of horse hair on it get caught in the atmosphere inside my quarters. It felt good. I couldn’t bring myself to hate my tail because horse tails were elegant, beautiful, and by the transitive property, I was more beautiful with one. If my changes stopped here, I could probably live with them and find a new internal order within myself. But if I kept changing I might— “Are you okay? You’re a bit pale.” Persephone took me into her arms. “I’m losing myself, Percy. Today I relieved myself of command, tomorrow I might have a prick and balls and hooves and want to only eat leafy greens.” My eyes got wet, but I pushed back against the tears. I didn’t want anyone’s pity, especially hers. If she saw any more vulnerability in me, I might not be able to command her. She gave me a squeeze and then closed the bulkhead to keep our conversation private. “I don’t know this for sure because the method of our transformations are completely different, but I still feel like me and I think you will too.” “But I will be different from the person I was before the changes took place,” I said. She nodded. “But we are always losing our previous selves. What really matters is whether we like the people we are becoming. That horse picture above your desk tells me there has to be aspects of your changes that you like.” “You’re too perceptive.” I chuckled. “When you’re in command, you have to read people to protect the lives of others. When I read someone wrong, I risk losing my life. Those stakes make both of us very perceptive,” Persephone said. “I’m going to trust you with something I’ll likely never tell another soul. Can you handle keeping this secret?” “I’m a thief, remember? Keeping secrets is part of the job.” I said, “The NPO that is doing this to me grants inner wishes, but twists them a bit. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve wondered what it’s like to be a horse. Now I’m getting my wish in the worst way possible.” “Or the best way possible.” Persephone let go and looked me in the eye. “It’s clear you enjoy some things about your transformation, why not focus on them?” “I’m already out of my mind, I don’t even want to know what I’d be like if I reveled in what’s happening to me.” “Well, that makes one of us.” “You aren’t concerned at all what I’d be like if I didn’t control myself?” I raised an eyebrow. “I hate to break it to you, but what you’re calling control, I’d call repression and repression doesn’t lead to self control, it leads to chaos. I know, I used to think I was straight. I also used to be clinically depressed,” she said. “The day I accepted I was bisexual was the day I started getting better.” I just stared at her. No one had ever talked to me that way. “I should probably go.” Persephone grimaced and then opened the bulkhead. She probably thought I was about to yell at her. Instead, I just watched her walk out and secure the bulkhead behind her without saying a word. I spent the next hour burying myself in work to avoid thinking about what she said. Every so often I’d wonder what the difference between control and repression was. It just didn’t seem like there was one. It wasn’t like I’d been avoiding my true self. I loved my work and I was damn good at it. Sure, I hadn’t been getting as much cuddling and interpersonal time as I probably needed, but that was the price one paid when their work might one day save the world. Someone rang the panel next to my bulkhead and I walked up to see Septimus on the other side. I made sure my house coat was well-secured before letting him in. As I closed the bulkhead, I said, “I can’t even remember the last time you visited me when I was off duty, this must be very important.” His whiskers twitched as he thought about how he should phrase whatever he was going to say. “I know you put Tritonia in command, but I don’t think this is a decision you want her to make.” “And what decision is that?” I asked. “Gillon is lying to Pepper about her condition and I want to tell her the truth,” Septimus said. Walking over to my round wooden dining table, I said, “And what is the truth?” He pulled out a chair and sat in it, threading his mouse tail through the back. “Pepper’s voice is never going to return to normal and it may get worse. Her larynx has multiple lesions and we may have to perform surgery if they do not subside. Due to the location of the lesions, if we have to surgically correct them, she may lose her voice altogether.” I slapped the tabletop. “Damn it!” “But the good news is that we have multiple experimental procedures that could possibly fix her voice box. The problem is that she can’t make an informed decision about trying one of them if we keep lying to her,” Septimus said. I crossed my arms. “Are you here to do what’s best for Pepper or are you here to ask me for permission to turn another member of my team into a guinea pig?” Septimus’s head reared back in offense. “Surely it’s obvious that I’m here for both.” “Do you even know whether Tsubumi’s enhancements are finished? If her metamorphosis takes a debilitating turn, do you have a way to arrest it?” “You use her as a cautionary tale but, physiologically, she’s the most advanced member of the team and there’s no evidence that will change.” I shook my head. “Persephone can survive thousands of feet below sea level and you and Kirkii still can’t explain to me why she ended up the way she did when other test subjects had a much lower level of hybridization. Your