The Tail Virus left Destiny and Jasmine with the same markings, curves, and herm orca equipment. Everyone calls them "The Orca Twins" because telling them apart is an impossible task. There's an even deeper secret between them, something that they've been hiding since the day they both transformed. Hiding that secret has gotten a lot harder since they met Sadie, a four-breasted, seven-foot-tall herm orca-dragon hybrid who's swiftly become their best friend. Jasmine wants to include Sadie in their intimate relationship, but Destiny feels keeping the secret is more important. This puts the orca twins at odds and Sadie finds hirself right in the middle of their feud. Sadie knows shi could be their ideal girlfriend, but every time shi's tried to flirt or get closer, shi's sensed resistance. When Jasmine finally starts flirting back, it gets hir hopes up. It also brings the disagreement between The Orca Twins to the breaking point. Sadie doesn't know what they're fighting about, but shi's a patient dragon and a firm believer in the healing power of a herm three-way. Prehensile Herm Sleepover - Part 1/2 by Zmeydros (Edited by Secretskunk and Vanrixie) Tapping and clicking noises echoed throughout the living room as Destiny and Jasmine played Baldur's Gate 3 with their new best friend Sadie. The lamp beside their 4K TV was casting an odd, crooked shadow on the sage-colored wall behind it. During the move, the tall, ceiling-facing lamp had gotten a crack in its shade. Luckily, nothing else had gotten damaged, not even Destiny's mineral collection or Jasmine's matchbox cars. Both of these collections were displayed proudly on the bookshelves on either side of the window that looked out over the alleyway On the blocky Ikea coffee table in front of them was a homemade olive, green chili, and sausage pizza with a fluffy crust that Sadie's bread making magic had brought to life. Two-thirds of it was gone and a half-eaten piece was sitting in front of Sadie, whose appetite matched hir massive, seven foot, draconic form. Shi was the only other woman with orca traits they'd ever seen on campus and shi'd won the Tail Virus lottery. Hir combination of draconic and orca traits was stunning. Fuchsia scales covered hir sides and back while orange-white scales covered hir front. "Spirit guardians is the best thing ever!" Sadie grinned excitedly at the shrinking health bars of their enemies. "God damn it! I can't hit anything tonight!" Destiny complained as her paladin completely whiffed with his sword on both attacks. The white orca flesh on her chin and neck reflected the green flashes from the druidic magic Sadie was casting. "And another one gone, and another one gone, and another one gets stabby stabbed!" Jasmine laughed maniacally as her dragonborn rogue downed a goblin shaman. Her eyes glistened with excitement as she set up her next attack by ducking into the shadows. Destiny and Jasmine had the same chubby-but-fit body type, the same round tits with just a bit of a conical shape near their areolas and nipples, and the same plum-sized balls. The white orca markings above their eyes and on their fronts, identical. Their golden brown eye color? Also identical. Even their flukes, which forced them to sit a bit away from the back of the couch, had the same thickness and length. Tonight Jasmine was wearing greenish-blue cargo shorts with a wine-colored V-neck blouse while Destiny was in a blue-gray She-ra T-shirt and red jean shorts. "Finally! Eat lightning, gobbie!" Destiny sliced the gnoll in front of her, getting the last blow as her sword flashed and she called lighting down from the heavens. The gnoll let out a groan as it toppled to the ground. "Woo! Smite, sis. SMIIITEE!" Jasmine cheered. Against the wall that had the bedroom door in it was Jasmine's black wooden desk, which had her black aluminum fifteen inch laptop, tall computer speakers, a few wrappers from Lindt chocolate truffles, and a steel, cyan-colored water bottle on it. "And we got one more." Sadie started to cast a spell, but the final goblin fell, her poison damage ticking off its last seven points of health. "Nevermind. Any objections to me fast traveling so we can hand in this quest?" "Let me check for loot quick." Jasmine set her controller down and cracked her knuckles. Sadie and Destiny helped her search the area. "I think that's it, time to get out of Dodge." Destiny took a deep breath. "Glad I upgraded my