After quitting your crappy minimum wage job you’d decided to try starting streaming on twitch, but after a couple of months and not a single follower your plans begin to change slightly…

The first time taking a bimbo pill surprises you, instantly having your body become lithe and soft feels extremely weird. Your chest is the first thing to change, bubbling up and inflating to modest breasts as fat in your stomach surges up. Your slimming fingers touch the smooth skin on your arms, making you moan as your waist pinches in. Your pants fall before your hips can spread out, but your briefs stay tightly wrapped around your feminine waist.

The throbbing bulge between your legs slowly fades away, and you feel a rush of endorphins and hormones flood your mind as your vocal cords tighten.

“O lord…” You say softly, holding your delicate fingers up to your neck as your new voice hits your ears for the first time.

You then spend a bit of time exploring your body, pleasuring yourself for almost an hour straight before you become too exhausted to move. You shower before turning on your game stream, forgetting to make a new account for your female self. Within minutes a twenty five dollar donation comes in, asking about what happened to the loser who’s channel this really is.

You freeze in surprise, not expecting a donation to come in so quickly. “I took over my brother’s stream, just forgot to change the name and everything… haha…”

Another fifty dollars comes in from that user with two thumbs up as the message, and you take a sigh of relief as your game begins. After an hour and a half you’re over a thousand dollars in donations, and already have over five hundred subscribers. You wish farewell to the thousands watching you, and promise to wear something a bit more revealing next time.

You go to sleep after a long day, excited to wake up and get some more streaming in. In the morning you wake up as a woman, but during your morning shower your body gains mass and it’s manhood. You immediately swallow another bimbo pill, and finish your shower with a newfound arousal. You smile as your bucking hips react to your hand massaging wet folds, and your orgasmic moans fill the bathroom as your cum gets washed down the drain. After your shower you find a crop top from your ex in the closet, delighted to see it fits your body perfectly. You spend that day’s stream swapping between showing off your sexy outfit, and playing video games that you find yourself much less interested in than usual.

Before going to bed tonight you decide to have another bimbo pill, reasoning that you would need one tomorrow anyway and the increased horniness would be a fun way to go to bed. Next thing you know your hips are swelling to either side, your thighs starting to feel like massive appendages of their own as your ass inflates as well to match them.

Your boobs burst through the tight top top as they balloon out, and your shorts barely hold together as you stretch them to their limit. Your back arches as the weight of your boobs becomes too much for your current stature to maintain, and you feel an extra extension of your ass as it sticks out way behind you.

Looking in the mirror was probably a bad idea, cuz now your fogged mind is obsessed with dressing sexy. Against your better judgment you find yourself backing out of the driveway in your car, not even sure where your body intends on going. Victoria secret is closed, but your seductive begging convinces the manager to let you make a last minute purchase. Your body picks out the only thing in the store that fits your exaggerated figure, and gleefully pays a price that makes you want to vomit.

Once back home you start up your twitch stream, but spend the time posing and strip teasing instead of playing any games.

After a few hours of playing around you become too horny to stand, and collapse into bed masturbating yourself to sleep.

You wake up late the next afternoon, in your male body laying on soaking wet sheets. The sticky liquid (clearly cum) is all over your body and you decide to shower, but then your brain reminds you about the bimbo pills. You grimace at the realization of an addiction, and try to hold off on giving in to your temptations.

Half way through your shower the craving becomes too much, and you jump out to get the pills still soaking wet. One barely makes your boobs fill out this time, and you take a second one to overpower your new tolerance. When the familiar rush of hormones from yesterday hits your brain you panic, but your new tolerance gives you more control and less curves. You now look like a much more sultry version of your original female form, complete with an odd desire to put on pretty makeup.

You get on the game stream after expertly applying your ex’s makeup and gasp, last night’s stream had not only made you over ten thousand dollars, it also got you flagged for inappropriate content. One more time and your account would get shut down, something you definitely didn’t want to happen now that you’re making so much money!

You worriedly put on a long sleeve sweater, trying to cover your plush boobs and cleavage. This stream is more like the first one you’d done as a girl, with a modest amount of donations and new subscribers. You try paying attention to your game, but eventually just start watching other streamer’s feeds instead.

A lot of people try guessing what had happened the night before, with some even guessing correctly that you’re just using bimbo pills. The accepted answer in the chat eventually becomes that your mom had hacked your account, and everyone seems pleased to have that be the answer.

You spend hours watching hunky gamer guys before you realize just how flustered you are, but smile when you see how much everyone enjoys your turned on looks and stares.

You begin to go through all your donations, but start to feel a hard on coming. You quickly excuse yourself, shutting down the stream as your body quickly changes back into a male. You smile knowing that you now have a modest living, and you don’t even have to work that hard!

Then you notice a presence to your right, and are startled to notice year stepbrother standing in the kitchen doorway. You squeal and run to your bedroom, embarrassed to be wearing a girl’s shirt and skirt in front of Ren. He knocks on your door, trying to reassure you that taking bimbo pills isn’t the craziest thing.

“I’m not judging at all! In fact, I’ve taken them several times and loved it!” He says, standing by your door and trying to make you feel better.

You shrug your shoulders, now feeling silly for being so embarrassed. You open the door still wearing a miniskirt, and embrace Ren for a loving hug. As his arms leave your body though, his hand suddenly reaches up. Before you can do anything, and not that you deep down even wanted to, Ren is jamming a handful of your bimbo pills into your mouth.

“I was lying about everything, you dumbass. When you ran away and I saw those bimbo pills on the table, I knew exactly what to do!” Ren laughs, using both hands to force your throat to swallow the dozen bimbo pills in your mouth.

