In another world to stop the demon lord… By becoming his bride? 2 John stood staring at the two women, trying to think of what he would do. What could he do? If he went on his way, he would be killed alongside the peasants of this world. If he went along with their plan he would be a slave to some evil asshole until they could save him… IF they could save him. If he tried to fight the Dark Lord he would be killed on the spot. They put more effort into making this new body sexy than on making it strong. It seemed that their plan was the only way for him to survive… But he wasn’t happy about it. “I suppose sending me home and getting someone better for your plan is out of the question?” He asked, probing for some way out of this. “Absolutely out of the question.” Jacqueline replied without delay. “Pulling you here is easy, the princess is here so she can draw you to her location. If she were to send you home now, she could miss your world by even the faintest trace and leave you stranded in the void.” “By the time she finishes her training, she will be able to send you home, and even fix your body. But she needs time to learn. She needs you to buy her that time.” Yeah… There was no getting out of this… But… He couldn’t just do this for nothing. He couldn’t let his first time be with a man while he was in a woman’s body! Sure, he had to cooperate with their plan to survive this… To have a chance to possibly survive this… But he wasn’t alone in that position. They were asking him to endure everything and anything the Dark Lord might do to him while they practice magic in perfect safety? It just wasn’t fair! If they wanted his help, they were going to make it worth it. He held all the cards here, after all. They couldn’t afford to risk him spilling the beans too soon. “Alright. I’ll do it.” he said slowly, trying to figure out his phrasing in his head. If he said it wrong they might reject him out of shock alone. “But I have conditions.” “I expected you would,” Jacqueline said, “Name them, though do keep in mind, most of our wealth is lost.” “It might sound crazy...” he began, he really couldn’t find the words to sweeten his request, “but I can explain my reasoning for both.” “Get on with it.” she responded, impatience hanging thick on her voice. So much for stalling, he might as well go for broke. “I want my pick of any woman in the kingdom when I get back” he said, trying his hardest to sound serious in spite of his new voice. “What?!” Jacqueline exclaimed “We can’t promise that! It would be condemning any number of women to slavery!” Interesting… She interpreted it to be an unlimited number of women… He would let that misunderstanding slide for now, and maybe pull back to just one as he had meant from the start if he had to. “I said I can explain.” he said, his heart pounding now. He had never negotiated like this before. He had no idea how thin the ice he was treading was. “Oh, DO enlighten us how that is at all reasonable.” Jacqueline said sharply, crossing her arms infront of her chest. “How could we ask this of any of our citizens?” “For one, its literally what you are asking of me.” he said flatly, somewhat annoyed by the hypocracy. “Well no...” she said, her eye contact breaking as she looked for an excuse “You are volunteering for this task, and it won’t be permanent...” “You kidnapped me, and put me in a position where my only chance of survival is to let some king of evil do whatever he wants to me, for as long as he wants on the hope that MAYBE I won’t die or lose my mind before the princess can learn how to summon a proper hero!” He shot back at her. She was on the ropes, or at least he hoped she was. The shift was subtle but her indignantly crossed arms now seemed to be hugging her body for comfort. “All I am asking for is some gratitude from the people who’s lives I will have directly saved by allowing myself to be tortured for who knows how long.” “And maybe,” he added, getting to his actual rational reason “Having some amazing reward to look forward to will motivate me to resist the Dark Lord’s corruption for as long as I’m going to have to.” Jacqueline remained silent. He wasn’t sure if she was thinking his proposition over, or just trying to form some new rationale for why what she was doing wasn’t as bad as what he had demanded. It was the princess who broke the silence. “Y-You’re right.” Amelia said softly, her voice quivering. “You had nothing to do with this. If I hadn’t summoned you here, you wouldn’t be in any danger at all.” “Princess, this is how we have always...” Jacqueline began, but Amelia raised her voice. “Its how YOU have always done things!” She snapped, “I am not a part of your nobility! I was doing your laundry just last week, don’t pretend I am the same as the rest of my bloodline!” Amelia closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath before continuing, “Every soul our kingdom has called upon has had the strength, the will, and the