armor. Geeze." "Yeah, you're really tanky now." Sadie opened up the menu and picked the city the quest was from. On either side of Sadie, now that they weren't in combat, Destiny and Jasmine were struggling to keep their eyes on the screen. Until today, they'd never seen Sadie wear anything form-fitting around hir groin area. But the high today had been in the upper eighties, a last breath of summer before fall kicked in, and Sadie was wearing a pair of tan short shorts that made the bulge between hir legs obvious. Each of this girl's balls had to be larger than one of their fists, and a third bump above them showed hir sheath was quite wide. On hir upper half, shi was wearing a light blue shirt that clung to hir four tits, the upper two had to be in the E cup range and the two just under them were a nice pair of C cups. The size of hir breasts and the tightness of hir shirt made the cursive slogan "Loud Proud Herm" very hard to read. "Wow this NPC is thirsty." Destiny giggled. "Yeah, he needs a lot more dick than he's getting." Sadie accepted a new quest. "Looks like he'd have plenty of dick if you were his girlfriend," Jasmine blurted out and then covered her beak. A blush started under her chin and worked its way down her neck. The comment had seemed a lot more tame in her head. Destiny blushed, at a complete loss for words. "Okay, now I know which one of you is Jasmine." Sadie smirked. "I can't take her anywhere." Destiny sighed. "That's good, because I want Sadie to take me everywhere." Jasmine bit her lip, her dick threatening to come out of its slit. "Can't believe it took three weeks and my sluttiest outfit for one of you to start flirting." Sadie stretched, showing off her four tits while getting a kink out of her back. "We're both kinda ace, so we don't like leading people on." Destiny hated using that lie, but she had to diffuse this somehow. "What!? We're not ace!" Destiny tilted her head in confusion. "Sorry, Sadie, I need to talk to my sister for a moment." Destiny got off the couch. "No worries, I'll just go to the shop and upgrade our gear." Sadie focused on the screen, changing some settings. Her scent was spicier than before, but she was acting very casual. Grabbing Jasmine's hand, Destiny pulled her up. "Fiiinneee." Jasmine pouted as Destiny dragged her to the bedroom and shut the door. The bedroom wasn't super big, but one entire wall was a closet, making it so they didn't need a bureau. That made it easy to fit Destiny's computer desk on the far side of the window. The walls were painted a calming greenish-gray. The nightstand on each side of the bed had a small desk lamp and a phone charging station. Jasmine's nightstand drawer was open, a third-full, clear plastic lube bottle clearly visible inside. "It's cruel to lead her on." Destiny crossed her arms. "Oh, come on, she's not going to care that we're fucking." "You're right, she probably won't, but are you ready for people on campus to whisper to each other when we walk by?" With her foot, Destiny pushed a sock that was hanging over the edge of the laundry basket until it fell in all the way. "Destiny, honey, do you really want us to spend our entire adult lives sneaking around corners to kiss, hug, or grope each other?" Jasmine held her hands out, pleading. "I'm sick of this, I love you so fucking much and I want everyone to know because then we can just be us and ignore the haters." "You know I want that too, but we live in the real world, sis. Don't act like you don't know what's at stake." Destiny narrowed her eyes. "We're going to run into prejudice no matter what we do. In a world ruled by normal humans, being a herm mosaic is a huge liability." "So, adding yet another reason that would make it easy for people to hate us is totally okay?" "I never said that. I want us to be a couple, in public, like all the other couples out there." Jasmine took Destiny's hands in hers. "I want that too." Destiny gripped Jasmine's hands and then let go. "But the risk is too high." "I've been thinking a lot about this, hon, can you please just trust me this once?" Jasmine took Destiny's hands in hers again. "It's really hard to trust you when I know exactly how much you want to see what's in Sadie's pants." Destiny gave this sad smile. "We've been here before, you know I'm the one who keeps us safe. Let me do my job and stop flirting with her." "So now you're patronizing me? The version of us that's got