simulations still break down at a thousand gene edits and she has over twelve thousand. Oh, and let’s not forget the part where you don’t know the origin of some of her DNA. What happened to her wasn’t science, it was a fortunate mistake.” Septimus held up his paw-padded hands. “Can we not do this? I am coming to you as a fellow scientist, not an adversary.” “The only reason you’d come to me is if Gillon disagreed with you and I’m not going to approve anything Gillon doesn’t. If he thinks we need to give her more time, let’s give her more time. Telling someone they won’t get better can stunt their recovery,” I said. “You are impossible.” He shook his head. “How about a compromise? Can you at least take my word for it that Pepper’s voice will be permanently damaged?” “You know, I would be far more willing to listen to you if you just admitted you want to experiment on people at the beginning of conversations like this. The way you currently do it, I’m always distracted by figuring out your true motives only to find that they’re always the same.” “Fine, I’ll open with that next time.” He shoved back from the table and stood up. “If something isn’t done, Pepper will likely be medically discharged. Other than the injury to her larynx, she is in peak physical condition, which makes her an ideal candidate for experimental procedures. Therefore, I want to experiment on her. There, is that straightforward enough for you?” “Yes, and the answer is still ‘no.’” I walked him to the door. “However, when Gillon believes it’s time to tell her the truth, you will get a chance to pitch an experimental procedure to her. I agree with your sentiment that she has to be the one that ultimately makes the choice.” Septimus gave me a big smile as I opened my bulkhead. “That’s a compromise I can live with.” “Have a good rest of your night, Septimus,” I said. He waved goodbye and stepped out of my quarters. “You as well, ma’am.” I closed and secured the bulkhead behind him. When Persephone came back, I was nearly asleep on my bed. After letting her in, we got naked and spooned under my covers. My heart raced as I realized I’d never slept with a woman in my bed before. Before that encounter with Persephone and Pepper, I’d never thought much about women in that way. Then I had sex with Persephone and that sealed the deal. She was a gorgeous genetic hybrid. My attraction to Pepper was far weaker and, if she hadn’t had such a buff build, I probably wouldn’t have been attracted to her at all. Perhaps I was still mostly drawn to masculine traits, but I was now able to appreciate them in women. Though, after licking Persephone out, I was starting to enjoy pussies quite a lot. Genitals were so strange, almost out of place, and so unique from person to person. Especially when people like Persephone existed. Her tail was running down the front of my legs, the shark fin on the back of it fitting into the space between my legs. For a long time, we chatted about Persephone’s budding plan for stealing the NPO back. Then we started talking about our favorite sea creatures and found out we shared a love of cephalopods which eventually led to us talking about Kirkii. We fell asleep far later than my normal schedule despite how exhausted we were. My alarm went off at 5AM and I nearly murdered it. Persephone fell right back asleep after I shut it off, but I was wide awake despite being terribly tired. I felt humongous. Persephone was a big girl after her transformation, a bit over six feet tall. I was likely going to be a whole head taller by the time I was done transforming. My arms were so muscly and thick that hers looked fragile compared to mine even though she was pretty buff herself. At first, I was getting a rush from feeling powerful and able to protect anyone from harm with my maximized farm girl body. But then, warmth started rushing to my crotch as my clit became erect and pressed against her tail. She felt amazing against my front. Her shark skin was smooth in a way no shark I’d ever touched was. Her hips were wide and I could feel creases in her back muscles with my leaky nipples. Whatever had been going on inside me yesterday was now causing waves of bliss to travel through my pussy. Feeling more awake, I reached around and cupped her left breast. She made a happy sleepy noise. Putting her muscular shark tail between my legs, I started humping it, my pussy winking against it. There was pressure inside me and it felt like someone was gliding a vibrator across the front wall of my pussy. I groaned as my clit pressed out an inch farther. “What the? Charlemagne?” Persephone said as she struggled to look behind her. “Hnnngggg!” I cried as my clit gained two inches, thickening dramatically to keep its horsecock proportions. I humped my cunt against her tail desperately as I chased an orgasm that was just out of reach. I could smell her cocks and reached around to grab them. She thrust into my hand, her pricks tangoing in my grasp as I stroked. “Can’t believe you’re getting a cock!” “Feels so good!” I barked out as I rocked my hips even harder. Shoving my other arm under her side, I grabbed her right breast and squeezed it. Pressure on the front of my horse cunt got a whinny out of me. Then the whole front of my shaft ached as something popped out of me. I groaned and ground against her, stuck at the beginning of an orgasm. My prick started bouncing against her tail, trying to cum. I groaned