You refuse to swallow, but the pills eventually liquidize and ooze down your esophagus. You feel your stomach numb as the already active bimbo juice drips, then a tingling euphoria grows from deep within your folds. It pulsates and intensifies with each drop of bimbo juice that you swallow, and quickly shrinks you down to barely five feet tall.

Ren towers over you as your mind numbs, and slowly you just begin swallowing the juice without even thinking about it. Ren’s wet hand leaves your plumping lips as your eyes glaze over, and you feel the build up of femininity except this time it’s more like a tsunami than a wave. It crashes over you and completely washes out your control over the bimbofying body you occupy, leaving you an observer in a giggling slut that can’t stop bouncing.

Soon your shirt stretches out, leaving you with deep cleavage as Ren takes out his cock. Your giggles become aroused stares, but your body continues to bounce ecstatically as you sit on the couch in Ren’s lap.

You spend the day as a sex slave in your own house, doing whatever Ren demands out of pure sexual desire. Whenever you listen to his commands your body floods with arousal, and there’s nothing you enjoy more. Before he goes to sleep Ren hands your giggling body a handful of bimbo pills, and you happily gulp them down at his command. You pass out within seconds, the sound of Ren’s chuckles music to your ears as the world around you fades.

You wake up the next morning naked, and lying next to your stepbrother. Your mind is still groggy from all the hormones yesterday, but you can clearly feel your manhood and larger body. You try to get up without waking Ren, but he quickly gets up before you can sneak away. You try to get away from his grasp, but Ren is easily able to control your weakened body. He’s usually about your strength, but after all the bimbo pills and orgasms you can barely push your stepbrother. You eventually give in, too tired to even stand but refusing to take any more bimbo pills.

“I’m not worried about that one, bro…

I know how addicting these things are, and you should be feeling the cravings soon enough after all those doses yesterday…” Ren trails off, an evil look in his eye as realization hits you.

Within minutes of mentioning it your cravings begin to bubble up, and it doesn’t take long for them to become a painful hole in your mind and belly. It’s hard to think about anything but swallowing some pills, and you’re forced to keel over from the pain in your stomach. Soon you’re begging for more bimbo pills, but Ren doesn’t seem to want you to have them anymore.

“Honestly the American pills are kinda bullshit… The tolerance builds up, and it’s just- I don’t know, I would try the Japanese variety if I were you…” Ren trails off, a devious smirk on his face as he pulls out a pill bottle with a Japanese label.

“Whatever man, just let me- Arghhh!!!” You exclaim, cut off as Ren jams a few pills into your mouth.

Immediately you taste… umami… You feel happiness overwhelm your senses as your height diminishes, and soft boobs plop down from your chest as they fill with fat. You feel your eyes stretch a bit wider than usual, and suddenly Ren undresses you completely. Your knees knock together as you try to cover your moist folds, nipples getting hard in the cold air as Ren hands you a two piece bikini.

It’s a little too small for your gravity defying boobs, but you happily put it on as Ren brings you outside. He has you log into your twitch account on his phone, and films you posing by the water as donations pour in.

“Im sorry master, but like, won’t this get my account shut down and stuff?” You ask politely, delighted to see just how much better the Japanese bimbo pills are.

“Then we’ll just open an onlyfans! You don’t like video games anyway, remember?” Ren laughs, making you furrow your brow as new memories instantly float to the surface of your mind to go along with what Ren just said.

“No no, me no… like video games, master…” You trail off, giggling as obeying master’s commands get you more wet.

“That’s it, now shake those hips and bounce!”

Twitch wasn’t lying with their threat, and kick you off the platform with over twenty thousand subs. This doesn’t seem to bother Ren at all, a man who plans on using you to retire.

“Onlyfans is way better for this type of stuff anyway, we’ll make millions from you, babe!”

Your heart flutters with joy when Master calls you babe, and you happily agree to whatever he says. Soon he’s got you only drinking a mix of bimbo pills and water, perpetually keeping you as his busty bimbo goldmine. Money means nothing to you besides the ability to buy more pills, and as long as Master takes care of that you’re fine. He has you dressed in all types of outfits for your growing fan base, and commanded you to be extremely turned on by everyone you see. Master made your new goal in life to gain more fans, and each new one automatically makes you orgasm wherever you are.

Tonight the bunny costume seems to be doing good work, and you spend most of the live-stream rolling your eyes back euphorically with every new follower.

Master decided to start inviting friends over to have their way with you, he charges them and livestreams the whole thing. This way everyone wins, and you get to have sex more than Ren’s limit of five times a day.

Sure having your boobs mashed and nipples tweaked by a new man every day is great, but master made the feeling of a new fan ten times more orgamsic than any man.

You and master quickly realize that more bimbo pills equals more fans, and invest in an iv drop that lets you have more pills in your sleep! This takes your transformation to new heights, and turns your body into the ultimate sex machine. Your boobs are larger and more full than any pair you could imagine, and the tightness of your pussy feels unnatural especially when there’s a big cock in it.

Speaking of, you don’t know who this guy is, but this must be his third of fourth time with you. You can remember this size anywhere, and the way he always seems so amazed by your boobs attracts more followers than usual. You let out an exasperated squeal as a dozen people follow you at once, and lean back as your favorite well dressed stranger squeezes your massive breasts.

Life is no longer anything but a pit of pleasure, time to kill between bimbo pill IVs. If you’re not doing whatever master commands, you’re being filled with cock and cum. Just constant ecstasy, euphoria, and emasculating bliss, and all of it better than any other life you can possibly imagine.