no goddamn spine? Fuck you!" Jasmine pulled her hands away. "Oh yeah? What has your 'spine' gotten us? Huh?" Destiny's face was hard, Her jaw was set, her glare was ominous. "Remember ninth grade? That was all you, honey." "Maybe we shouldn't be together. Because if we're in our seventies and you're still bringing that up, I'm going to straight up murder you." Jasmine growled the last part. "There's no way I could've known he was in the AV club and would work that hard to get revenge." "There's no way we can know whether Sadie will tell everyone shi meets about our secret. There's no way we can know--" "Ever since we got to college, it's felt more and more like I'm living with an alien that took over my twin sister's body. I don't know who you are anymore and I'm done letting your fear ruin my life." Jasmine walked out of the room and slammed the door. Sadie dropped the controller, her big dragon ears hurting from the loud noise. The next sound she heard was Jasmine starting to bawl as she stumbled toward Sadie. Hopping up from the couch, Sadie wrapped her arms around Jasmine and held her close. Destiny walked out of the bedroom, shut the door, and announced, "I'm going for a walk." * * * * * Jasmine felt self conscious about burying her face between Sadie's four breasts while crying, but it was what she needed. Sadie just stroked her back slowly and held her. Shi was so soft, so warm, so frustratingly good at all the things Jasmine wanted in a girlfriend. And that was making her cry even harder. Several minutes later, Jasmine's crying was tapering off, so Sadie led her to the couch and put Jasmine in her lap. Shi grabbed a tissue from the endtable and offered it to Jasmine. Grabbing the tissue, Jasmine wiped her eyes and cheeks. It was odd, but convenient, that she had a blowhole now and didn't get snot everywhere when she cried. After offering another tissue, which Jasmine took, Sadie encircled Jasmine with hir arms and held her close. "I think this is my fault. I'm weird for wanting to date both of you?" "I mean, that is weird, since we're sisters, but it's more complicated than that." "I've always been pretty weird, even before I transformed." Shi shook hir head. "Seriously, sorry if I caused problems. My libido is a bit much for most people and I crush on people way too hard." "Stop that, it's not you. It's a thing between us that goes way far back." "I sense you have some beans, you want to spill them?" Shi tilted hir head, one long dragon ear sticking straight up in interest. Jasmine giggled, an emotional conflict stirring in her because seeing Sadie's motherly side multiplied her feelings for hir by a thousand. Feeling Sadie's motherly four-pack against her side while hir sheath and balls were against her left buttocks was making her whole body ache with desire. "Destiny has a lot of reservations about us getting together. The fact we're sisters is one of them, but it's not all of it and there's a possibility that things will work out. She might just need some time to get her head out of her ass." Jasmine felt awful that she could only offer half explanations without divulging too much. "I'm always surprised when you two disagree on something." Shi rested her chin on top of Jasmine's head. "Yeah, we're hard to tell apart for a reason." Jasmine tried to breathe through her blowhole and ended up making a squeaky suction sound against the underside of Sadie's chin. Sadie threw hir head back and laughed. Jasmine laughed along with her. "Sorry, hon." Sadie patted Destiny's right upper arm. "It's fine, I forget about my blowhole all the time." She sighed. "There's so much I want you to know about us, but I don't want to breach Destiny's trust." "I understand." Sadie paused for a moment. "Do you two always crush on the same people or do you have different tastes?" "There's a lot of overlap, but Destiny has been eyeing this horse mosaic in her math class that I can't stand." Jasmine scoffed. "He's one of those people who'd date textbooks if they had legs." "Maybe she just wants what's in his pants?" "I hope so, because she can do so much better." Jasmine pressed her side harder against Sadie's front. "I know you said it's not fully about you two being sisters, but wouldn't it solve most of the issues if I just dated you instead of both of you?" "I wish it was that simple." The urge to rub against Sadie had grown to the point that Jasmine was subtly shifting in