courage to face the Dark Lord and stand victorious...” She paused another moment and continued, “Yes, every one was brought here against their will. Every one faced life threatening danger as a result.” she said, opening her eyes and looking up at Jacqueline “But I am the first to summon a soul here just to be sacrificed, all because I am too weak to do better.” “I accept your proposal” she said, looking directly into Jacqueline’s eyes “If we cannot offer to you the same as we would take from you, we would not deserve a kingdom anymore.” John ground his teeth for a moment. He didn’t expect that turn, and now he left a bit awkward and guilty about his second request… “Great… Um… There was also the other thing...” “Just tell us.” Jacqueline said, sounding exhausted. “Well… You see… The Dark Lord is probably going to want to uh… Do things to me. Perverted things.” Jacqueline sighed “Yes, its most likely he will, seeing as how you would be his bride.” “Well… In MY culture, one’s… uh… First time is a bit… Special?” Jacqueline put a hand over her face “Out of the question.” she said bluntly. “If I was secure in the knowledge we would not be spied, I would take you to a brothel myself.” she continued “But we cannot have you seen by anyone, anywhere, for any reason until its time, or the Dark Lord’s minions could learn that you are a summoned hero rather than a pure maiden.” She had a good reason there… But so did he… “Okay, I get that but… I’ve never been a woman before. I don’t even know what it would feel like, or how intense it will be.” He grabbed his breasts and lifted them “These things? I haven’t event had time to play with them but I can already tell how sensitive they are from even incidental touches. If I don’t have sex with someone before you turn me over to the Dark Lord, I could sing like a canary the first time he touches me.” “It’s impossible!” she snapped back. “The only people allowed to know of your existence are the Princess and myself. We can trust no one else! You being seen by even one other person is a greater risk than you breaking on your first orgasm. At least it might take the Dark Lord a few days to get around to breaking you. If he learns of our trick, it will be over before we begin!” “That still leaves the two of you.” “We are both women.” “I don’t have a problem with that.” “Well, we do.” Jacqueline said sternly, punctuating her stance as final. “Yet again,” The princess spoke “We ask of him that which we will not give….” “Princess…?” “He asked for any woman he so chooses.” “Yes, and to that we agreed.” “He asked for any woman. Not any person. Not any man.” “Oh.” “We ask of him to defy his sexuality for as long as he can bear it. Perhaps even to suffer a change to it as the Dark Lord seeks to corrupt him. Are a few nights of willful embarrassment not but a fraction of that torment?” “Very well. I will take this burden.” Jacqueline replied. “If it is necessary to put the Princess at ease.” “We will accept this burden.” Amelia said softly, looking again up at Jacqueline. “We both are culpable in this, it is our burden to share.” “No, princess. You must remain pure.” Jacqueline said, looking back down to her. “It is one of your duties.” Amelia let out a chuckle. “The only reason we have this chance is because my father didn’t remain pure. Besides, I’m not a virgin either.” Jacqueline looked taken aback “N-Not a virgin? When?? With whom?!” Amelia gave a shy smile “I was a handmaiden with a passing resemblance to royalty, in a position to serve our nobility… And not in a position to refuse.” Jacqueline gave a slow groan “When we have peace again, it seems I will need to clean house in our noble’s district...” She shook her head for a moment, then looked back to John “We will accept your request, but we have conditions of our own.” Amelia looked up at Jacqueline with a disapproving look, but Jacqueline continued before she could say anything. “We will both be busy setting up our plans, so we will not be at your beck and call.” She then removed two stones from her robe. She held each in one hand and closed her eyes, one glowing red, and the other blue, before runes matching those colors etched into each stone’s surface. “We will be busy throughout the day, and we must sleep at a reasonable time.” She held the stones out to John, and he carefully picked them both up. “So you will use these stones to contact us only after dusk. If you wish Amelia to accompany you, hold the blue stone and think her name. If you wish for me, hold the red stone and think mine. If you use misuse them, I will break them and you can wait until we feel like checking on you instead. Understand?” “Yeah, I get it.” John replied “Only after dusk, and no going all night long.” “Good.” She said tersely, “Now, the princess will lead you to your room. I will go ahead and ensure no one is in the hall while you walk it. Do not leave your room under ANY circumstance. Not even if you hear fighting.”