louder as the pressure at the front of my muff built again. As another something popped out of me, the dry contractions of my cock produced jizz. Feeling my hot sticky mess move up my shaft and then splatter against Persephone’s back got me screaming nonsense. Somehow, I managed to keep stroking her cocks with my hand and just as I was finishing up painting her back, she shuddered and undulated against me. Then she tossed the covers off and bent her head down to catch her spooge in her mouth. I watched in awe as she drank down every ounce of her own cream. I had balls, I had a cock, and my mind was overheating as I tried to process my alarm and delight. It wasn’t a small cock, either, it was over six inches long now. I was afraid to even look at it. “Hope you get hard again soon, I’ve been craving cock other than my own ever since I got transformed,” she said. I blushed. “How can this be happening? Never in a million years could I have imagined that I’d become a hermaphrodite.” “Pretty neat, huh?” Persephone giggled. “I-I don’t have words for it.” “This isn’t traumatic for you, is it?” “AAAH!” My prick was on the move again, hardening and pressing against her. “No, just very disorienting.” Persephone pulled away. “Wanna fuck your first pussy or would that be too much too fast?” I stroked my shaft and shuddered, feeling the equine shape of it. “Anything to calm this thing down.” “Good, because I really need dick!” Persephone pushed me onto my back and straddled me, facing away. Then she grabbed my cock to aim it and sat on it. My sense of up, down, left, and right was obliterated as my prick entered her hot, slick passage. Reality was collapsing, I was fucking a woman with my very own penis. I bellowed as she sat on my loins, taking every inch of me inside her. The blunt equine head of my prick had this ring of nubs around it that were as sensitive as my medial ring and something about the way she was bouncing herself in my lap made those nubs shower me with ecstasy. Her tail was running up between my breasts and I grabbed it just because I needed something to hold on to, something to ground me during this profound erotic experience. We both cried out as my shaft reached deeper and deeper into her, gaining another couple inches as she fucked it. My balls grew heavier between my legs as they clapped against her. They were soon larger than hers, making me feel both embarrassed and proud. I could see her arm moving as she stroked her pricks. But then she stopped stroking and bouncing atop me. Turning to look at me, she watched my expression as her cocks slipped behind my balls from either side and speared my pussy. Then she bucked fiercely atop me as she stretched my mare pussy open with strong, coiling motions from her cocks. Her dicks entering me while I was still inside her was devastating. I screamed out a whinny and felt my prick flare for the first time. I came so hard that my convulsions nearly tossed us both off the bed. My lungs burned, my brain felt like it was gonna just fall right out of my head, and my privates felt like they were part of a fireworks display. Behind my balls, while I was still cumming, my new equine clit sparked into life. Persephone came from both ends just then, creaming inside me while her pussy milked my cock even though she was so full of my spunk it was streaming out of her and soaking into the sheets. When it was over, we rolled onto our sides and cuddled with me still inside her. When we woke up four hours later, we went at it three more times: she fucked me doggy-style, I fucked her pressed up against the headboard, then I fucked her again in the shower pressing her up against the wall. After getting out of the shower and getting dressed, we both looked at my bed. It was a disaster. “Geez, Charlie, you made a lake.” Persephone chuckled. I blushed. “Hey! At least half of that is yours.” “Fine, but if you get any bigger, you’re gonna claim the title for queen of spooge,” she said. The room spun around me and I grabbed the kitchen counter to steady myself. The thought of my package being even larger was overwhelming. “An eight inch horsecock and balls bigger than yours is plenty.” “I dunno, I think you could be over a foot long and still fit in me. Your balls could stand to be a bit heavier, you’re a big girl, after all.” I looked down at my crotch and sighed. My uniform had women’s pants, just like it had a women’s shirt and jacket. There was an obvious bulge in them. “Persephone, could you cool it with the whole being excited about my transformation thing?” “Sorry, it’s just, that was soooo damn good and I can’t help but want more of everything.” “The sex was fantastic and much appreciated, but it’ll become a vice if we can’t focus on something else after we’ve had our fun,” I said. She hugged me. “I understand. I do get carried away when it comes to sex.” I hugged her back, wondering how hugging outside the context of sex had suddenly become a normal thing for us. “It’s okay. I’d never blame you for your libido. Especially now that I’ve experienced something very much like it. Honestly, I hope my transformation has run its course. I’m eager for things to even out.” “Since it’s what you want, I’ll hope for that too.” She gave me a squeeze. “Thanks.” I let go of her. “Let’s go plan a heist.” END OF PART 4 I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Navajo Demar and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!