Sadie's lap, her whole body heating up. "Well, I'm stumped then." Sadie's forked tongue flicked out in the direction of Jasmine's neck and hir sheath got firmer. "I'm sorry--NGH!" Jasmine's body was reacting to Sadie's crotch heating up. She could feel Sadie's nipples getting hard too. Her whole body shivered as she thought about riding the dragoness under her. "Fuck, girl, you smell ssso wet." Sadie's tongue flicked out again and the tip of hir prick was poking Jasmine's thigh. "Every instinct I have is telling me to get naked and let you breed me." Jasmine squirmed atop Sadie. "HNNGGH!" Sadie shuddered under Jasmine as four inches of hir prick worked its way into the very cramped space between them. "Sorry, I need you to get up." Jasmine got up, her own prick starting to push out of her cock slit. "We're both girls, so I hope you don't mind a bit of nudity." Sadie stood up as shi spoke. Then shi unbuttoned hir short shorts, and pulled them down with hir panties as Jasmine watched. The strength of Jasmine's arousal was like a pounding headache and she fell to her knees in front of Sadie's fist-sized balls. She stared at Sadie's quickly-emerging prehensile length with wide eyes. Nuzzling Sadie's balls with hir beak, Jasmine groped her own tits. "Mmm, you smell like fall leaves." "Wait, you can smell? I thought cetaceans couldn't." Sadie rubbed the top of Jasmine's head and pressed hir balls more firmly against Jasmine's beak. "I don't know how it works, but a few days after I transformed, I could smell stuff with the roof of my mouth. All I have to do is suck in air." She inhaled with her beak right against Sadie's sac and groaned as her cock shoved its way through the right leg of her panties. "Kinda like that thingy cats have on the roof of their mouth, I guess?" Jasmine reached up behind Sadie's balls and found thick, slippery, girl juice. It got warmer and warmer as she reached up and then she found this big, triangular-shaped clit. Sadie groaned as hir pussy winked, drenching Jasmine's hand with hir fem nectar. Jasmine's big prehensile cock was nearly all the way out, stretching the leg hole of her panties. Sadie took off hir shirt and then hir special, four-cup bra. Jasmine moaned seeing Sadie's tits bare for the first time. They were as massive as the rest of hir. As Jasmine's curiosity led her to push two fingers into Sadie's cunt, Sadie yelped and then squeaked as hir sheath bulged. A second cock tip poked out of it while hir first cock writhed. "Haah! HAAAH! AAAH!" Sadie cried out as hir second shaft pushed out further and further, reaching the same, unbelievable two feet of length as hir first cock. Hir shafts were thick at the base, but tapered to slender tips. It was good, because Jasmine couldn't imagine them fitting without a taper. Along the sides of the shafts were bumps about a half inch apart that ran all the way up until the last third where the dicks were thinner than a thumb. "Holy fuck, Sadie..." Jasmine had forgotten her fingers inside Sadie and was just staring, slack-jawed. "See? I was practically made for you two. I've been crushing on both of you ever since you helped me move into my apartment." Sadie blushed as hir dicks curled in on themselves. "I feel like I'm on fire." Jasmine got up and pulled off her clothes. "You're like a dragon sex goddess." "EEeee!" Sadie hid hir face, blushing pink on the underside of hir chin and down hir neck. Jasmine grabbed a towel from the bathroom, laid it on the couch, and then pushed Sadie to sit. Then she sat on Sadie's lap, facing Sadie and started entangling her eighteen-inch, prehensile prick with Sadie's twins. They moaned and fidgeted and bucked their hips as they fucked the space between Sadie's four tits with their mobile members. Sadie slipped the end of hir dragon tail inside Jasmine's muff as they gyrated, making Jasmine grab onto hir for dear life. Their cocks coiled tighter around each other, squirming and gripping as they worked toward a much needed orgasm. "This feels so good! I've never had two other cocks playing with mine like this. It's mind-melting, but also--NGH!" "AAHNN! I've never been with anyone else who was packing prehensile goodness. This is the best!" Sadie moaned as she spurted precum in between hir breasts. They could make spiraled shapes that were so complex that her brain couldn't fully interpret them. Her cock was constantly getting gripped and then stroked and then bent. The pleasure was constant, unending, and chaotic. It kept her on her toes, making her moan and chitter so much she could barely catch her breath. Then there was Sadie's tail, which was getting fed to her snatch inches at a time. She felt like a slut with how much Sadie was managing to stretch her and she wondered if Sadie was testing her to see if both dicks would fit inside her. That thought got Jasmine right to the edge as she started thinking about the last time she'd wrapped her dick around Destiny's... "Oh fuck. Destiny! What would she think? What would she feel if we kept going?" She stopped moving, her stomach clenching from shock. Sadie's eyes went wide. "Oh shit! What was I thinking?!" "No, it's not you, we're sharing the blame on this one." Jasmine got off of Sadie, her cock struggling to figure a way out of the tangle it had made with Sadie's while they both moaned and gasped. "Well, fuck, if I stop now, I'm going to get serious blue balls." "Let's finish inside ourselves, holding hands. Does that seem better?" "No, it's not you, we're sharing the blame on this one." Jasmine began to pull herself off of Sadie, her cock struggling to figure a way out of the tangle it had made with Sadie's. With a long, messy schlick the tangled tapered cocks slid against their precum-soaked partners, causing their owners to moan and gasp as they pulled apart. "Well, fuck, if I stop now, I'm going to get serious blue balls." Jasmine panted with bated breath as her dick twitched with need, trailing a mess of fluids from Sadie's crotch back to her own. "Me too--OOH!" Sadie twisted hir cocks around each other and moved hir cocks so they went right down the middle of hir sac and pushed hir balls to the sides. It was the same method Jasmine was using and provided the deepest penetration possible. Sadie was gasping because each twist of hir dicks flicked hir clit and labia as it entered. Whenever shi pressed both hir dicks inside, the stretching of hir scaly snatch felt so good. Every twist that entered popped in a bit more violently than the last. It sent shivers up hir spine. They rocked their hips, moaning as they watched each other get closer and closer to cumming. Sadie's legs were shivering while Jasmine was kicking her feet. Watching Sadie's four boobs bounce against each other as Sadie fucked hirself was ridiculously erotic. They both moaned louder and louder, their voices starting to break. Jasmine could see a bulge in Sadie's belly from how much dick shi'd stuffed in hirself and imagined her own belly getting rounded by Sadie's twin dicks. She saw stars. "OH, SADIE! I'M CUHHMMMIIIIIING!" Jasmine chittered as her dick lurched inside herself, making waves that fought her clenching depths. She gripped Sadie's hand tighter. "YES! YESSSSS! OH, JASSSSMIIINNNE!" Sadie's pricks exploded inside hir, their twisted girth so wide that hir cum could only barely seep out. Sadie came so long that Jasmine wondered if shi'd been through two whole orgasms by the end. Jasmine watched as Sadie's belly swelled from the sheer amount of cum shi dumped inside hirself and she came even harder, another orgasm stacked atop the first. So much cum had leaked back out of Jasmine that the towel under her was soaked. Sadie's snatch was slowly leaking cum on the towel, but the tight fit of hir dicks was keeping nearly all of it inside. They just sat there panting while glancing at each other until Jasmine turned and grabbed Sadie, kissing hir hungrily. Their half-open, panting mouths led to lots of French kissing where Sadie's nimble dragon tongue toyed with Jasmine's wide and strong orca one. Jasmine took the opportunity to grope every one of Sadie's breasts and hir huge, sexy balls. Sadie tugged on Jasmine's nipples, groped her tits, and fondled her balls, which weren't as big, but still a handful. While Sadie had one of Jasmine's balls in the palm of hir hand and Jasmine was groping Sadie's lower right tit, Destiny walked in the door. They both pulled away, Jasmine sitting on the puddle of cum she'd made, getting the cold sticky liquid all over her backside. Both of them were sitting as if they were nuns at a cathedral, hands clasped in their laps as if nothing at all had been going on between them. "I figured that would happen." Destiny sighed as she shut the door. END OF PART 1 I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Longhauler, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!